Results 81 - 100 of 482.
Career - 14.08.2023
These organizational changes can shake up company hierarchy
Organizational change can be seen as a threat, but can also create opportunity. How people initially react to changes depends on their placement within their work groups- status hierarchy, according to new research from the University of Washington. A status hierarchy is an informal ranking of employees based on the amount of respect and admiration earned from others.
Health - Career - 09.08.2023

Science, Health & Technology Sachi Wickramasinghe Simple home workouts using exercise apps can effectively reduce depressive symptoms in healthcare workers and could be a major tool to combat the global mental health crisis in the sector, says new University of British Columbia research. The study, published today in JAMA Psychiatry , divided participants into either a waitlisted control group or an exercise group who were given free access to a suite of home exercise apps called DownDog , that included yoga, cardio and strength training.
Career - Economics - 24.07.2023
Employers should allow workers to break the rules - sometimes
When employees break the rules at work, they can land in hot water - but according to a new study from the UBC Sauder School of Business, bosses may want to think twice about cracking down on those who don't stick to the script. In the past, researchers believed that when employees broke the rules, they were doing it for malicious or self-serving reasons: for example, workers might steal, or take longer breaks than they're entitled to.
Career - Health - 18.07.2023
New research addresses mental health crisis in the construction industry
New research is tackling the mental health crisis in the construction industry - highlighting the benefits of an on-site Health Hub on worker wellbeing. The construction industry has the highest number of deaths by suicide compared to other employment sectors, accounting for 20% of all suicides by occupation between 2011-2019 (ONS).
Career - Social Sciences - 18.07.2023
Employment has a positive effect on mothers’ well-being
The number of working mothers in Germany has been rising for years, however, they find themselves constantly balancing between work and family. Research shows that being employed has a positive effect on a person's health and well-being. However, no research has examined how employment affects the well-being and health of single mothers and cohabiting mothers.
Social Sciences - Career - 17.07.2023
Men ’less satisfied with life’ when their female partner is the only earner - new study
Analysis from Dr Helen Kowalewska and Dr Agnese Vitali looked at the link between breadwinner status and wellbeing in heterosexual couples. Men report lower wellbeing when women are the sole earner in a relationship, versus where both partners are employed or the man is the main breadwinner, according to a revealing new study.
Innovation - Career - 14.07.2023
ChatGPT boosts worker productivity for some writing tasks
A new report by MIT researchers highlights the potential of generative AI to help workers with certain writing assignments. Amid a huge amount of hype around generative AI, a new study from researchers at MIT sheds light on the technology's impact on work, finding that it increased productivity for workers assigned tasks like writing cover letters, delicate emails, and cost-benefit analyses.
Social Sciences - Career - 13.07.2023
Unemployment and underemployment significant drivers of suicide: analysis
Analysis led by University of Sydney researchers has revealed causal effects of unemployment and underemployment on suicide rates in Australia, with an estimated 10 percent of reported suicides over a 13-year period resulting from labour underutilisation. A study examining unemployment and underemployment figures and suicide rates in Australia has found both were significant drivers of suicide mortality between 2004-2016.
Health - Career - 12.07.2023
Financial concerns linked to symptoms of depression in healthcare workers
The largest study of its kind, led by the University of Leicester in collaboration with UCL, found that money worries were associated with an increased risk of depression, particularly in nursing staff. The proportion of workers who had concerns about finances rose from 56% of staff at the start of the study to 78% in 2022.
Career - 06.07.2023
Emailing less is possible, but not easy
Many people use email for work. It is convenient, but also a source of stress. Email can constantly distract you from other work and disrupt your free time. At the same, the workload in many sectors, such as healthcare, can already be high. Cutting back on email use can reduce stress. Researchers at Utrecht University have developed and tested a number of simple solutions with healthcare workers.
Health - Career - 04.07.2023

