Swiss Distance Learning University

Swiss Distance Learning University

Swiss Distance Learning University   link
Location: Brig
Ueberlandstrasse 12, 3900 Brig

The Swiss Distance Learning University is the only institute recognised as a distance learning university in Switzerland and has been offering an extensive range of distance learning courses since 1992. The structure of the courses is in line with the Bologna Directives and the degrees are equivalent to those of traditional Swiss universities. About 1,700 students are currently taking degrees in German or French.

The strategic goal of the FernUni Schweiz is to strengthen their position within the Swiss and international educational landscape. To this end, research and development work has been given a special focus, alongside education. This is based on 2 elements:

  • Research and Development in Distance Learning
  • Research Implemented Within Degree Programmes


Damien Carron, UniDistance
Dr. Damien Carron
027 922 70 50 link


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