news 2013



Results 1 - 7 of 7.

Veterinary - 16.12.2013
Common misconceptions by cat owners lead to high numbers of unwanted kittens
Overpopulation in cats is recognised to contribute to high numbers of cats entering rescue shelters each year. New research suggests that the high number of unwanted kittens may be due to common misconceptions held by cat owners. The research led by academics at the University of Bristol's School of Veterinary Sciences is published online in the Veterinary Record .

Health - Veterinary - 03.12.2013
New internet resources are the best bet for vets
Academics at The University of Nottingham have launched two free internet resources for vets. Scientists from the Centre for Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine (CEVM) at the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science have launched BEstBETS for VETS ( ) and VetSRev ( ).

Veterinary - Administration - 23.07.2013
Newly developed anesthetic for amphibians could aid field researchers
A topical general anesthetic for amphibians developed by veterinary researchers at Illinois could be a low-cost, easy-to-administer tool for scientists conducting research in the field. Cane toads were used in the study. CHAMPAIGN, Ill. Veterinary researchers at the University of Illinois have developed a general anesthetic for amphibians that is administered through their skin.

Life Sciences - Veterinary - 08.07.2013
New method to age cattle from their teeth
Ageing animals from their teeth goes back to the time that man first started keeping animals. New research has applied modern statistical techniques to investigate the association between the stages of dentition in cattle and their age to give a more detailed explanation of the differences between the sexes and various breeds of cattle in the UK.

Veterinary - Health - 22.05.2013
Cat owners need better information about when to neuter their cat
Despite current recommendations by UK welfare organisations that cats should be neutered at four months, a new study from the 'Bristol Cats' study cohort has shown that 85 per cent of pet cats are not neutered by the recommended age possibly due to cat owners needing better information about when to neuter their cat.

Veterinary - 18.02.2013
New insight into dogs fear responses to noise
New insight into dogs fear responses to noise
A study has gained new insight into domestic dogs' fear responses to noises. The behavioural response by dogs to noises can be extreme in nature, distressing for owners and a welfare issue for dogs. The research by academics from the School of Veterinary Sciences at the University of Bristol, and funded by the RSPCA , is published in Applied Animal Behaviour Science .

Health - Veterinary - 05.02.2013
Caring for dogs to reduce spread of parasite eggs harmful to humans
Caring for dogs to reduce spread of parasite eggs harmful to humans
The UK dog population is estimated to be around ten million, with dogs producing approximately 1,000 tonnes of excrement each day. New research has shown that dogs act as a major source of the parasite egg, Toxocara, which can potentially contaminate the public environment and infect humans.