news 2023



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Chemistry - Campus - 20.12.2023
CMU-Designed Artificially Intelligent Coscientist Automates Scientific Discovery
A non-organic intelligent system has for the first time designed, planned and executed a chemistry experiment, Carnegie Mellon researchers report in the Dec. 21 issue of the journal Nature (doi:10.1038/s41586'023 -06792-0). "We anticipate that intelligent agent systems for autonomous scientific experimentation will bring tremendous discoveries, unforeseen therapies and new materials.

Life Sciences - Campus - 13.12.2023
Deep neural networks show promise as models of human hearing
Study shows computational models trained to perform auditory tasks display an internal organization similar to that of the human auditory cortex. Computational models that mimic the structure and function of the human auditory system could help researchers design better hearing aids, cochlear implants, and brain-machine interfaces.

Campus - 11.12.2023
The science of shaking presents
The science of shaking presents
A s'holidays near, people are sneaking shakes of their presents to try to figure out what they're getting. But present shakers might be a little less sly than they think. New research shows its incredibly easy for people watching others shake boxes to tell what they're up to.

Pedagogy - Campus - 05.12.2023
SP80 boat ready to take off
SP80 boat ready to take off
The SP80 team has just attached a kite to its sailboat, in another step towards its goal of breaking the current world record and reaching a speed of 150 km/h.

Campus - 30.11.2023
High school students’ academic development linked to achievement emotions over time
School students experience a wide range of achievement emotions during the years they spend attending school. Some of those emotions, such as joy and pride, are positive. Yet students also experience boredom and anger when they find achievement activities too difficult or too easy. These differing emotions are important for adolescents' development trajectories.

Environment - Campus - 29.11.2023
2.45 million for research into solving PFAS at Utrecht Science Park
2.45 million for research into solving PFAS at Utrecht Science Park
Utrecht University's PFAS Remediation Living Lab recently received funding of 2.45 million from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water to research a PFAS-contaminated field at Utrecht University and other locations. Worldwide, large tracts of land are contaminated with PFAS. Instead of the classic "dig and dump" method, the university wants to explore the possibilities of sustainable remediation.

Pedagogy - Campus - 21.11.2023
Groundbreaking research into the imaginary play of infants and toddlers
A landmark study from Monash University has found that infants and toddlers are capable of engaging in imaginary play, correcting previously held academic beliefs that they were unable to, and confirming the profound significance of imaginative play in early childhood education. Funded through the Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship scheme, the five year programmatic study, which involved researchers from the Faculty of Education at Monash University, engaged with over 2,500 educators and young children.

Life Sciences - Campus - 20.11.2023
Newly Discovered Brain Circuit Controls An Aversion to Salty Tastes
Sodium in the form of table salt helps make French fries a tasty snack and bacon a delicious indulgence, but it is also a vital nutrient for the proper functioning of our bodies, playing a role in the movement of your muscles, the signaling of your neurons, and many other important processes. Having the right amount of sodium in your body is so crucial, in fact, that parts of your brain work hard to make sure you're getting the salt that you need.

Campus - 20.11.2023
Shaking boxes for science
Shaking boxes for science
People watched other people shake boxes for science. Here's why. When Johns Hopkins researchers asked hundreds of people to watch other people shake boxes, it took just seconds for almost all of them to figure out what the shaking was for W hen researchers asked hundreds of people to watch other people shake boxes, it took just seconds for almost all of them to figure out what the shaking was for.

Health - Campus - 09.11.2023
Efforts to attract physicians to underserved areas aren't working
Efforts to attract physicians to underserved areas aren’t working
A federal program aimed at attracting physicians to areas with critical shortages has not improved mortality rates or physician density, a new Yale study finds. A federal program created to attract physicians to medically underserved areas of the United States has not achieved this intended effect or reduced mortality rates in these regions, a new Yale study finds.

