Seven scientists from the University of Valencia among the most cited in the world, according to a ranking by Stanford University

University of Valencia.
University of Valencia.
Six male and one female researchers from the University of Valencia (UV) are ranked among the 100 most cited scientists from Spanish universities and among the 7,000 most cited worldwide, according to the classification published by Stanford University and Elsevier BV. This ranking identifies the top 2% of the most cited scientists globally in 2023. A total of 130 scientists from the Valencian academic institution are featured in this list.

The Stanford University-World Ranking of Scientists is based on data from the Scopus database, which ranks journals and provides citation metrics. The ranking is based on a snapshot taken on 1 August 2023, using data updated to the year 2023. It covers 223,152 scientists who make up the top 2% of the world’s most cited researchers in 22 scientific fields and 174 subfields. The classification provides standardised information on citations, h-index, co-authorship-adjusted hm-index, citations to articles in different authorship positions and a composite indicator.

The database shows data in two categories: one for citations in a specific year (Year 2023, citations in 2023), with 130 UV researchers listed; and another for citations throughout an entire research career (Career: citations from 1 January 1996 to 31 December 2023), with 96 UV researchers featured. The rankings have been published by PLOS Biology.

The most cited UV researchers in 2023 include Juli Pausas, an expert in ecology and fire-prone ecosystems, who ranks 13th in Spain and 1,087th globally; Francisco J. Barba, from Organic Chemistry and Food Sciences (positions 36 in Spain and 2,568 globally); Artemi Cerdá, from Physical Geography (42 in Spain and 3,349 globally); Eugenio Coronado, an expert in Inorganic Chemistry and Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (70 in Spain and 5,182 globally); and Yolanda Picó, from Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Sciences (76 in Spain and 5,621 globally). Rounding off the list are Luis R. Domingo (Organic and Physical Chemistry, positions 88 in Spain and 6,571 globally) and Gustau Camps-Valls (Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing), ranked 91 in Spain and 6,764 globally.

Ioannidis, John P. A. (2024), "August 2024 data-update for ’Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators’", Elsevier Data Repository, V7, doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.7

Stanford database: