news 2020


Computer Science

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Life Sciences - Computer Science - 23.12.2020
Love and Hate in the Mouse Brain
Mounting behavior, that awkward thrusting motion dogs sometimes do against your leg, is usually associated with sexual arousal in animals, but this is not always the case. New research by Caltech neuroscientists that explores the motivations behind mounting behavior in mice finds that sometimes there is a thin line between love and hate (or anger) in the mouse brain.

Physics - Computer Science - 21.12.2020
Multiparty entanglement: when everything is connected
Multiparty entanglement: when everything is connected
'Entanglement' is a ubiquitous concept in modern physics research: it occurs in subjects ranging from quantum gravity to quantum computing. In a publication that appeared in Physical Review Letters last week, UvA-IoP physicist Michael Walter and his collaborator Sepehr Nezami shed new light on the properties of quantum entanglement - in particular when many particles are involved.

Computer Science - Health - 18.12.2020
New app to monitor Parkinson’s progression at home
A new smartphone app developed by researchers at UCL and Birkbeck, University of London, is enabling doctors to remotely monitor their patients' progression of Parkinson's symptoms, as reported in a new clinical trial. The findings, published in npj Parkinson's Disease , show that the app can provide clinicians with a more complete picture of a person's condition than they can get from a typically brief medical check-up.

Computer Science - 18.12.2020
Scientists Present In-Memory Computing Pathways for Edge-AI & Neural Networks with 3D Architectures & Resistive-RAM
Papers at IEDM 2020 Explore Ways to Leverage 3D Technology's Strengths For Lowering Device Energy Consumption and Energy Lost in Data Transmission -GRENOBLE, France - Dec. CEA-Leti presented two papers this week at IEDM 2020 that confirm the advantages of combining 3D architectures and resistive-random-access-memories (RRAM) for in-memory computing (IMC), and their applications for Edge-AI and neural networks.

Computer Science - 17.12.2020
RunEASI wearable enables runners to train and rehabilitate more efficiently
RunEASI wearable enables runners to train and rehabilitate more efficiently
New KU Leuven spin-off combines biomechanical expertise and AI Being able to exercise without pain or injury: it's every athlete's dream as well as the goal of RunEASI, a new spin-off of KU Leuven. RunEASI's wearable measures the impact experienced by runners and provides scientific feedback that can help them avoid and recover from injuries.

Astronomy / Space - Computer Science - 17.12.2020
Artificial Intelligence Classifies Supernova Explosions with Unprecedented Accuracy
Artificial intelligence is classifying real supernova explosions without the traditional use of spectra, thanks to a team of astronomers at the Center for Astrophysics Harvard & Smithsonian. The complete data sets and resulting classifications are publicly available for open use. By training a machine learning model to categorize supernovae based on their visible characteristics, the astronomers were able to classify real data from the Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey for 2,315 supernovae with an accuracy rate of 82-percent without the use of spectra.

Health - Computer Science - 17.12.2020
AI-powered microscope could check cancer margins in minutes
AI-powered microscope could check cancer margins in minutes
Study: Deep learning microscope images thick tissues with extended depth-of-field When surgeons remove cancer, one of the first questions is, "Did they get it all?” Researchers from Rice University and the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have created a new microscope that can quickly and inexpensively image large tissue sections, potentially during surgery, to find the answer.

Computer Science - 17.12.2020
How does immersive reality affect implicit racial bias?
In the new experiment, 92 white female participants stood in a virtual street embodied either in a white or black body, with crowds of virtual people walking by. For those who experienced the neutral or positive crowd the same results as previously found were replicated and the implicit racial bias of those in the black body decreased.

Health - Computer Science - 16.12.2020
An Interdisciplinary Approach for Technological Advancement
Sorbonne University Alliance Multidisciplinary research Mathematician Pascal Frey heads the Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ISCD). Frey takes stock of ten years of interdisciplinary research and innovation around scientific computing, simulation and data analysis. The Institute is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year.

Computer Science - 16.12.2020
CEA Institutes Combine 3D Integration Technologies & Many-Core Architectures to Enable High-Performance Processors That Will Power Exascale Computing
CEA Institutes Combine 3D Integration Technologies & Many-Core Architectures to Enable High-Performance Processors That Will Power Exascale Computing
Invited paper at IEDM 2020 shows benefit of CEA-List's architectures in co-optimizing CEA-Leti's 3D toolbox to enable higher bandwidth & heterogeneity for high-performance processors. CEA Institutes Combine 3D Integration Technologies & Many-Core Architectures to Enable High-Performance Processors That Will Power Exascale Computing S AN FRANCISCO - Dec.

