Results 41 - 60 of 1325.
Economics - Campus - 10.07.2024
A study by UC3M and IMDEA Networks reveals the existence of a hidden ’pink tax’ in digital advertising
Advertisers systematically pay more to show online ads to women than to men, especially in highly developed nations, according to research from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) and IMDEA Networks. This gender-based price discrimination in digital marketing, known as the "pink tax", contributes to increasing gender inequality, as women are charged more to access similar products and services.
Economics - 02.07.2024
Crucial Gaps in Climate Risk Assessment Methods
Researchers from the Universities of Zurich, Vienna and Utrecht have uncovered significant flaws in current climate risk assessment techniques that could lead to a severe underestimation of climate-related financial losses for businesses and investors. A study by Stefano Battiston of the Department of Finance at the University of Zurich and his co-authors has identified critical shortcomings in the way climate-related risks to corporate assets are currently assessed.
Economics - 30.06.2024
Loving what you do is the key to selling your product successfully
Online marketplaces like Etsy and UpWork are turning millions of individuals into business owners overnight. So, what should sellers say about themselves and their products to turn their online shop into a success? Tilburg researchers Anna Paley and Robert Smith discovered that one of the best things sellers can mention is that they enjoy their work.
Economics - 20.06.2024
Costs of Sanctions
What effect do economic sanctions have on the countries affected, such as Russia or Iran? Economists from Würzburg, Kiel, Berlin and Bielefeld have analysed these questions. Economic sanctions can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they usually reduce gross domestic product and thus prosperity in the affected countries, as intended.
Transport - Economics - 20.06.2024
Not quite ready for autonomous taxis? Teledriving could be a bridge
If drivers could choose any available car as a starting point, ride-hailing services could become cheaper as energy and labor are used more efficiently Study: Human in the Loop Automation: Ride Hailing with Remote (Tele-) Drivers (DOI: 10.1287/mnsc. At a time when the general public may not yet accept driverless taxis and ride-hailing vehicles, teledriving could offer many of the same benefits, according to a new study led by a University of Michigan researcher.
Economics - 19.06.2024

A group of scientists has developed a model that explains how schedule-based systems, such as supply chains and railways, can be prone to spontaneous explosions of large-scale delays. The researchers recommend system operators to prioritize resilience, alongside efficiency, for better long-term outcomes.
Environment - Economics - 13.06.2024

A new study published in the journal Nature Communications shows that grassland and arable land could better provide different services at the same time if the use of pesticides and mineral fertilizers is reduced. According to the researchers from the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig University (UL) and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), these results also apply under possible future climate conditions.
Environment - Economics - 11.06.2024
EU climate policy: French manufacturers cut emissions by 43 million tonnes
The carbon emissions of French manufacturers fell by an estimated 15% during the first eight years of the EU Emissions Trading System policy. This is the key finding of a new study by experts at Imperial College Business School, in collaboration with the University of Virginia and University of Mannheim.
Psychology - Economics - 07.06.2024
Making a strategic decision? Let visuals help you
Study: External representations in strategic decision-making: Understanding strategy's reliance on visuals Management consultants and professors seem to be obsessed with visuals. When it comes to strategy, they either pull out their impeccable slides, replete with graphics ranging from a SWOT analysis to Porter's Five Forces to the Strategy Canvas, or they pick up a marker to sketch out their own frameworks on a whiteboard.
Career - Economics - 29.05.2024
Tepper School Economist Examines Impact of Noncompete Agreements
Liyan Shi , an assistant professor of economics in the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University, argued in a study published in Econometrica that noncompete agreements harm the economy. She suggested that a near ban of these noncompete agreements may be the best policy. In April, the Federal Trade Commission issued a final rule aimed at promoting competition by banning noncompetes nationwide, to protect the fundamental freedom of workers to change jobs, increasing innovation and fostering new business formation.
Career - Economics - 29.05.2024
New U-M studies challenge widely held beliefs, published research on women in the workplace
The effect of flatter hierarchy on applicant pool gender diversity: Evidence from experiments Frake's co-authors were Reuben Hurst of University of Maryland's Smith School of Business and Saerom (Ronnie) Lee of University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business. Collider bias in strategy and management research: An illustration using women CEO's effect on other women's career outcomes Frake's co-authors were Andreas Hagemann of U-M's Ross School of Business and Jose Uribe of Indiana University's Kelley School of Business.
Innovation - Economics - 28.05.2024

