


Results 61 - 80 of 3199.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 04.11.2024
ESA comes to Switzerland
As a journalist, do you have general questions about PSI? Are you looking for an expert on your topic?  Get in touch with our The signing of a contract between the European Space Agency ESA and PSI marks the start of the European Space Deep-Tech Innovation Centre ESDI. "Magic" element challenges current model of nucleosynthesis Surprising measurements lead to the discovery of an unknown process.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 30.10.2024
Evidence mounts for dark energy from black holes
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument is helping researchers explore the 'Big Bang played in reverse' Study: DESI Dark Energy Time Evolution is Recovered by Cosmologically Coupled Black Holes (DOI: 10. Almost 14 billion years ago, at the very beginning of the Big Bang, a mysterious energy drove an exponential expansion of the infant universe and produced all known matter, according to the prevailing inflationary universe theory.

Astronomy / Space - Computer Science - 30.10.2024
Laser Measurements to Track Space Debris and Observe Water Masses
Laser Measurements to Track Space Debris and Observe Water Masses
More accurate orbit predictions for satellites and space debris as well as a better understanding of the water masses present on Earth: Researchers at TU Graz have achieved both using satellite laser ranging. What do the Earth's gravitational field and the trajectories of satellites and space debris have in common? The Earth's gravitational field influences the orbits of our companions in space, while the changes in the orbits in turn allow conclusions to be drawn about changes in the gravitational field and thus existing water masses.

Astronomy / Space - 28.10.2024
Seeing a black hole’s jet in a new light
Study: Superluminal proper motion in the X-ray jet of Centaurus A (DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad73a1) Research led by the University of Michigan has pored over more than two decades' worth of data from NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory to show there's new knotty science to discover around black holes.

Astronomy / Space - 25.10.2024
Dandelion-Shaped Supernova
Dandelion-Shaped Supernova
A historical supernova documented by Chinese and Japanese astronomers in 1181 has been lost for centuries, until very recently. Yet, the newly found remnant shows some stunning characteristics that are puzzling astronomers. Now, it surrenders its secrets. A team led by Tim Cunningham from the Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian, and Ilaria Caiazzo, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), provides the first detailed study of the supernova's structure and speed of expansion in 3D.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 25.10.2024
Radio Telescopes’ Earthbound Perspective Clouds Discovery of Fast Radio Bursts
Carnegie Mellon researchers have discovered that there's not only a bias in how telescopes 'see' but also in how they 'hear.' The findings, published in Nature , have implications for studying fast radio bursts. Fast radio bursts, millisecond blasts of energy from deep space, are one of astronomy's greatest mysteries.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 24.10.2024
Dandelion Supernova Revealed in 3-D
For nearly six months during the year 1181, people looked up to the skies to find a new star glittering in the constellation Cassiopeia. Chinese and Japanese astronomers recorded the rare event, an explosion of a star, or supernova. In the centuries since, astronomers have searched for the remains of the blast, but it was not until 2013 that they were finally found.

Astronomy / Space - Health - 24.10.2024
NASA Science on Health, Safety to Launch on 31st SpaceX Resupply Mission
NASA Science on Health, Safety to Launch on 31st SpaceX Resupply Mission
New science experiments for NASA are set to launch aboard the agency's SpaceX 31st commercial resupply services mission to the International Space Station. The six investigations aim to contribute to cutting-edge discoveries by NASA scientists and research teams. The SpaceX Dragon spacecraft will liftoff aboard the company's Falcon 9 rocket from Launch Complex 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Astronomy / Space - Chemistry - 24.10.2024
Molecules that store much of the carbon in space
Molecules that store much of the carbon in space
The discovery of pyrene derivatives in a distant interstellar cloud may help to reveal how our own solar system formed. A team led by researchers at MIT has discovered that a distant interstellar cloud contains an abundance of pyrene, a type of large, carbon-containing molecule known as a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH).

Astronomy / Space - 23.10.2024
First Black Hole in a Triple Star System Found
Astrophysicists from Caltech and MIT report that they have observed for the first time a "black hole triple"-a system of three stars, one of which is a black hole. Prior to the discovery, this black hole was thought to have just one partner star not two. In this system, called V404 Cygni, the black hole is consuming a small star that is spiraling in very close and fast while a newfound third star circles the black hole from much farther away.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 23.10.2024
Physicists discover first 'black hole triple'
Physicists discover first ’black hole triple’
System observed 8,000 light-years away may be the first direct evidence of "gentle" black hole formation. Many black holes detected to date appear to be part of a pair. These binary systems comprise a black hole and a secondary object - such as a star, a much denser neutron star, or another black hole - that spiral around each other, drawn together by the black hole's gravity to form a tight orbital pair.

