news 2022
Mysteriously bright flash is a black hole jet pointing straight toward Earth, astronomers say
Small asteroids are probably young
Deepest look yet into the heart of a quasar
Non-detection of key signal allows astronomers to determine what the first galaxies were - and weren’t - like
How to fire projectiles through materials without breaking anything
New device can control light at unprecedented speeds
Catching the dynamic Coronal Web
Shock waves trigger black holes’ powerful jets
A sharp look into the nucleus of a quasar
They manage to acoustically control individual photons integrated into a chip for quantum technologies applications
Electron pairing in quantum dots as new approach to qubit research
Spin correlation between paired electrons demonstrated
Watching light beams go out
New era of exoplanet exploration begins with ’remarkable’ JWST study of WASP-39b
Can a new technique for capturing ’hot’ electrons make solar cells more efficient?
Elusive carbonic acid: it really exists!
A twin pack of cooled nanoparticles
Results 41 - 60 of 446.
Astronomy / Space - Physics - 30.11.2022

Astronomers have determined the source of an incredibly bright X-ray, optical and radio signal appearing from halfway across the Universe. The signal, named AT 2022cmc, was discovered earlier this year by the Zwicky Transient Facility in California. Findings published today in Nature Astronomy, suggest that it is likely from a jet of matter, streaking out from a supermassive black hole at close to the speed of light.
Astronomy / Space - Physics - 29.11.2022

The impact experiment conducted on the asteroid Ryugu by the Japanese Hayabusa2 mission which took place two years ago resulted in an unexpectedly large crater. With the use of simulations, a team led by the University of Bern and the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) PlanetS has recently succeeded in gaining new insights from the experiment regarding the formation and development of asteroids.
Astronomy / Space - Physics - 28.11.2022

International team observes innermost structure of quasar 3C 273 At the core of almost every galaxy is a supermassive black hole. But there are many different types. Quasars, for example, are one of the brightest and most active types of galaxy centres. An international group, including researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, presents new observations of the first quasar ever identified.
Astronomy / Space - Physics - 28.11.2022

Researchers have been able to make some key determinations about the first galaxies to exist, in one of the first astrophysical studies of the period in the early Universe when the first stars and galaxies formed, known as the cosmic dawn.
Physics - Chemistry - 28.11.2022

When charged particles are being shot through ultra-thin layers of material, sometimes spectacular micro-explosions occur, sometimes the material remains almost intact. This has now been explained at the TU Wien. It sounds a bit like a magic trick: Some materials can be shot through with fast, electrically charged ions without exhibiting holes afterwards.
Physics - Innovation - 28.11.2022

Researchers have developed a programmable optical device for high-speed beam steering. In a scene from "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope," R2D2 projects a three-dimensional hologram of Princess Leia making a desperate plea for help. That scene, filmed more than 45 years ago, involved a bit of movie magic - even today, we don't have the technology to create such realistic and dynamic holograms.
Physics - Computer Science - 24.11.2022
Quantum sound connects future quantum devices
Physicists from the Gröblacher lab at TU Delft have built a device that can link different quantum devices and qubits to each other. This device, a silicon chip with vibrations traveling through it, functions as a network between quantum devices. This marks the first time that scientists are able to store as many qubits as they'd like within a very compact area on this type of chip.
Astronomy / Space - Physics - 24.11.2022

Researchers discover an important clue as to what mechanism drives the solar wind Using observational data from the U.S. weather satellites GOES, a team of researchers led by the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Germany has taken an important step toward unlocking one of the Sun-s most persevering secrets: How does our star launch the particles constituting the solar wind into space? The data provide a unique view of a key region in the solar corona to which researchers have had little access so far.
Astronomy / Space - Physics - 24.11.2022

Powerful jets of material released by black holes are accelerated far into space by shock waves within the jets, an international collaboration involving UCL researchers has found. The study, published in Nature , helps to solve a decades-old mystery about how these jets are produced. The research team was able to rule out alternative causes of the jets - such as magnetic reconnection - and, out of a number of theoretical models of how the particles in the jets are accelerated, showed that just one model was correct.
Astronomy / Space - Physics - 23.11.2022

