PhD position on Probabilistic digital twin and spatial data modeling for community-level risk management

Technische Universität München
WorkplaceMünchen, Bayern, Germany
Technische Universität München

Join the Engineeering Risk Analysis Group at TUM

PhD position on Probabilistic digital twin and spatial data modeling for community-level risk management

22.01.2025, Wissenschaftliches Personal

We offer a PhD position funded for 3 three years by an MSCA scholarship with competitive conditions.. The PhD project will develop a probabilistic digital twin framework for risk and resilience management of urban areas for natural or man-made fire hazard, with a focus on the representation of knowledge uncertainty in geographical information systems and their impact on optimal decision-making for risk management.

About the ERA group at TUM:

The Engineering Risk Analysis Group ( ?" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">?" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> ) develops and implements uncertainty quantification, engineering reliability, risk & decision analysis to enhance optimal & sustainable decision-making for civil systems and the environment.

About the FOURIER project:

The PhD position is part of the FOURIER project on Artificial Intelligence for monitoring and maintaining large-scale complex infrastructures. The objective of FOURIER is to train the next generation of multidisciplinary researchers who will develop innovative techniques for AI-based management of civil systems. The FOURIER Doctoral Network funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2023 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) consists of leading academic institutions and leading industry partners from 8 European countries (Austria, Croatia, Italy, Germany, Greece, Switzerland, Netherlands and Portugal).

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In your application, please refer to and reference JobID 3048647.