Astronomy / Space - Environment - 23.10.2024
Rocky planets orbiting small stars could have stable atmospheres needed to support life
Since its launch in late 2021, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has raised the possibility that we could detect signs of life on exoplanets, or planets outside our solar system. Top candidates in this search are rocky, rather than gaseous, planets orbiting low-mass stars called M-dwarfs - easily the most common stars in the universe.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 21.10.2024
They recreate at the CERN a nuclear reaction that is key to know the chemical evolution of our galaxy and the solar system
They recreate at the CERN a nuclear reaction that is key to know the chemical evolution of our galaxy and the solar system
Researchers from the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC, UV-CSIC) achieve to measure at the laboratory the formation of a key element in the evolution of chemical make-up of the heavy elements. An isotope of this element, Lead-204, is produced in giant red stars, responsible for the creation of half of the elements which are heavier than iron in nature.

Astronomy / Space - Earth Sciences - 21.10.2024
’Time capsule’ lunar samples link the Moon’s past and present
Samples collected from the surface of the Moon by the crew of Apollo 16 more than 50 years ago have helped scientists reconstruct billions of years of lunar history. The research team's findings, published in the journal Meteoritics & Planetary Science, are based on analysis of a distinct set of lunar breccias that have never been scrutinised in detail before.

Astronomy / Space - 17.10.2024
The origin of most meteorites finally revealed
The origin of most meteorites finally revealed
An international team led by three researchers from the CNRS1, the European Southern Observatory (ESO, Europe), and Charles University (Czech Republic) has successfully demonstrated that 70% of all known meteorite falls originate from just three young asteroid families. These families were produced by three recent collisions that occurred in the main asteroid belt 5.8, 7.5, and about 40 million years ago.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 17.10.2024
Astronomers detect ancient lonely quasars with murky origins
Astronomers detect ancient lonely quasars with murky origins
The quasars appear to have few cosmic neighbors, raising questions about how they first emerged more than 13 billion years ago. A quasar is the extremely bright core of a galaxy that hosts an active supermassive black hole at its center. As the black hole draws in surrounding gas and dust, it blasts out an enormous amount of energy, making quasars some of the brightest objects in the universe.

Astronomy / Space - Environment - 17.10.2024
Could Life Exist Below Mars Ice? NASA Study Proposes Possibilities
Could Life Exist Below Mars Ice? NASA Study Proposes Possibilities
The white material seen within this Martian gully is believed to be dusty water ice. Scientists believe this kind of ice could be an excellent place to look for microbial life on Mars today. This image, showing part of a region called Dao Vallis, was. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona" These holes, captured on Alaska's Matanuska Glacier in 2012, are formed by cryoconite - dust particles that melt into the ice over time, eventually forming small pockets of water below the glacier's surface.

Astronomy / Space - Earth Sciences - 16.10.2024
Researchers propose age of Moon's oldest impact basin, uncovering its ancient impact history
Researchers propose age of Moon’s oldest impact basin, uncovering its ancient impact history
Scientists believe they could have pinpointed the age of the largest and oldest impact basin on the Moon to over 4.32 billion years ago. The Moon, like the Earth, has been bombarded by asteroids and comets since its formation, leaving behind craters and basins. However, the exact timing and intensity of most of these events, notably the oldest and largest basin on the Moon, have remained unclear to scientists-until now.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 16.10.2024
It’s Twins! Mystery of Famed Brown Dwarf Solved
Hundreds of papers have been written about the first known brown dwarf, Gliese 229 B, since its discovery by Caltech researchers at the Institute's Palomar Observatory in 1995. But a pressing mystery has persisted about this orb: It is too dim for its mass. Brown dwarfs are lighter than stars and heavier than gas giants like Jupiter.

Astronomy / Space - 11.10.2024
How did the building blocks of life arrive on Earth?
How did the building blocks of life arrive on Earth?
Researchers have used the chemical fingerprints of zinc contained in meteorites to determine the origin of volatile elements on Earth. The results suggest that without 'unmelted' asteroids, there may not have been enough of these compounds on Earth for life to emerge. Volatiles are elements or compounds that change into vapour at relatively low temperatures.