Research fellow (m/f/d) in the project TRANSMIT with expected full-time employment - E 13 TV-L HU (third-party funding limited until 31 Decembre 2027)

Closing Date
WorkplaceBerlin, Berlin, Germany

Research fellow (m/f/d) in the project TRANSMIT with expected full-time employment - E 13 TV-L HU (third-party funding limited until 31 Decembre 2027)

Kennziffer DR/147/24 Kategorie(n) Wissenschaftliches Personal Anzahl der Stellen 1 Einsatzort

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (BIM)

Bewerbung bis 19.02.25 Text

Job description:

  • scientific service in research within the project TRANSMIT, a flagship project of the DeZIM Forschungsgemeinschaft (DeZIM FG)
  • preparation, coordination and processing of a large-scale face-to-face survey on migration in and from Turkey that will be conducted in late 2026 and early 2027
  • research coordination of the Middle East working group
  • scientific publications and knowledge transfer activities (Research findings should be disseminated through academic publications, as well as knowledge transfer activities such as policy briefs, conferences, workshops, and exchange events with civil society and political actors as well as junior researchers)
  • quantitative and mixed-method research on migration in/from MENA-Region
  • project management regarding funding and reporting



  • completed scientific university education and in Economics, Social Sciences, Political Science or related field, doctorate/PhD is preferred
  • research focus in project-related migration studies (e.g. labor market integration, migration policy & governance, migration decision-making, migrant health, gender and family)
  • strong background in quantitative empirical methods, statistical analysis and data management (preferably using Stata)
  • interest in collaborative mixed-methods and/or transdisciplinary approaches
  • experience in collection/analysis of large-scale survey data
  • experience in project management
  • openness and understanding of trans- or interdisciplinary work on migration topics
  • strong interpersonal and leadership skills
  • advanced knowledge of German and English
  • high degree of initiative and independence
  • desired:
    • advanced Turkish or Arabic skills
    • experience in coordinating multi-stakeholder (international) research projects
    • prior knowledge on migration in the MENA region, esp. Iran, Turkey and/or Lebanon
    • experience in longitudinal data analysis
    • advanced computing skills in Stata


This position is embedded within a lively, transdisciplinary research community at BIM as well as the DeZIM FG which provides resources and opportunity for networking, collaboration, and skills development across its eight partner institutions.

Bewerbung an

Please send your application (including motivation letter, CV and copies of relevant certificates), referencing the job id DR/147/24 to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung, Laura Hertner, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin or preferably in electronic form as a single PDF file to .

The Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is seeking to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching, and specifically encourages qualified female scholars to apply. Severely disabled applicants with equivalent qualifications will be given preferential consideration. People with an immigration history are specifically encouraged to apply. Since we will not return your documents, please submit copies in the application only.

Data protection information on the processing of your personal data in the context of the tender and selection procedure can be found on the homepage of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin:

Please visit our website ?" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">?" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">­stellenangebote , which gives you access to the legally binding German version.
In your application, please refer to and reference JobID 3047885.