News 2019



Results 21 - 30 of 30.

Administration - 29.04.2019
Sydney’s hidden housing problem
A new report released by the Sydney Policy Lab has found low income and vulnerable groups are being forced into informal and sometimes illegal housing arrangements, due to a lack of affordable alternatives. A new report released today by the Sydney Policy Lab at the University of Sydney has found low income and vulnerable groups are being forced into informal housing arrangements, such as share accommodation.

Administration - 25.04.2019
One in two Swiss people will have smoked weed by 2045
One in two Swiss people will have smoked weed by 2045
Three decades from now, nearly half of the Swiss population will have had some experience with cannabis use. According to a new study by the University of Zurich, the number of active users will rise as well, increasing by 50% compared to 2015 - unless the government establishes new regulations. Countries such as Canada and Uruguay have introduced new paradigms when it comes to regulating the sale and consumption of cannabis.

Administration - 11.04.2019
Devolving benefits could be positive for Welsh budget, according to report
Giving Wales the same powers over benefits as Scotland could boost the Welsh budget by £200m a year, according to new research from Cardiff University's Wales Governance Centre. The finding is revealed in a report which examines how Wales' finances could be affected if the Welsh Government was given the same control over welfare as the Scottish Government.

Administration - 02.04.2019
Politicians take credit for economic growth or reduced crime. A new study downplays their impact
Editor's note: This is one in a series of stories spotlighting how faculty, students and alumni at the Harris School of Public Policy are driving impact for the next generation. Leading up to the May 3 grand opening of the Harris's new home at the Keller Center, these stories will examine three of the most critical issues facing our world: strengthening democracy, fighting poverty and inequality, and combating climate change.

Administration - 25.03.2019
New perspectives in tax competition: the rise of tax havens in Switzerland
New perspectives in tax competition: the rise of tax havens in Switzerland
How do local tax havens emerge? Is tax competition harmful? Raphaël Parchet, Assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics of Università della Svizzera italiana, addresses these questions in his new project "Sorting, Tax Competition and the Rise of Local Tax Havens", funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), shedding new light on the logic behind the rise of tax havens in Switzerland.

Administration - Health - 20.03.2019
Child and adolescent anxiety could be linked to later alcohol problems
New research led by the University of Bristol has found some evidence that children and adolescents with higher levels of anxiety may be at greater risk of developing alcohol problems. However, the link between anxiety and later binge drinking and later frequency and quantity of drinking was more inconclusive.

Administration - Economics - 06.03.2019
Finds flaws in veterans' claims system
Finds flaws in veterans’ claims system
Stanford researchers examining the veterans' appeals process find that legal errors and due process mistakes while processing claims are much higher than publicly reported. A new study by Stanford scholars and their colleagues shines a stark spotlight on governance issues that have plagued a cornerstone of the nation's administrative system for years: rampant errors and a backlog of appeals cases involving veterans' benefits.

Administration - 06.02.2019
New welfare tool to help improve the lives of elephants in human care
PA27/19 Zoos and safari parks in the UK are using a special new tool to help them more successfully monitor the wellbeing of elephants in their care, thanks to a study led by The University of Nottingham. The new elephant behavioural welfare assessment tool, the result of research which has been published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE , allows keepers to quickly and easily track the welfare of individual elephants over time based on their demeanour and behaviour.

Health - Administration - 21.01.2019
Tragic death of six month old baby highlights need for policy overhaul regarding vitamin D supplementation
UK vitamin D supplementation policy needs to change to protect the health and lives of babies, pregnant women and dark skinned individuals, say University of Birmingham researchers as they today highlighted the death of a baby and serious ill health of two others due to a vitamin D deficiency. The death of six-month-old Noah Thahane, who died following complications of heart failure caused by severe Vitamin D deficiency, was entirely preventable, concluded Dr Wolfgang Högler and PhD doctoral researcher Dr Suma Uday in research published today in BMC Pediatrics.

Astronomy / Space - Administration - 09.01.2019
Canada’s CHIME telescope detects second repeating fast radio burst
A Canadian-led team of scientists has found the second repeating fast radio burst (FRB) ever recorded. FRBs are short bursts of radio waves coming from far outside our Milky Way galaxy. Scientists believe FRBs emanate from powerful astrophysical phenomena billions of light years away.