Chemotherapy side effects can include risks to the heart
Survivors of pediatric cancer should be stress-tested for acquired long QT syndrome, a type of heart arrhythmia, researchers at UdeM and CHU Sainte-Justine say in a new study. In children, can being treated for cancer have consequences for the heart - namely, cardiac arrythmias? A new study by researchers at Université de Montréal and its affiliated CHU Sainte-Justine Azrieli Research Centre provides some answers.
How soil invertebrates influence the world beneath our feet worldwide
Since the industrial revolution, global changes have led to a decline in biodiversity. To counter these changes, it is crucial to understand what constitutes healthy ecosystems - and how to protect and build them.
Out: Even flies ride the merry-go-round
In a recent study, scientists at Leipzig University have demonstrated the potential play behavior of flies for the first time.
An enzyme to disarm tumours
Scientists from the University of Geneva have discovered an enzyme in cancerous lymphatic cells whose properties enable the immune system to fight tumours more effectively.
The molecular einstein
Is it possible to tile a surface with a single shape in such a way that the pattern never repeats itself? In 2022, a mathematical solution to this "einstein problem" was discovered for the first time. researchers have now also found a chemical solution: a molecule that arranges itself into complex, non-repeating patterns on a surface. The resulting aperiodic layer could even exhibit novel physical properties.
Hidden engineers help shape terrestrial ecosystems
News from Since the Industrial Revolution, global changes have driven declines in biodiversity. Understanding, protecting, and constructing healthy ecosystems is crucial to addressing these changes.
Bioengineering makes robotic limbs feel natural
Researchers have decoded the signals between hand movements and the brain, paving the way for more natural-feeling prosthetics.
Curbing the Global Spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Cases of bacterial sexually transmitted infections are on the rise worldwide. An international team led by the University of Zurich has now developed a new method for genome sequencing and discovered a previously unrecognized strain of chlamydia
Bacteria evolved to help neighbouring cells after death, new research reveals
Researchers have made the surprising discovery that a type of gut bacteria has evolved to use one of their enzymes to perform an important function after death.
Biochemical signatures to predict how chemical pollution endangers biodiversity
Each year, tens of thousands of chemicals enter the market and ultimately the environment. While most of these compounds undergo safety testing before approval, their long-term effects on wildlife remain difficult to predict. To better estimate their potential threat for ecosystems, researchers at Eawag have explored biochemical signatures that indicate the level of chemical stress suffered by fish.
Masterstudent*in 50% und Wissenschaftliche*r Assistent*in 50% im Institut für Bauingenieurwesen Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur
Wissenschaftliche*r Assistent*in im Bereich Wasser- und Lufthygiene 80 -100% Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur
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Postdoc (m/w/div) für Analytische Chemie / Chemische Verfahrenstechnik Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie - Hans-Knöll-Institut (HKI), Jena
PhD opportunities in a first class research environment Hannover Biomedical Research School, OE 9117
Dozentin / Dozent Tourismus mit Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten 80-100% Hochschule Luzern - Wirtschaft
Professeur-e ordinaire ou associé-e, médecin chef-fe du Service de rhumatologie Université de Genève et Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, HUG
Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in 80%-100% Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur
Professeur HES Associé – Professeure HES Associée dans le domaine du Data &... HES-SO Genève

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Software Engineer IoT Systems and Software Lucerne University of Applied Sciences
TU Graz Risk Assessment Tool Evaluates Potential Dangers of GNSS Interference Signals

If not now, when? Australia must urgently ramp up climate action following record-breaking year
Prioritise vaccine boosters for vulnerable immunocompromised patients, say scientists

New report reveals potential $28 million tax discrepancy involving British American Tobacco in Kenya

A UCL for everyone: Developing our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategic plan