Results 41 - 60 of 94.
Architecture - Environment - 01.09.2022

A PhD thesis carried out at EPFL has shown that, based on realistic forecasts, the only way we'll be able to shrink the environmental footprint of residential dwelling by 2050 in Switzerland is through a joint effort between housing owners and tenants. The thesis research, performed by civil engineering student Margarita Agriantoni, is based on computer simulations of different housing development scenarios over the next 30 years (from 2020 to 2050).
Environment - Architecture - 24.06.2022

By Christoph Pelzl The Graz Center of Sustainable Construction was officially opened yesterday at TU Graz. Its goals are to rethink construction in its entirety, reduce environmental impacts and make the built environment climate neutral.
Architecture - History / Archeology - 22.06.2022

Researcher and architect Catarina Wall Gago has published a guide to renovation best practices, drawing on a study of historic housing in Lisbon, Oporto and Geneva.
Social Sciences - Architecture - 25.05.2022
Do urban gardens lead to gentrification? Not in Detroit
A wide-scale look at Detroit's urban gardens finds that while they don't seem to foreshadow gentrification in the city, there are some unsettling trends about where they're located and the sociodemographics in those areas. For example, home and community gardens are more frequently planted in non-Black neighborhoods, according to the study forthcoming in the journal Landscape and Urban Planning.
Architecture - Environment - 03.05.2022
How Venice, Italy Can Cut Carbon Emissions from Social Housing
A Berkeley Lab building energy tool points to potential heating energy savings of 67% A new study led by Berkeley Lab found the potential for significant energy savings via building efficiency improvements in the historic city of Venice, Italy. (Credit: tunart/iStock) - By Christina Nunez Research using software developed at Berkeley Lab recently pinpointed actions that could help the historic canal city of Venice, Italy slash energy use and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
Architecture - 04.04.2022

Arts & Humanities Nathan Skolski Recent UBC research finds the expansion of rapid transit generally benefits households from all income groups, but higher income households benefit the most. Dr. Andrea Craig is an assistant professor of economics in UBC Okanagan's Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
Environment - Architecture - 20.01.2022
Sustainable, affordable housing is possible with adaptable houses
VUB research explores potential of low-cost, low-carbon, flexible living spaces Sustainable building and affordable housing: two concepts that seem mutually exclusive.
Architecture - History / Archeology - 07.01.2022

Scientists have studied the unique features of the decorative vaulting known as muqarnas in Spain's Alhambra palace and fortress complex. Muqarnas are commonly found in Islamic architecture, yet they are poorly understood by the architectural community and the little data that exist on them have been simplified over time.
Environment - Architecture - 11.10.2021

Through analysis of satellite imagery, researchers of the University of Amsterdam found a substantial loss of green space in the cities of Amsterdam and Brussels, 15.7% per capita in Amsterdam and 26.5% in Brussels. This loss can be directly linked to urban densification processes. 'Additions of green space were insufficient to compensate for the loss of green space through new development projects.' The authors call for integrative policy measures to overcome this conflict between densification and greening of cities.
Materials Science - Architecture - 06.10.2021

Boasting an intricate, doubly curved concrete roof, lightweight funicular floors, and self-learning building technology, the latest addition to Empa and Eawag's NEST research building in Duebendorf, Switzerland officially opened today. The innovative unit illustrates nearly a decade of formative ETH Zurich research in architecture and sustainable technologies.
Environment - Architecture - 20.09.2021

'It has to happen in the city. This is where a relatively large number of people feel the effects of climate warming and where greening has a potentially large impact.' That's the view of urban planner Mendel Giezen on making cities sustainable by bringing back nature.
Environment - Architecture - 18.05.2021

Climate-related temperature rises will further increase the cooling demand of buildings. A projection by researchers based on data from the NEST building and future climate scenarios for Switzerland shows that this increase in energy demand for cooling is likely to be substantial and could have a strong impact on our future - electrified - energy system.
Architecture - 22.02.2021

J oin t Paper Presented at ISSCC 2021 Shows How New Adaptive Back-Biasing Technique O vercomes Integration Limits in Chip Design Flows CEA-Leti & Dolphin Design Report FD-SOI Breakthrough that Boosts Operating Frequency by 450% and Reduces Power Consumption by 30% GRENOBLE, France - Feb. CEA-Leti and Dolphin Design have developed an adaptive back-biasing (ABB) architecture for FD-SOI chips that can be seamlessly integrated in the digital design flow with industrial-grade qualification, overcoming integration drawbacks of existing ABB techniques.
Environment - Architecture - 10.08.2020

Share on: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn The extent of Southeast Michigan's tree canopy and its urban sprawl both increased between 1985 and 2015, according to a new University of Michigan study that used aerial photos and satellite images to map individual buildings and small patches of street trees.
Architecture - Social Sciences - 27.05.2020

By Ute Wiedner The current issue of the Graz Architecture Magazine (GAM) gathers together new collaborative living concepts under the title "gewohnt: un/common" and presents them for discussion as "rehearsal stages" for affordable living. Rising rents and the constantly growing struggle for living space show that the housing market in Europe, with its stereotypical floor plan typologies, is no longer able to react flexibly to changing requirements and the worsening social situation.
Architecture - 20.05.2020

In a new book, researchers from EPFL examine the history of organic architecture, complete with telling examples of the genre, from its emergence in the early 20th century to the present day.
Architecture - Health - 04.05.2020
Epidiemology and urban planning: the views of Sascha Roesler on the NZZ
What is the relationship between epidiemology and urban planning? Sascha Roesler, assistant professor at the USI Academy of Achitecture (Institute for the History and Theory of Art and Architecture, ISA), explores the subject in a recently published article in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung and with a short video, showing how these two concepts have a common history and future.
Computer Science - Architecture - 23.04.2020

Artificial intelligence has become a focus of certain ethical concerns, but it also has some major sustainability issues. Last June, researchers at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst released a startling report estimating that the amount of power required for training and searching a certain neural network architecture involves the emissions of roughly 626,000 pounds of carbon dioxide.
Architecture - Environment - 18.07.2019

By Ute Wiedner Is computer-aided design and construction with natural materials a contradiction in terms? Not for TU Graz architect Urs Hirschberg, who sees digital planning as an opportunity for sustainable architecture. News+Stories: You conduct research in the field of digital construction, or to put it more precisely, "augmented architecture".
Environment - Architecture - 25.03.2019
X-rays reveal termites' self-cooling, self-ventilating, self-draining skyscrapers
New insight into termites' architectural strategies could help us design more energy efficient self-sustaining buildings for humans. Many species of termite, whose societies are built on hierarchies of kings, queens, workers, and soldiers, live in towering nests that are ventilated by a complex system of tunnels.
Environment - Jan 30
Going beyond Net Zero: Bath engineers and architects launch manifesto on regenerative design
Going beyond Net Zero: Bath engineers and architects launch manifesto on regenerative design
Architecture - Nov 11
Innovative Sutton project supports socially and environmentally responsible densification
Innovative Sutton project supports socially and environmentally responsible densification

Architecture - Sep 24
'The way that our cities, houses and flats are built right now makes us feel dependent.'
'The way that our cities, houses and flats are built right now makes us feel dependent.'