news 2013



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Electroengineering - Social Sciences - 19.12.2013
Older men most likely to link video games with aggression
Video and computer games have seen a huge rise in popularity worldwide. The fact that such games provide an immersive virtual experience has led to public concerns, often articulated in the media, about a possible link between gaming and real world aggression. However, a new study by the Oxford Internet Institute at Oxford University has found that although the general population has a diverse set of attitudes towards gaming, our belief in whether there is a link between video and computer games and aggressive behaviour is often influenced by whether we have actual experience of gaming.

Physics - Electroengineering - 18.12.2013
Researchers Grow Liquid Crystal 'Flowers' That Can Be Used as Lenses
Researchers Grow Liquid Crystal 'Flowers' That Can Be Used as Lenses
A team of material scientists, chemical engineers and physicists from the University of Pennsylvania has made another advance in their effort to use liquid crystals as a medium for assembling structures. In their earlier studies, the team produced patterns of "defects," useful disruptions in the repeating patterns found in liquid crystals, in nanoscale grids and rings.

Environment - Electroengineering - 16.12.2013
Piece-by-piece approach to emissions policies can be effective
New analysis shows that policies addressing energy consumption and technology choices individually can play an important part in reducing emissions. Discussions on curbing climate change tend to focus on comprehensive, emissions-focused measures: a global cap-and-trade scheme aimed at controlling carbon, or a tax on all carbon emissions.

Electroengineering - Chemistry - 13.12.2013
A new step towards graphene-based electronics
A new step towards graphene-based electronics
13 Dec 2013 University of Manchester scientists have helped demonstrate that long, structurally well-defined ribbons of graphene can be made. Writing , researchers used different characterisation techniques, including Raman spectroscopy – led by Dr Cinzia Casiraghi and her group – to confirm that these ribbons, called GNRs, are structurally well-defined and have excellent charge-carrier mobility.

Electroengineering - Physics - 04.12.2013
Diamond could hold more charge
For a copy of the paper, go to Nano Electronic Diamond Devices and Systems group Researchers at the University of Glasgow have found an improved method to introduce mobile electronic charge into synthetic diamond. The improved method will increase the stability and performance of electronic components such as transistors made from diamond and lead to a new generation of tough and durable electronic systems that could be used in space.

Physics - Electroengineering - 27.11.2013
New Effect Couples Electricity and Magnetism in Materials
In magneto-electric materials, electric and magnetic vibrations can be coupled to "electromagnons". High hopes are placed on this technology, a breakthrough could now be achieved at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien).

Mechanical Engineering - Electroengineering - 20.11.2013
New modelling technique could bypass the need for engineering prototypes
A new modelling technique has been developed that could eliminate the need to build costly prototypes, which are used to test engineering structures such as aeroplanes. The study, by Dr Róbert Szalai at the University of Bristol, is published in the latest issue of the Proceedings of the Royal Society A .

Electroengineering - Physics - 18.11.2013
Milestone could help magnets end era of computer transistors
Milestone could help magnets end era of computer transistors
New work by researchers at UC Berkeley could soon transform the building blocks of modern electronics by making nanomagnetic switches a viable replacement for the conventional transistors found in all computers. Semiconductor-based transistors, the on-off switches that direct the flow of electricity and form a computer's nervous system, have been consuming greater chunks of power at increasingly hotter temperatures as processing speeds grow.

Physics - Electroengineering - 14.11.2013
UT Austin Researchers Grow Large Graphene Crystals That Have Exceptional Electrical Properties
AUSTIN, Texas — When it comes to the growth of graphene - an ultrathin, ultrastrong, all-carbon material - it is survival of the fittest, according to researchers at The University of Texas at Austin. The team used surface oxygen to grow centimeter-size single graphene crystals on copper. The crystals were about 10,000 times as large as the largest crystals from only four years ago.

Physics - Electroengineering - 11.11.2013
Cooling when there’s too much heat
MIT researchers make surfaces that are easier to cool under extreme heat; finding could benefit power plants, electronics. When an earthquake and tsunami struck Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant in 2011, knocking out emergency power supplies, crews sprayed seawater on the reactors to cool them - to no avail.