International team observes the innermost structure of the jet of 3C 273 At the core of almost every galaxy is a supermassive black hole. But there are many different types. Quasars, for example, are one of the brightest and most active varieties of galactic centers. An international group, including researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Germany, presents new observations of the first quasar ever identified.
Physics - Innovation - 23.11.2022

An international research team in which the Institute of Materials Science of the University of Valencia (ICMUV) participates has managed to control individual photons integrated into a chip with great precision aiming at applications in quantum acoustic technologies or integrated photonic networks.
Physics - Materials Science - 23.11.2022

Publication in Nature demonstrates promising method towards building the foundation for a future quantum computer. Scientists from QuTech and Eindhoven University of Technology have taken a next step in qubit research. Qubits are one of the building blocks of a future quantum computer. The researchers - including Sasa Gazibegovic, Ghada Badawy and Erik Bakkers from TU/e - have published their results in Nature on 23 November 2022.
Physics - Electroengineering - 23.11.2022

Physicists at the University of Basel have experimentally demonstrated for the first time that there is a negative correlation between the two spins of an entangled pair of electrons from a superconductor. For their study, the researchers used spin filters made of nanomagnets and quantum dots, as they report in the scientific journal Nature.
Physics - Materials Science - 23.11.2022

A team from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena has set up a new streak camera on ID16B, which can measure very fast kinetic phenomena present in light emission after receiving an X-ray pulse. The camera is now available to the user community to study complex carrier dynamics with spatio-temporal resolutions.
Astronomy / Space - Physics - 22.11.2022

Studies of one exoplanet's atmosphere using James Webb Space Telescope instruments have revealed the detection of new molecules and cloud structures. In a suite of studies across five papers, a large international team including Imperial College London researchers has demonstrated the power of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) for investigating exoplanets.
Physics - Chemistry - 22.11.2022

A Bath discovery opens a new route for measuring and controlling hot electrons. The hope is that more energy will be available to power solar cells. A new way of extracting quantitative information from state-of-the-art single molecule experiments has been developed by physicists at the University of Bath.
Physics - Chemistry - 22.11.2022

Neutrons from FRM II expose crystal structure of carbonic acid The existence of carbonic acid has long been the subject of debate: theoretically real, but practically impossible to detect. That is because the compound decomposes at the Earth's surface. A German-Chinese team of researchers working at the FRM II Research Neutron Source at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has now made the crystalline structure of carbonic acid molecules visible for the first time.
Astronomy / Space - Physics - 22.11.2022
International team observes innermost structure of quasar jet
New observations show the deepest parts of the quasar's plasma jet in a project led by MIT Haystack Observatory. At the heart of nearly every galaxy lurks a supermassive black hole. But not all supermassive black holes are alike: there are many types. Quasars, or quasi-stellar objects, are one of the brightest and most active types of supermassive black holes.
Physics - Electroengineering - 21.11.2022

Researchers at ETH have developed a technique to cool several nanoparticles simultaneously to temperatures of just a few thousandths of a degree above absolute zero. This new method can be used to study quantum effects of several nanoparticles and to build highly sensitive sensors. Over the past forty years, physicists have learned to cool increasingly large objects down to temperatures close to the absolute zero: atoms, molecules and, more recently, also nanoparticles consisting of billions of atoms.
Physics - Innovation - 21.11.2022
New quantum tool developed in groundbreaking experimental achievement
Scientists recreate properties of light in neutral fundamental particles called neutrons For the first time in experimental history, researchers at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) have created a device that generates twisted neutrons with well-defined orbital angular momentum. Previously considered an impossibility, this groundbreaking scientific accomplishment provides a brand new avenue for researchers to study the development of next-generation quantum materials with applications ranging from quantum computing to identifying and solving new problems in fundamental physics.