Poor work relationships and unmanageable demands on healthcare workers in NSW have prompted the industry to trial work design strategies that improve workers' mental health and wellbeing.
Career - Health - 30.06.2023
Detroit’s 16% unemployment rate driven by labor force rebounders
Sixteen percent of Detroit residents in the labor force were unemployed as of March 2023, according to the latest survey from the University of Michigan's Detroit Metro Area Communities Study. The latest unemployment estimate essentially holds steady from the previous DMACS estimate in August 2022. Detroit's unemployment peaked at 43% at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and remains higher than the estimated pre-pandemic unemployment rate of 8%.
Career - 28.06.2023
Migrants after Brexit: ’If you don’t want me, I don’t want you either’
Door de Brexit moeten Britse bedrijven mogelijk veel meer moeite doen om hoogopgeleide migranten te behouden. Veel migranten hebben het gevoel dat ze zich moeten distantiėren van het Verenigd Koninkrijk, terwijl anderen aangeven daar helemaal geen last van te hebben, zo blijkt uit een nieuwe studie die is gepubliceerd in de Academy of Management Discoveries.
Health - Career - 22.06.2023
Significant progress in small-cell lung cancer research
Small-cell lung cancer is a particularly aggressive type of tumor with a consistently high mortality rate. In recent years, the research of scientists at MedUni Vienna's Department of Thoracic Surgery has significantly contributed to a better understanding and new therapeutic approaches in this malignant disease.
Career - 08.06.2023
Employers should think twice before implementing peer recognition programs
Public peer recognition may make some employees feel unfairly treated In fast-paced and often rapidly changing work environments, employers continue to seek new and improved ways to recognize employees in the workplace. However, new research from the University of Waterloo suggests that public peer recognition may backfire by enabling comparisons among employees, and these comparisons may make some employees feel unfairly treated.
Health - Career - 23.05.2023
What’s behind burnout and exhaustion in nursing staff?
A research survey of almost nine-hundred nursing staff has found that long hours combined with poor staffing and little choice in working patterns is likely to be behind nurses burning out and becoming exhausted at work. Working 12-hour shifts in hospitals is quite common and in previous research it has been found that nursing staff that regularly work long shifts can burn out, and in some cases leave the profession or become ill.
Health - Career - 17.05.2023

Around 30% of the global burden of disease is treatable with surgery. But surgeon-scientists receive very little research funding, a new study finds. Though 30% of the global burden of disease is treatable through surgery, surgeon-scientists make up less than 2% of U.S. researchers who receive funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a new Yale-led study finds.
Health - Career - 15.05.2023

Writing in The Conversation, Dr Jacques Wels (UCL MRC Unit for Lifelong Health & Ageing) shares his new research which found home working was not detrimental to mental health in the early stages of the pandemic, but was associated with negative effects later on. One of the key changes to our daily lives brought about by the COVID pandemic was, for those able to do so, working from home.
Environment - Career - 12.05.2023
Finding ’hot spots’ where compounding environmental and economic risks converge
A new computational tool empowers decision-makers to target interventions. A computational tool developed by researchers at the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change pinpoints specific counties within the United States that are particularly vulnerable to economic distress resulting from a transition from fossil fuels to low-carbon energy sources.
Social Sciences - Career - 26.04.2023
Misconceptions Put Women Off STEM Subjects
Young women seem to be less drawn to degrees in science or technology. But what is putting them off? A sociological study at UZH has revealed that outdated gender stereotypes - such as supposed differences in analytical thinking - play a major role. Why do so few female school leavers with good grades in mathematics choose to study a technical subject - despite the high salaries and good employment prospects in the STEM sector? This question has long preoccupied the social sciences, especially as studies show that girls and boys do equally well in mathematics at school.
Career - Jan 24
Ransomware in the Netherlands: UT PhD offers new insights on size, willingness to pay and effectiveness of police interventions
Ransomware in the Netherlands: UT PhD offers new insights on size, willingness to pay and effectiveness of police interventions
Career - Jan 24
Ransomware: UT PhD offers new insights on size, willingness to pay and effectiveness of police interventions
Ransomware: UT PhD offers new insights on size, willingness to pay and effectiveness of police interventions