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Research Associate Energy Data Analytics (80-100%)

WorkplaceHorw/Lucerne, Central Switzerland, Switzerland
Occupation rate
80% - 100%
Job Start01.04.2019 or upon agreement

Hochschule Luzern, is a leading institution in education and sciences in central Switzerland. It offers application-oriented Bachelor- and Master courses as well as programs for advanced education. The School of Engineering and Architecture is one of 6 departments of the Hochschule Luzern, which employs 1’600 people and educates 10’800 students in total.

The competence centre Thermal Energy Storage (TES) focuses on energy storage technologies on a material and component level as well as on energy system analysis and optimisation. We are involved in the national research network «Swiss Competence Centre for Energy Research (SCCER) Storage of Heat and Electricity».

We are looking for a person to join the Institute of Mechanical and Energy Engineering (IME) starting on 01.04.2019 or upon agreement:

Research Associate Energy Data Analytics (80-100%)


  • Modelling of energy demand, prediction of energy load profiles and heat demand from metadata
  • Development of novel methods for the analysis and visualisation of time series and spatially correlated data sets in the energy and environment context
  • Image analysis of thermal images
  • Writing scientific articles, scientific funding applications and participation in academic conferences
  • Co-supervising bachelor and master theses


  • Master’s degree / Diploma or PhD in physics, mathematics, computer science, electrical engineering or other relevant subject.
  • Enthusiasm for data science, energy topics and interdisciplinary research
  • Experience in the analysis of time series and prediction methods desired
  • Excellent English skills, both written and spoken. Good German skills desired
  • Project management, presentation skills, rapid familiarisation with new topics
  • Creative, team-minded, communicative and eager for knowledge

We offer

We offer a high-responsibility, high-variability position in an innovative field of research. You will be part of a motivated and open-minded team and will have access to modern laboratory infrastructure and a vast national/international network. You will have the opportunity to enhance your technical knowledge, gain valuable experience and to contribute your own ideas and know-how in an interdisciplinary and creative way. As this topic is attracting more and more attention, we are interested in a long-term collaboration with the future employee. The working place is situated in the attractive location in Horw/Lucerne. For interested candidates, there is a possibility to follow a PhD program in parallel with an possible exchange semester at a foreign university.

Contact and Address

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Philipp Schütz, +41 76 510 21 60 or visit www.hslu.ch/TES.


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In your application, please refer to myScience.org and reference JobID 1004867.