Computer Science - Physics - 15.12.2020
A.I. model shows promise to generate faster, more accurate weather forecasts
A.I. model shows promise to generate faster, more accurate weather forecasts
Today's weather forecasts come from some of the most powerful computers on Earth. The huge machines churn through millions of calculations to solve equations to predict temperature, wind, rainfall and other weather events. A forecast's combined need for speed and accuracy taxes even the most modern computers.

Physics - Computer Science - 14.12.2020
Quantum Internet Tested at Caltech and Fermilab
A joint team of researchers led by Caltech and including collaborators from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), which Caltech manages for NASA, and Fermilab (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) have established two test beds using off-the-shelf material and state-of-the-art quantum devices to accurately teleport quantum information for a sustained period across a distance of 44 kilometers.

Innovation - Computer Science - 14.12.2020
Searching for depth in the conversation about technology
Searching for depth in the conversation about technology
At the beginning of March 2021, there is a big fuss among the more fanatical wing of CDA supporters. What is going on? Just before the Dutch Parliamentary elections, charismatic party leader Hugo de Jonge committed a slip of the tongue that even Joe Biden would not have made. 'As Jesus would say, don't pin me down on it,' he said in a respected talk show.

Computer Science - Sport - 14.12.2020
The video referee in the spotlight
The video referee in the spotlight
Fans are not amused about decisions made by video assistants Since the 2019/20 season, controversial referee calls in the English Premier League may be technically reviewed and, if deemed necessary, corrected. Using a Twitter analysis of 129 games in the English Premier League, a research team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has now determined how decisions made by video referees affect the mood of the fans.

Life Sciences - Computer Science - 10.12.2020
DeepLabCut-Live! real-time marker-less motion capture for animals
Behavioral scientists at EPFL introduce DeepLabCut-Live!, a deep-learning tool that can enable real-time feedback studies on animal movement and posture. The software features "maker-less" real-time motion capture, can interface with lab hardware for neurological analysis, and is now available open source for use by researchers.

Computer Science - Innovation - 06.12.2020
Trust me!
Trust me!
By Cornelia Kröpfl BA MA When cars drive autonomously, technical faults can be fatal. Can we trust technology? Researchers at Graz University of Technology are working on calculating and ultimately proving this dependability. 75 billion everyday objects - from the smart watch and the self-driven car to entire production plants in Industry 4.0 - are to be joined up by 2025.

Computer Science - Mathematics - 05.12.2020
From the Wild West to data security
From the Wild West to data security
By Cornelia Kröpfl BA MA 30 years ago, data security was a niche topic. Today, researchers at TU Graz are laying the foundations for a completely new way of thinking about security. Including future developments. Not so long ago, the mobile phone was primarily used to store contact data. Today, smartphones know where we are and what media we read.

Health - Computer Science - 03.12.2020
AI now sees and hears COVID in your lungs
AI now sees and hears COVID in your lungs
DeepChest and DeepBreath, new deep learning algorithms developed at EPFL that identify patterns of COVID-19 in lung images and breath sounds, may help in the fight against other respiratory diseases and the growing challenge of antibiotic resistance. For Dr Mary-Anne Hartley, a medical doctor and researcher in EPFL's intelligent Global Health group (iGH), 2020 has been relentless.

Computer Science - Environment - 03.12.2020
UofG experts contribute to net-zero transition report
Researchers from the University of Glasgow's School of Mathematics and Statistics have contributed to a major new report on how digital technology could help the UK achieve its net-zero goals. The Royal Society's report, published today, suggests that digital technology, from smart meters to supercomputers, weather modelling and AI, could deliver nearly one third of the carbon emission reductions required by 2030.

Computer Science - Life Sciences - 25.11.2020
Analysing Plant Cells With 3D Images
A new image processing programme makes it possible to view and analyse plant cells in detail in 3D. Bioscientists and computer scientists at Heidelberg University helped to develop the open-source software called PlantSeg. It is based on methods of machine learning and can be used to study the process of morphogenesis - how the shape of plants develops - at the cellular level.
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