news 2011
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Environment - Architecture - 08.12.2011
Behind closed doors: world-first study about how we use air-conditioners at home
A world-first research project into people's usage of household air-conditioners is now recruiting participants who live in Sydney's inner west. The ARC-funded study is to be led by the eminent Professor Richard de Dear from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning. The project aims to determine the threshold living room temperature that triggers people to switch on air-conditioning.
Architecture - 01.12.2011
Update on gas pipeline testing near campus
Just before Thanksgiving, PG&E work crews finished the hydrostatic pressure testing of gas transmission pipeline 132 near the Stanford campus. Two sections of pipe, called T-30 and T-31, were tested to more than 1.5 times their maximum allowable operating pressure. In the run up to the final test, both pipe sections experienced problems.
Earth Sciences - Architecture - 23.09.2011

Novel use of CT scanning technology has allowed researchers at the University of Bristol to create a four-dimensional picture of how ants build their nests. Ant nests are some of the most remarkable structures in nature. Their relative size is rivalled only by our own skyscrapers but there is no architect or blueprint.