news 2011
Results 1 - 20 of 26.
Physics - Administration - 21.12.2011

Scientists at University of Sheffield map out Britain's sun spots Britain is getting brighter according to solar experts at the University of Sheffield who have also revealed the coastal city of Portsmouth was the UK's sunniest place in 2011. At the other end of the sunshine scale, Loch Maree in North West Scotland was found to be the least sunny place in the UK last year.
Administration - History / Archeology - 09.12.2011
Bridging the divide
New study shows how integrated institutions can lead diverse populations to cooperate in rebuilding countries. One of the most pressing issues in world affairs today is state building: how countries can construct stable, inclusive governments in which a variety of religious and ethnic groups coexist.
Health - Administration - 08.12.2011
Child maltreatment shows no signs of significant decrease
New research published in The Lancet (9 December 2011) shows no consistent decrease in the maltreatment of children across several countries over the last two decades. Despite years of policy initiatives designed to achieve it, research revealed by a collaboration between Warwick Medical School and University College London Institute of Child Health (ICH) concludes that despite numerous government policy initiatives designed to achieve a reduction in child maltreatment, none has proved successful.
Economics - Administration - 07.12.2011
Warwick economist to lead £15 million research initiative into private enterprise in developing countries
University of Warwick economics professor Christopher Woodruff will oversee a new initiative that plans to invest £15 million into research on private enterprise development in low-income countries. The initiative, the largest research endeavour undertaken on the subject, is a joint venture co-ordinated by the Centre for Economic Policy Research in partnership with the Department for International Development.
Health - Administration - 06.12.2011
Special edition of health journal focuses on global issues
Yale is sponsoring the December issue of the journal Health Services Research (HSR) which is dedicated to global health issues. Elizabeth Bradley, faculty director of the Yale Global Health Leadership Institute, and Mary Fennell, professor at Brown University, reviewed and selected all articles, along with the HSR editorial board.
Administration - Health - 28.11.2011

The molecular mechanism which makes some plants grow more rapidly when the temperature rises has been identified by researchers at the University of Bristol in a paper published today in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The Bristol scientists, led by Kerry Franklin, with colleagues at the University of Minnesota and the John Innes Centre in Norwich, found that raising ambient temperature from 20?C to 28?C promoted the rapid elongation of stems in plants with the gene PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 4 (PIF4) .
Economics - Administration - 23.11.2011

Among young American adults, relationships between white men and minority women move into sexual intimacy and from sex to cohabitation significantly faster than white-white couples or minority-minority pairings, reports a new study by a Cornell demographer. Despite rising intermarriage rates in recent decades - a sign of declining social distance between race groups in the United States - the new paper suggests that racial hierarchies remain an influence on the pace and durability of young adult relationships.
Administration - 17.11.2011
New research claims US imposed democracy wont work for Arab Spring
America needs to listen to the Arab Spring protestors in Egypt and engage with their vision of the future rather than trying to impose a way of life, according to new research from the University of Warwick. In a paper just presented to state department staff at the Library of Congress in Washington DC and due to be personally presented to former US Secretary of State Madeline Albright next month, research fellow Oz Hassan claims the American idea of democracy is too focused on economics and there is a lack of innovation in US Middle East policy.
Pedagogy - Administration - 09.11.2011
Adoptive parents put through wringer- new report finds
The first ever comprehensive report on people's experiences of the adoption process in Victoria reveals that many found the current system to be inflexible and focused almost exclusively on administrative tasks and bureaucratic formalities. For many prospective applicants, the mismatch between their emotional experiences and the bureaucratic processes caused tension and anxiety the report found.
Administration - 19.10.2011
Increase in negative coverage of disability issues in print media, report finds
There has been a significant increase in the amount of negative reporting of disability issues in the print media, according to a new study by the University of Glasgow. The report, commissioned by disability equality organisation Inclusion London, compared print media articles from 2004/5 and 2010/11 and found a reduction in the proportion of articles which describe disabled people in sympathetic and deserving terms.
Health - Administration - 17.10.2011
Omega-3 fatty acids shown to prevent or slow progression of osteoarthritis
New research has shown for the first time that omega-3 in fish oil could "substantially and significantly" reduce the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis. According to the University of Bristol study, funded by Arthritis Research UK and published in the journal Osteoarthritis and Cartilage , omega-3-rich diets fed to guinea pigs, which naturally develop osteoarthritis, reduced disease by 50 per cent compared to a standard diet.
Health - Administration - 28.09.2011

In the first study to examine American foreign aid restrictions for abortion services, Stanford researchers Eran Bendavid and Grant Miller find that restricting funding for family planning organizations that support abortions actually increased abortions in Africa. Two days after taking office as president, George W. Bush did what was widely expected: He adopted a Reagan-era policy that cut cash to all nongovernmental organizations operating abroad that provided or counseled women on abortion.
Health - Administration - 05.09.2011
Translators needed in UK GP surgeries say researchers
Professional interpreters are under-used in the NHS according to new research from the University of Birmingham. The researchers identify language barriers as an increasing obstacle to the provision of healthcare in a paper published in the journal PLoS ONE . Effective communication is instrumental in the delivery of healthcare support and a cross-sectional study of 41 general practices in the UK highlights language disparities between patients and healthcare professionals.
Administration - Law - 26.08.2011
Gaps in Services for Sexual Assault Victims in Texas
A new study reveals significant gaps in services for sexual assault victims and calls for improvements, including additional funding. Increasing the availability of local sexual assault services and lessening emergency room wait times will lead to stronger cases for prosecution, the researchers said.
Health - Administration - 25.08.2011

Studies about medications published in the most influential medical journals are frequently designed in a way that yields misleading or confusing results, new research suggests. Investigators from the medical schools at UCLA and Harvard analyzed all the randomized medication trials published in the six highest-impact general medicine journals between June 1, 2008, and Sept.
Health - Administration - 09.08.2011

Commercially available serological tests fail to accurately diagnose active tuberculosis (TB) and they are not as cost effective as other recommended TB tests, according to two papers published Aug. 9 in the Public Library of Science (PLoS) Medicine. The researchers note that these tests often provide misleading results that may harm patients.
Administration - 01.07.2011
Major palliative care funding review published
A team from the Cicely Saunders Institute at King's College London, partnered with South West Public Health Observatory and Whole Systems Partnership, has made a major contribution to the Palliative Care Funding Review for England, published today (1 July). The review has recommended to Government the introduction of the first ever per-patient funding structure for palliative care in England which could save the NHS up to £180 million a year.
Social Sciences - Administration - 24.06.2011
Women’s voice blocked by asylum seeking process study reveals
Women refugees are not being processed fairly according to a University of Melbourne led study. The study suggests Australia can do better in how it processes women refugees applying for asylum. Researchers say gender-based persecution issues such as rape, trafficking, female genital mutilation, denial of education, domestic abuse and imprisonment need to be taken into account in the processing of women refugees.
Administration - Economics - 16.06.2011

A major study reveals for the first time the number of children being brought up by a relative instead of their mother or father. 'Spotlight on Kinship Care' is the first study to quantify the number of children being looked after by family members in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and is based on data from the 2001 Census.
Health - Administration - 13.06.2011
Group therapy helps MS sufferers cope with depression, study finds
PA 184/11 Offering Multiple Sclerosis sufferers emotional support through group therapy sessions could improve their quality of life and save the NHS almost £500 per patient, a study at The University of Nottingham has discovered. Researchers are now planning a larger multi-centre study into the issue to establish whether psychological therapy should be incorporated into the MS services currently provided by the NHS.