Job Search - Your future job in science, research or engineering.
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Are you looking for a job in science, research or innovation? The myScience job portal helps you to find current vacancies at research centres, high-tech companies or universities.
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Currently 5219 job offers in science, research and innovation.
Last job offers
- Computer Science - 7.2
Professeur HES Associé – Professeure HES Associée dans le domaine du Data & Computational Science et de la programmationHES-SO Genève - Education - 6.2
Rektorin oder RektorUniDistance Suisse - Education - 6.2
Rectrice ou RecteurUniDistance Suisse - Physics - 5.2
Collaborateur-trice scientifique HES (post-doc)HES-SO Genève - Health - 5.2
Chargé-e de cours HES - Pour le Laboratoire d’enseignement et de recherche « Qualité des soins et pratique infirmière »HES-SO Genève - Computer Science - 5.2
Software Engineer IoT Systems and SoftwareLucerne University of Applied Sciences - Health - 4.2
Professeur-e ordinaire ou associé-e, médecin chef-fe du Service de rhumatologieUniversité de Genève et Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, HUG - Agronomy/Food Science - 4.2
PhD Student: Sustainable Management of Agriculturally Used PeatlandsAgroscope - Innovation - 4.2
Wissenschaftliche/r Assistent/in 80%Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur - Music - 4.2
Responsable du département des instruments de l’orchestreHES-SO Genève - Health - 3.2
Chargé-e de cours HES « Pour le LER Soutien aux aîné-e-s et soins palliatifs »HES-SO Genève - Health - 3.2
Full or Associate Professor, Senior Staff Dentist in charge of the Gerodontology UnitUniversité de Genève - Electroengineering - 3.2
Professor / Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) of Intelligent Embedded Systems: Software-Hardware Co-designETH Zürich - Computer Science - 31.1
Professor*in/Co-Head - Applied Artificial Intelligence 80-100%Hochschule Luzern - Informatik - Computer Science - 28.1
Research Associate in Electronics (80-100%)Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW - Chemistry - 28.1
Postdoc (m/w/div) für Analytische Chemie / Chemische VerfahrenstechnikLeibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie - Hans-Knöll-Institut (HKI) - Computer Science - 27.1
Research Scientist or Senior Research Scientist in IoT Systems and SoftwareLucerne University of Applied Sciences - Innovation - 27.1
Postdoctoral fellowship and support program at KIT: Young Investigator Group Preparation Program (YIG Prep Pro)Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT - Mathematics - 23.1
Statistiker:in (80-100%)Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF) - Civil Engineering - 23.1
Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in 80%-100%Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur - Pharmacology - 17.1
Professor of Pharmaceutical or Biopharmaceutical Process Engineering (80-100%)Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW - Life Sciences - 17.1
PhD opportunities in a first class research environmentHannover Biomedical Research School, OE 9117 - Social Sciences - 17.1
Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in im Bereich Soziale Sicherheit und SozialpolitikBerner Fachhochschule - Computer Science - 16.1
SNF-Doktorand*in Network ScienceFachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW - Social Sciences - 15.1
Full Professor of Social Work (50%)University of Neuchâtel - Computer Science - 10.1
Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in Elektronik (80-100%)Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW - Environment - 9.1
Postdoctoral Scientist in Human Immunology (100%)CK-CARE AG - Pharmacology - 9.1
Professor*in für Pharmazeutisches oder Biopharmazeutisches Prozess-Engineering (80-100%)Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW - Environment - 8.1
PhD Candidate Position in Immunology (100%)CK-CARE AG - Health - 8.1
Un.e Responsable de la filière à 100%HES-SO Genève - Education - 8.1
Maître d’enseignement et de recherche de type 2 (MER2) en psychologie de l’entretienUNIL - Faculté des SSP - Education - 8.1
Senior Lecturer (MER2) in psychological interviewsUNIL - Faculté des SSP - Education - 8.1
Maître d’enseignement et de recherche de type 2 (MER2) en psychologie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent, consultationsUNIL - Faculté des SSP - Education - 8.1
Senior Lecturer (MER2) in Child and adolescent psychology, and consultationsUNIL - Faculté des SSP