Life Sciences - Electroengineering - 08.11.2013
Researchers surprised to find how neural circuits zero in on the specific information needed for decisions
Using brain recordings and a computer model, an interdisciplinary team confounds the conventional wisdom about how the brain sorts out relevant versus irrelevant sensory inputs in making choices. While eating lunch you notice an insect buzzing around your plate. Its color and its motion both could influence how you respond.

Physics - Electroengineering - 04.11.2013
Diamond Imperfections Pave the Way to Technology Gold
Diamond Imperfections Pave the Way to Technology Gold
From supersensitive detections of magnetic fields to quantum information processing, the key to a number of highly promising advanced technologies may lie in one of the most common defects in diamonds. Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the University of California (UC) Berkeley have taken an important step towards unlocking this key with the first ever detailed look at critical ultrafast processes in these diamond defects.

Electroengineering - 24.10.2013
’Anklebot’ helps determine ankle stiffness
Data could aid in rehabilitation from strokes, other motor disorders. For most healthy bipeds, the act of walking is seldom given a second thought: One foot follows the other, and the rest of the body falls in line, supported by a system of muscle, tendon, and bones. Upon closer inspection, however, locomotion is less straightforward.

Electroengineering - Physics - 17.10.2013
Scientists develop heat-resistant materials that could vastly improve solar cell efficiency
Scientists develop heat-resistant materials that could vastly improve solar cell efficiency
Using heat-resistant ceramics, researchers have made a significant advance in thermophotovoltaics, creating electricity from heat. Scientists have created a heat-resistant thermal emitter, an element used in specialized solar cells, that could significantly improve the efficiency of the cells. The novel component is designed to convert heat from the sun into infrared light, which can than be absorbed by solar cells to make electricity – a technology known as thermophotovoltaics.

Physics - Electroengineering - 17.10.2013
Berkeley Lab’s Prominent Role in the Higgs Discovery
The 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics to François Englert and Peter Higgs cites not only their theoretical discovery but its confirmation "through the discovery of the predicted fundamental particle, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider.

Electroengineering - Physics - 16.10.2013
Tunable antenna could end dropped cell phone calls
Tunable antenna could end dropped cell phone calls
Why do cell phones drop calls? Like a radio dial tuned to different frequencies (stations), cell phone antennas have tuning circuits that quickly switch frequencies when controlled by a voltage applied to a tunable capacitor. Cell phone companies want to improve these circuits to pack more discrete signals into a finite allocation of spectrum and minimize those pesky dropped calls.

Electroengineering - Physics - 02.10.2013
Improving Lithium-Ion Batteries with Nanoscale Research
Silicon germanium nanowire images taken with a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). The dark color progressing along the nanowire (L-R) represents layer-by-layer lithiation of the nanowire's germanium core. New research led by an electrical engineer at the University of California, San Diego is aimed at improving lithium-ion batteries through possible new electrode architectures with precise nano-scale designs.

Electroengineering - 02.10.2013
Droplets get a charge out of jumping
Condensation on a metal plate leads to formation of droplets that carry electric charge, could improve power-plant efficiency. In a completely unexpected finding, MIT researchers have discovered that tiny water droplets that form on a superhydrophobic surface, and then "jump" away from that surface, carry an electric charge.

Physics - Electroengineering - 01.10.2013
Probing the surface of pyrite
Common mineral gets first detailed examination of its surface electronic properties, thanks to team of MIT researchers. Pyrite - perhaps better known as "fool's gold" for its yellowish metallic appearance - is a common, naturally occurring mineral. It holds promise as a high-tech material, with potential uses in solar cells, spintronic devices and catalysts, but is also a byproduct of corrosion of steel in deep-sea oil and gas wells.

Physics - Electroengineering - 20.09.2013
Creating Electricity with Caged Atoms
At the Vienna University of Technology, a new class of thermoelectric materials has been discovered. Due to a surprising physical effect they can be used to create electricity more efficiently. A lot of energy is wasted when machines turn hot, unnecessarily heating up their environment. Some of this thermal energy could be harvested using thermoelectric materials; they create electric current when they are used to bridge hot and cold objects.
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