Despite widespread skepticism, more and more retail banks are offering cryptocurrencies as a fully-fledged asset class. While some banks are specifically building up their own expertise in blockchain, most are relying on third-party providers. These are the findings of a new study by Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
Economics - 07.05.2024

Turning kerbside carparks into cycling lanes could improve city accessibility and liveability without affecting business revenue, University of Queensland research has found. The research team used Boundary Street in Brisbane's West End as a case study to investigate if the 'Robin Hood planning' tactic of reassigning kerbside parking for bike riders would hurt local business.
Economics - 29.04.2024

Since 2000, Switzerland has had a statutory gambling ban. This can be applied for voluntarily by those affected or ordered by casinos and lotteries in order to prevent over-indebtedness. A study by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts has investigated whether this gambling ban is an effective measure to protect players and how it affects the gambling behavior and quality of life of those affected.
Life Sciences - Economics - 29.04.2024

Before the advent of CRISPR-Cas9 in 2012, precise genome modification was a complex process requiring heavy investment. Simple and fast, this revolutionary technology enables scientists to cut the DNA of plants, animals and humans at precise points, opening up previously unimaginable opportunities, such as the creation of disease-resistant plants or the treatment of diseases of genetic origin .
Economics - 25.04.2024
Weeding out the dealers in Canada’s cannabis market
McGill University study presents strategy to stamp out illicit market for cannabis amid wave of policy shifts in North America It's been five years since Canada stepped into the forefront of cannabis legalization, setting a significant precedent in the realm of drug policy. With Canada and 24 US states now embracing recreational cannabis, the battle against the illegal market remains a key concern, one highlighted in the federal government's final report on the Cannabis Act.
Health - Economics - 22.04.2024
Taxing unhealthy food helps cut obesity, says global study
Mexico is leading the way in implementing taxes on unhealthy food options, successfully helping to tackle obesity and related health issues. Taxes on foods that are high in fat, salt or sugar (HFSS) reduce the sale, purchase and consumption of those foods, according to a new peer-reviewed analysis of evidence from around the world from Imperial College Business School.
Economics - Health - 18.04.2024

Compassionate leadership has tangible benefits: CEOs' expressions of empathy correlate with positive stock performance, a study led by the University of Zurich shows. The researchers analyzed data from conference calls between CEOs and financial analysts during the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic prompted an unprecedented financial crisis.
Environment - Economics - 16.04.2024

Research team outlines ways to make oil palm cultivation more ecologically and economically sustainable Palm oil is a widely used ingredient in many foods and cosmetics. The boom in oil palm cultivation in Indonesia in recent decades has improved the living conditions of many farmers, but has led to a loss of biodiversity and the large-scale destruction of rainforests.
Environment - Economics - 16.04.2024
Most countries struggle to meet climate pledges from 2009
Nineteen out of 34 countries surveyed failed to fully meet their 2020 climate commitments set 15 years ago in Copenhagen, according to a new study led by UCL researchers. The study, published in Nature Climate Change , compared the actual net carbon emissions of more than 30 nations to their 2009 pledged emission reduction targets set during the Copenhagen Climate Summit.
Economics - Feb 13
UK gambling industry is using Big Tobacco tactics to downplay harms and influence the public
UK gambling industry is using Big Tobacco tactics to downplay harms and influence the public

Economics - Feb 10
Swiss parents prefer savings accounts to investment funds when saving for their children
Swiss parents prefer savings accounts to investment funds when saving for their children

Innovation - Feb 3
ETH Zurich and HSG launch Manufacturing Alliance to strengthen Switzerland as an industrial location
ETH Zurich and HSG launch Manufacturing Alliance to strengthen Switzerland as an industrial location