


Results 21 - 40 of 6570.

Physics - Mathematics - 28.01.2025
Even Quantum Physics Obeys the Law of Entropy
Even Quantum Physics Obeys the Law of Entropy
Is there a contradiction between quantum theory and thermodynamics? On the surface, yes - but at TU Wien, researchers have now shown how the two fit together perfectly. It is one of the most important laws of nature that we know: The famous second law of thermodynamics says that the world gets more and more disordered, when random chance is at play.

Computer Science - Physics - 28.01.2025
CMU AI Algorithm Detects Anomalies in CMS Experiment
Carnegie Mellon University Department of Physics students and faculty are improving data quality monitoring systems as part of experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. Their work will help uncover the fundamental particles and forces of nature. Abhirami Harilal, a doctoral physics student, is the lead author on a paper detailing this new approach, which promises to make the detection of data anomalies more accurate and efficient.

Physics - 27.01.2025
More stable storage for quantum information
A research collaboration between the University of Cambridge and semiconductor physicists at the JKU has achieved a breakthrough in the field of quantum networks. This allows quantum information to be cached for longer - an essential prerequisite for the development of quantum networks for quantum communication and quantum computers.

Physics - 27.01.2025
Compact comb lights the way for next-gen photonics
Compact comb lights the way for next-gen photonics
Researchers have created a new ultra-broadband electro-optic comb that packs 450 nm of light precision into a chip smaller than a coin, paving the way for smarter, more efficient photonic devices. In the world of modern optics, frequency combs are invaluable tools. These devices act as rulers for measuring light, enabling breakthroughs in telecommunications, environmental monitoring, and even astrophysics.

Physics - Innovation - 24.01.2025
A new experimental system to bring quantum technologies closer to students
A new experimental system to bring quantum technologies closer to students
The world of quantum physics is experiencing a second revolution, which will drive an exponential leap in the progress of computing, the internet, telecommunications, cybersecurity and biomedicine. Quantum technologies are attracting more and more students who want to learn about concepts from the subatomic world - such as quantum entanglement or quantum superposition - to explore the innovative potential of quantum science.

Physics - Computer Science - 24.01.2025
Cal­cu­lat­ing error-free more eas­ily with two codes
Cal­cu­lat­ing error-free more eas­ily with two codes
Various methods are used to correct errors in quantum computers. Not all'operations can be implemented equally well with different correction codes. Therefore, a research team from the University of Innsbruck, together with a team from RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich, has developed a method and implemented it experimentally for the first time, with which a quantum computer can switch back and forth between two correction codes and thus perform all computing operations protected against errors.

Health - Physics - 24.01.2025
Soap’s maze-solving skills could unlock secrets of the human body
An international team of scientists have discovered that soap - just like the type we use to wash our hands - could be important to helping our understanding of complex systems in the human body, such as lungs, and improving therapies for conditions such as respiratory distress syndrome.

Physics - 23.01.2025
Fox and rabbit in the quantum world
Fox and rabbit in the quantum world
Sexual harassment: "A disciplinary measure under personnel law won't make everything right again" Innovation in Basel-Land: Opening of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Basel University of Basel and ETH Zurich combine cutting-edge research for children and adolescents worldwide New Biozentrum building: handover to the University of Basel planned for the fourth quarter of 2020 University of Basel and QuantumBasel join

Physics - Materials Science - 23.01.2025
New insights into bonding nature of antimony - implications for materials research
New insights into bonding nature of antimony - implications for materials research
News from A new study that provides unprecedented insights into the chemical bonding of antimony could have a profound impact on materials research. The collaboration between scientists from Leipzig University, RWTH Aachen University and the DESY synchrotron in Hamburg combined experimental measurements with theoretical calculations.

