news 2013



Results 41 - 60 of 1250.

Life Sciences - Health - 11.12.2013
Researchers uncover mechanism controlling Tourette Syndrome tics
A mechanism in the brain which controls tics in children with Tourette Syndrome (TS) has been discovered by scientists at The University of Nottingham. The study, which has been published in the British Psychological Society's Journal of Neuropsychology , could herald new non-drug therapies to help young people with TS overcome the repetitive physical movements and vocal sounds which characterise their condition.

Health - 11.12.2013
Probiotics not effective for preventing childhood asthma: study
Taking probiotics in pregnancy or giving them to infants doesn't prevent asthma, UAlberta medical research shows. Meghan Azad and her research team reviewed clinical trials from around the world and found that probiotics had no effect on preventing asthma in kids. Taking probiotics has health benefits, but preventing childhood asthma isn't one of them, according to recently published research led by medical scientists at the University of Alberta.

Life Sciences - Health - 11.12.2013
Groundbreaking discovery in deadly childhood cancer
A new study by Canadian researchers may pave the way for more effective treatment of an aggressive and deadly type of brain tumour, known as ETMR/ETANTR. The tumour, which is seen only in children under four, is almost always fatal, despite aggressive treatment. The study proposes a new model for how this brain tumour develops and suggests possible targets to investigate for novel therapies.

Health - Social Sciences - 11.12.2013
Making ‘dementia friendly’ neighbourhoods
The University of Liverpool and a team of European experts will explore the role of the neighbourhood in the everyday lives of people with dementia in a new research project announced during the G8 dementia summit. The 'Neighbourhoods and Dementia' study, led by the University of Manchester, was one of six research projects announced by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) along with the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), as part of a £20 million funding boost which will significantly add to the understanding of dementia.

Health - Life Sciences - 10.12.2013
Blood pressure drug could double up as first treatment for common form of dementia
A 4p per day drug for high blood pressure could become the first ever treatment for one of the most common forms of dementia within a decade, say two leading charities. The widely prescribed drug amlodipine has shown promising effects in people with vascular dementia, the most common type of dementia after Alzheimer's disease.

Health - Life Sciences - 10.12.2013
Bacteria tails implicated in gut inflammation
Bacteria tails implicated in gut inflammation
In healthy individuals, the only thing that separates the lining of the human gut from the some 100 trillion bacterial cells in the gastrointestinal tract is a layer of mucous. But when gut bacteria do come in with cells on the gut's surface, inflammation occurs, triggered by bacterial cell proteins.

Health - 10.12.2013
South Asians need to exercise for 20 minutes longer per day than Europeans
New research has suggested men of South Asian origin may need to exercise for approximately 20 minutes a day longer than their Europeans counterparts. Current physical activity guidelines recommend that all adults take at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity (equivalent to walking briskly for 30 minutes on 5 days of the week) per week.

Health - Life Sciences - 10.12.2013
New test for chronic blood cancers
Current test only identifies around 60 per cent of blood cancers; without new test, diagnosis in other 40 percent is difficult and requires multiple, often invasive, tests Not only will the identification of CALR lead to a new, less invasive test, we also hope that it can lead to new treatments Dr Jyoti Nangalia A simple blood test will soon be able to catch the vast majority of a group of chronic blood cancers, a new study reveals.

Health - Life Sciences - 10.12.2013
You are what your father eats
Mothers get all the attention. But a study led by McGill researcher Sarah Kimmins suggests that the father's diet before conception may play an equally important role in the health of their offspring. It also raises concerns about the long-term effects of current Western diets and of food insecurity.

Health - Administration - 10.12.2013
Healthy habits reduce dementia risk
A study which monitored the health habits of 2,235 men over a 35-year period has found that exercise significantly reduces the risk of dementia. Published today in the  PLOS One journal by researchers from Cardiff University, the study is the longest of its kind to probe the influence of environmental factors in chronic disease.

