news 2017



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Innovation - Social Sciences - 21.12.2017
Technology not taking over children’s lives despite screen-time increase
New Oxford University research has revealed that as digital past-times have become intertwined with daily life, children have adapted their behaviours to include their devices. Much like adults, they are able to multi-task and do all the things that they would do anyway, such as, homework and playing outdoors with friends.

Health - Innovation - 21.12.2017
Sensor-enhanced surgical robot enables highly precise and safe spinal operations
Sensor-enhanced surgical robot enables highly precise and safe spinal operations
Researchers from the University of Bern, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital and the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology develop a high-precision, sensor-based surgical robot for spinal operations together with industry partners. Their project is being funded with two million Swiss francs, sponsored by the "BRIDGE" programme of the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Commission for Technology and Innovation.

Physics - Innovation - 21.12.2017
Power from nanomagnets
Power from nanomagnets

Earth Sciences - Innovation - 20.12.2017
Modeling the Effects of Wastewater Injection
Modeling the Effects of Wastewater Injection
Earth scientists develop a model to estimate the largest possible quake in a given location that could be caused by the disposal of water used in hydraulic fracturing In work that offers insight into the magnitude of the hazards posed by earthquake faults in general, seismologists have developed a model to determine the size of an earthquake that could be triggered by the underground injection of fluids produced as a by-product of hydraulic fracturing.

Mathematics - Innovation - 20.12.2017
A ’STEM’ parent boosts girls’ participation in science degrees
ANN ARBOR-Even when girls perform just as well as boys on standardized math tests, they are half as likely to major in science at college. However, having one parent or guardian work in the STEM (science, technology, engineering or math) field makes it more likely for girls to perform better in math and to enroll in a "hard sciences" college degree in programs such as engineering, architecture, math and computer science.

Psychology - Innovation - 14.12.2017
Children’s screen-time guidelines too restrictive, according to new research
Digital screen use is a staple of contemporary life for adults and children, whether they are browsing on laptops and smartphones, or watching TV. Paediatricians and scientists have long expressed concerns about the impact of overusing technology on people's wellbeing. However, new Oxford University research suggests that existing guidance managing children's digital media time may not be as beneficial as first thought.

Innovation - Computer Science - 14.12.2017
Real-world district for digital
Real-world district for digital
For the very first time, the "Innovation Lab", a special exhibition for digital transformations in the construction industry, will be held at Swissbau 2018 from 16 to 20 January. NEST, the modular research and demonstration platform from Empa and Eawag, will be presenting with its partners (in hall 1.1, booth L88) how digital construction is implemented in reality and exactly what kind of potential for digital innovation is offered by the set of demonstrators on the Empa campus in Dübendorf.

Innovation - 05.12.2017
Highlights the need for research into prevention of inflammatory bowel disease
Researchers at the University of Birmingham will form part of a new £5m multi-university Research Institute to improve hardware security and reduce vulnerability to cyber threats. Funded by EPSRC and the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) , the Research Institute in Secure Hardware and Embedded Systems (RISE) is one of four cyber security institutes in the UK and will be a global hub for research and innovation in hardware security over the next five years.

Physics - Innovation - 05.12.2017
A smart, portable and miniaturized system that can analyze sweat
A smart, portable and miniaturized system that can analyze sweat

Agronomy / Food Science - Innovation - 04.12.2017
Crop gene discovery gets to the root of food security
Researchers from The University of Queensland have discovered that a key gene which controls flowering time in wheat and barley crops also directs the plant's root growth. Project leader Dr Lee Hickey from the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI) said the discovery was a major breakthrough in understanding the genetics of root development and could boost food security by allowing researchers to breed crops better adapted to a range of environments.

Innovation - Health - 01.12.2017
Cannabis linked to bipolar symptoms in young adults
Adolescent cannabis use is an independent risk factor for future hypomania - often experienced as part of bipolar disorder - finds new research led by University of Warwick. First research to robustly test the association between adolescent cannabis use and hypomania (periods of elated mood, over-active and excited behaviour, reduced need for sleep) in early adulthood.

Health - Innovation - 30.11.2017
New techniques needed to help children with gut disease in developing countries
New techniques needed to help children with gut disease in developing countries
Imperial experts discuss a new way of combating EED, a debilitating disease in children that is prevalent in the developing world. Environmental Enteric Dysfunction , or EED, is widespread in developing countries and has severe negative impacts on children's physical and cognitive development. The condition is poorly understood, and the techniques currently used to study and identify the disease are invasive and difficult to administer.

Innovation - 23.11.2017
Children show implicit racial attitudes from a young age, research confirms
Children show implicit racial attitudes from a young age, research confirms
White children show signs of implicit racism from the age of five by favouring people with the same skin colour, according to new research. Academics from the University of Bristol and York University in Toronto measured the automatic attitudes of 359 white children aged five to 12-years-old by testing their preferences of unknown white and black children in photographs.

Environment - Innovation - 23.11.2017
’Lost’ 99% of ocean microplastics to be identified with dye?
Smallest microplastics in oceans - which go largely undetected - identified more effectively with innovative and cheap new method, developed by University of Warwick researchers New method can detect microplastics as small as the width of a human hair, using a fluorescent dye Previous scientific field work surveys report that only 1% of the plastic waste in the oceans has been found - this new research could lead to discovering the missing 99% T

Computer Science - Innovation - 17.11.2017
Objectively measuring how clean our cities are
Objectively measuring how clean our cities are
EPFL researchers have come up with a fact-based system to measure urban cleanliness. Municipal authorities will now be able to draw on objective assessments when planning their street cleaning - a sector with multi-million-franc budgets. The concept is straightforward: on one hand, vehicles equipped with video cameras to record the city streets, and on the other, a computer able to spot waste, identify it and classify it - in the blink of an eye.

Innovation - Administration - 16.11.2017
Female Tech Entrepreneurs Hampered by Bias Among Male Investors, Study Finds
Female Tech Entrepreneurs Hampered by Bias Among Male Investors, Study Finds
The study's authors analyzed data for nearly 18,000 companies and found that female-founded start-ups have a harder time gaining investor interest and raising money. A new study is highlighting one possible reason women aren't making more headway in Silicon Valley: men prefer to invest in companies run by other men.

Innovation - Computer Science - 06.11.2017
The floor you walk on is now smart
The floor you walk on is now smart
Technis, an EPFL spin-off, has developed a system that combines a connected floor surface with artificial intelligence to track people's trajectories as they walk through a shopping mall or convention center, for example.

Innovation - 24.10.2017
Reveals the origins of fundamental structures in the wind on a supergiant star
Researchers have developed a solution to a longstanding problem in the field of end-to-end encryption, a technique that ensures that only sender and recipient can read a message. With current end-to-end encryption, if an attacker compromises a recipient's device, they can then put themselves in a position to intercept, read and alter all future communications without sender or recipient ever knowing.

Innovation - Economics - 24.10.2017
Testing the test beds: new Christian Doppler lab at TU Graz
Testing the test beds: new Christian Doppler lab at TU Graz
Starting shot for Christian Doppler Laboratory for Model-Based Control of Complex Test Bed Systems. From vehicles to solar energy systems, practically all systems are becoming more and more complex, are being quickly further developed, and have to be comprehensively tested before use. This calls for suitable high-performance and flexible test beds; but developing them is extremely challenging.

Materials Science - Innovation - 12.10.2017
Construction prototype for ultra-thin roof
Construction prototype for ultra-thin roof
Researchers from ETH Zurich have built a prototype of an ultra-thin, curved concrete roof using innovative digital design and fabrication methods.
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