Physics - Materials Science - 23.01.2025
Physicists discover - and explain - unexpected magnetism in an atomically thin material
The work introduces a new platform for studying quantum materials. MIT physicists have created a new ultrathin, two-dimensional material with unusual magnetic properties that initially surprised the researchers before they went on to solve the complicated puzzle behind those properties' emergence. As a result, the work introduces a new platform for studying how materials behave at the most fundamental level - the world of quantum physics.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 22.01.2025
Earth's Small Asteroid Visitor Likely Chunk of Moon Rock
Earth’s Small Asteroid Visitor Likely Chunk of Moon Rock
Typically, asteroids - like the one depicted in this artist's concept - originate from the main asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, but a small population of near-Earth objects may also come from the Moon's surface after being ejecte. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech" Lee esta historia en español aquí .

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 21.01.2025
Dead galaxies, live signals: Astronomers uncover a fast radio burst’s surprising location
McGill astronomers place FRB 20240209A in a region of space associated with a 'dead' galaxy, one that is no longer forming stars Astronomers studying the origins of enigmatic fast radio   bursts (FRBs) have made a groundbreaking discovery that could transform our understanding of the universe's most powerful and mysterious signals.

Physics - Materials Science - 20.01.2025
A new state between metal and insulator
A new state between metal and insulator
A kind of 'umbilical cord' between different quantum states can be found in some materials. Researchers at TU Wien have now shown that this 'umbilical cord' is generic to many materials. It is a basic principle of quantum theory: sometimes certain physical quantities can only assume very specific values; all the values in between are simply not permitted by physics.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 20.01.2025
Getting the most out of cosmic maps
Study: How Much Information Can Be Extracted from Galaxy Clustering at the Field Level? (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett. Research led by the University of Michigan could help put cosmology on the inside track to reaching the full potential of telescopes and other instruments studying some of the universe's largest looming questions.

Chemistry - Physics - 17.01.2025
New material for extracting CO2 from air and exhaust gases
New material for extracting CO2 from air and exhaust gases
Quantum chemical calculations by HU enable the development of new porous materials distinct by a high adsorption capacity for CO2. Climate experts agree: To tackle the climate crisis, we will not only need to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions but also directly filter the harmful gas from air and exhaust gases.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 17.01.2025
Structure of 74 exocomet belts orbiting nearby stars
Structure of 74 exocomet belts orbiting nearby stars
An international team of astrophysicists has imaged a large number of exocomet belts around nearby stars, and the tiny pebbles within them. The crystal-clear images show light being emitted from these millimetre-sized pebbles within the belts that orbit 74 nearby stars of a wide variety of ages - from those that are just emerging to those in more mature systems like our own Solar System.

Materials Science - Physics - 16.01.2025
New process creates ordered semiconductor material at room temperature
Scientists at the University of Twente have developed a way to create highly ordered semiconductor material at room temperature. This UT research was published today in the scientific journal Nature Synthesis . This breakthrough could make optoelectronics more efficient by controlling the crystal structure and reducing the number of defects at the nanoscale.

Physics - 15.01.2025
Knitwear, a metamaterial of every day
A researcher from the Physics Laboratory at ENS de Lyon "unravels knitwear" to turn it into a research subject. This article made the front page of the latest Pop Sciences newsletter. Written by Martin Koppe for the CNRS, the article honours Audrey Steinberger and her subject, which might be considered "exotic": knitwear.

Life Sciences - Physics - 15.01.2025
How cryogenic microscopy could help strengthen food security
How cryogenic microscopy could help strengthen food security
A joint EPFL and University of Lausanne research team reports on a novel observation of a plant protection mechanism in response to salt stress. The study opens new avenues of research to strengthen food security. According to the United Nations, soil salinization affects between 20% and 40% of arable land globally, with human activity and climate change - especially rising sea levels - largely responsible for this process.

Physics - 15.01.2025
Scientists achieve world-leading quantum entanglement of molecules
Scientists from our top-rated Physics department have set a global milestone by achieving quantum entanglement of individual molecules using cutting-edge magic-wavelength optical tweezers. This achievement not only overcomes a fundamental challenge in quantum science but also opens up new possibilities in quantum computing, high-precision measurements, and physics research.