Life Sciences - Health - 10.12.2013
Imperial responds to animal research investigation report
Imperial responds to animal research investigation report
Imperial has announced the immediate actions it is taking following the release of an independent report into animal care and welfare at the College. The College asked Professor Steve Brown in April 2013 to convene an independent committee to investigate how Imperial can improve to meet the highest standards in animal research and care internationally.

Health - Social Sciences - 10.12.2013
The disastrous health profile of young offenders
Young people serving time in youth detention or serving community-based orders have extremely high rates of substance dependence, poor mental health and engage in risky sexual behaviour, a new study has found. Researchers from Murdoch Childrens Research Institute and the University of Melbourne ed over 500 young people in custody or serving community based orders in Victoria between 2002 and 2003.

Social Sciences - Health - 09.12.2013
Communities across U.S. reduce teen smoking, drinking, violence and crime
University of Washington Fewer high school students across the U.S. started drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, committing crimes and engaging in violence before graduation when their towns used the Communities That Care prevention system during the teens' middle school years. A University of Washington study found that the positive influence of this community-led system was sustained through high school.

Health - Life Sciences - 09.12.2013
Penn Med Team Reports on Study of First 59 Leukemia Patients Who Received Personalized Cellular Therapy
Penn Med Team Reports on Study of First 59 Leukemia Patients Who Received Personalized Cellular Therapy
Three and a half years after beginning a clinical trial which demonstrated the first successful and sustained use of genetically engineered'T cells to fight leukemia, a research team from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia will today announce the latest results of studies involving both adults and children with advanced blood cancers that have failed to respond to standard therapies.

Health - 09.12.2013
Better preparedness against Tamiflu-resistant influenza viruses
Researchers in Umeå and Uppsala have found that residues of the influenza drug Tamiflu in our environment can make the influenza virus in birds resistant. This can have serious consequences in the event of an influenza pandemic. With more than 14 million SEK from the Swedish Research Councils Formas and VR, the research team will now continue their studies with a focus on alternative antiviral drugs.

Health - 06.12.2013
Promising results for Swedish cancer drug candidate
A new study conducted by scientists from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard Medical School and Karolinska Institutet presents very promising results for the treatment of the cancer form multiple myeloma. The drug candidate used in the research has been developed by scientists from Karolinska Institutet and a Swedish company following its initial identification at the same university.

Health - 06.12.2013
Researchers see the light over new treatment
Researchers see the light over new treatment
06 Dec 2013 Researchers from The University of Manchester and Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust have tested a new way to treat a disfiguring skin condition. Telangiectatases are knot-like clusters of blood vessels on the skin which can occur in 30 to 50 per cent of patients with systemic sclerosis, a potentially serious and incurable auto-immune condition that affects connective tissue.

Life Sciences - Health - 06.12.2013
Activating Pathway Could Restart Hair Growth in Dormant Hair Follicles, Penn Study Suggests
A pathway known for its role in regulating adult stem cells has been shown to be important for hair follicle proliferation, but contrary to previous studies, is not required within hair follicle stem cells for their survival, according to researchers with the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

Life Sciences - Health - 05.12.2013
Probiotic Therapy Alleviates Autism-like Behaviors in Mice
Probiotic Therapy Alleviates Autism-like Behaviors in Mice
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is diagnosed when individuals exhibit characteristic behaviors that include repetitive actions, decreased social interactions, and impaired communication. Curiously, many individuals with ASD also suffer from gastrointestinal (GI) issues, such as abdominal cramps and constipation.

Health - 05.12.2013
Vaginally administered ED medication may alleviate menstrual cramping
Sildenafil citrate, sold under the brand name Viagra, may help with pelvic pain because it can lead to dilation of the blood vessels. HERSHEY, Pa. -Women with moderate to severe menstrual cramps may find relief in a class of erectile dysfunction drugs, according to a team of researchers led by Penn State College of Medicines Richard Legro.