News 2019
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Architecture - Environment - 18.07.2019
Digital design and construction with wood, clay and system
By Ute Wiedner Is computer-aided design and construction with natural materials a contradiction in terms? Not for TU Graz architect Urs Hirschberg, who sees digital planning as an opportunity for sustainable architecture. News+Stories: You conduct research in the field of digital construction, or to put it more precisely, "augmented architecture".
Environment - Architecture - 25.03.2019
X-rays reveal termites' self-cooling, self-ventilating, self-draining skyscrapers
New insight into termites' architectural strategies could help us design more energy efficient self-sustaining buildings for humans. Many species of termite, whose societies are built on hierarchies of kings, queens, workers, and soldiers, live in towering nests that are ventilated by a complex system of tunnels.