Electroengineering - Campus - 01.11.2023
Measuring 5G antennas in the reverberation chamber
Measuring 5G antennas in the reverberation chamber
Anouk Hubrechsen defended her PhD thesis cum laude at the Department of Electrical Engineering on October 26th. We are using ever more (smart) devices connected to the 5G network. The high-frequency antennas they contain are often integrated with chips, and this adds a layer of complexity to testing.

Campus - 26.10.2023
How adults understand what kids are saying
How adults understand what kids are saying
It's not easy to parse young children's words, but adults' beliefs about what children want to communicate helps make it possible, a new study finds. When babies first begin to talk, their vocabulary is very limited. Often one of the first sounds they generate is "da," which may refer to dad, a dog, a dot, or nothing at all.

Campus - 24.10.2023
Mindfully outraged by injustice
Mindfulness doesn't always prompt a 'keep calm and carry on' attitude - it can amplify outrage at injustice, according to research from The University of Queensland. While mindfulness is known to lessen emotional responses in victims of injustice, a five-year study led by Dr Adam Kay from the UQ Business School found it had the opposite effect on witnesses to acts of injustice against others.

Environment - Campus - 13.10.2023
Climate change adaptation actions too uncoordinated worldwide
A new comprehensive survey of more than 1,400 scientific studies has shed light on the challenges of climate change adaptation. The study reveals a critical issue: systematic networking of various actor groups has generally been insufficient. Notably, the main burden has been borne by individuals and households affected by the consequences of climate change.

Environment - Campus - 26.09.2023
Resilience Reflections #9: Speaking each other’s language
Recognising the urgent need to respond to rapid societal and environmental change, resilience is one of the University of Twente's spearheads. As an academic institution, we have a role to play in strengthening the resilience of the social, technological and environmental systems that support us. In this weekly series of the Resilience@UT programme , UT researchers share their personal reflections on current events and trends that impact our daily lives, exploring their implications for resilience.

Campus - Economics - 18.09.2023
AI Answers: CMU’s Rayid Ghani Testifies to Senate Committee
On Thursday, Carnegie Mellon University's Rayid Ghani testified as a witness during the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing entitled " Governing AI Through Acquisition and Procurement. "  Ghani, who graduated from Carnegie Mellon in 2001, is a Distinguished Career Professor in CMU's Machine Learning Department and the Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy.

Campus - Pedagogy - 18.09.2023
Context counts: Holistic admissions boosts college success and diversity, U-M study shows
Study: Contextualized High School Performance: Evidence to Inform Equitable Holistic, Test-Optional, and Test-Free Admissions Policies Indicators of high school grades and standardized test scores that consider the levels of school, neighborhood and family resources available to students are strongly associated with students' success in college, according to new University of Michigan research.

Campus - Life Sciences - 14.08.2023
UW bioengineering researchers help create a roadmap to diversify faculty hiring
UW bioengineering researchers help create a roadmap to diversify faculty hiring
UW News staff A team of biomedical researchers, including two bioengineers at the University of Washington, has developed a new method for hiring engineering professors. Currently, the researchers argue, engineering departments "lack the education and skills needed to effectively hire faculty candidates from historically excluded groups.

Physics - Campus - 19.07.2023
'Strange metal' sends quantum researchers in circles
’Strange metal’ sends quantum researchers in circles
A Yale-led team of physicists has discovered a circular pattern in the movement of electrons in a group of quantum materials known as -strange metals. Strange metal,- that rogue phenomenon of the electrical realm, just became a little less enigmatic. Identified more than 40 years ago, strange metal is a state of matter found in many quantum materials - including certain superconductors that scientists say may be vital for high-tech products of the future.

Pedagogy - Campus - 04.07.2023
5-minute brain break: refresh your mind (anywhere)
5-minute brain break: refresh your mind (anywhere)
Researchers from University of Sydney set out to discover which common attention hacks really work. They found a 5-minute break from thinking is all you need to get your concentration back. There is no need for a walk along a river, or a lengthy video of bamboo forests swaying in the wind (although that could be nice).
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