Social Sciences
Results 61 - 80 of 2461.
Social Sciences - 28.03.2024
Netflix trivialising teenagers’ pain - new study
New analysis of adolescent TV and film on Netflix suggests that too often it shows misleading depictions of pain. Published on Thursday 28 March 2024 Last updated on Thursday 4 April 2024 New analysis of adolescent TV and film on Netflix suggests that too often it shows misleading depictions of pain, portraying pain as something arising only through a violent act or injury.
Social Sciences - Computer Science - 21.03.2024
UC3M gets Fundación BBVA research project to analyse the relationship between friendship and culture
The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) is coordinating one of the five BBVA Foundation's Fundamentals Programme's innovative research projects to explore core issues in basic science. Specifically, the UC3M project, in which research staff from the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) and the University of Florida (UF) in the USA are also participating, will analyse the mutual dependence between social relations and cultural characteristics.
Health - Social Sciences - 21.03.2024
More than 70 per cent of B.C. inmates with substance use disorders are reincarcerated: SFU study
Former prisoners with substance use and co-occurring disorders are at an alarmingly high risk of reincarceration, according to a new Simon Fraser University-led study. The study found that 72 per cent of people with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, and 70 per cent of people with substance use disorders alone, returned to prison within three years of release.
Psychology - Social Sciences - 21.03.2024
Neighbourhood connection improves mental health
University of Queensland research has found building a sense of community is key to improving people's mental health, particularly in low socio-economic suburbs. Professor Alex Haslam from UQ's School of Psychology is part of a research team that modelled the effect of social and psychological factors, and identified a strong but complex link between where people live and their mental health.
Social Sciences - Environment - 15.03.2024
Communities more likely to adopt conservation measures if their neighbours have
Research undertaken in Fiji found that communities were more likely to adopt marine conservation initiatives if their neighbours have. A new paper published in Global Environmental Change featuring Imperial College London researchers explores how Indigenous-led initiatives can be scaled to protect marine ecosystems.
Social Sciences - 15.03.2024
Do school grades influence parental support?
The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany, has researched parents' support behavior in relation to school grades. The study shows that low-income families support their children equally regardless of grades, while parents from higher income groups tend to give more support to children with lower grades.
Social Sciences - Law - 14.03.2024
A UC3M study points out the changes needed to achieve an inclusive care model based on human rights
In order to achieve a personalised and community-based care model for certain vulnerable population groups (people with disabilities, the elderly, children and adolescents at risk and homeless people)
Social Sciences - Politics - 14.03.2024
Unknown is unloved: Local exposure to refugees promotes more positive attitude to asylum seekers
People who live near a refugee center tend to develop a more positive attitude to asylum seekers compared to people who live further away. They are also less likely to support anti-immigration parties. This is the conclusion of research conducted by economist Sigrid Suetens and her team. The study suggests that this positive attitude is a result of contact between local residents and refugees.
Health - Social Sciences - 12.03.2024
Delta-8-THC use reported by 11% of 12th graders
Use of the psychoactive cannabis product is higher in states without existing delta-8 regulations or cannabis legalization, study finds Study: Adolescent Delta-8-THC and Marijuana Use in the United States (DOI: 10.1001/jama. The first ever national estimates of teen delta-8 use indicate that 11% of 12th grade students across the United States used it in the past year.
Innovation - Social Sciences - 07.03.2024
Doing more, but learning less: The risks of AI in research
In a new paper, Yale anthropologist Lisa Messeri warns of the risks involved in envisioned AI applications for scientific research. Artificial intelligence (AI) is widely heralded for its potential to enhance productivity in scientific research. But with that promise come risks that could narrow scientists' ability to better understand the world, according to a new paper co-authored by a Yale anthropologist.
Innovation - Social Sciences - 07.03.2024
Doing more but learning less: addressing the risks of AI in research
In a new paper, Yale anthropologist Lisa Messeri warns of the risks involved in envisioned AI applications for scientific research. Artificial intelligence (AI) is widely heralded for its potential to enhance productivity in scientific research. But with that promise come risks that could narrow scientists' ability to better understand the world, according to a new paper co-authored by a Yale anthropologist.
Social Sciences - 04.03.2024
Exposure to different kinds of music influences how the brain interprets rhythm
A study of people in 15 countries reveals that while everyone favors rhythms with simple integer ratios, biases can vary quite a bit across societies. When listening to music, the human brain appears to be biased toward hearing and producing rhythms composed of simple integer ratios - for example, a series of four beats separated by equal time intervals (forming a 1:1:1 ratio).
Social Sciences - Career - 28.02.2024
Women and men unequal when it comes to the stress of teleworking
The stress factors associated with working at home affect women and men differently, and these effects vary greatly from Quebec to France . A wide-ranging study of telecommuting since the pandemic, as part of an extensive project initiated and piloted by Gaëlle Cachat-Rosset , professor in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Université Laval, shows that women and men in Quebec and France are affected differently by the stress factors associated with telecommuting.
Law - Social Sciences - 28.02.2024
U-M launches interactive website documenting war crimes in Ukraine
Site features interactive maps, testimonies collected by The Reckoning Project The University of Michigan's Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia has created a new that serves as a digital archive of testimonies from witnesses and victims of documented human rights violations, war crimes and atrocities in Ukraine since Russia's full-scale invasion on Feb.
Environment - Social Sciences - 27.02.2024
Sustainability of cultural institutions: an initial analysis
Do museums, theaters and cultural institutions have a good record in terms of social and environmental sustainability - Researchers at the University of Lausanne have conducted an international survey of over 200 major institutions.
Psychology - Social Sciences - 26.02.2024
New research highlights long-term mental health benefits of school belonging
School belonging, characterised by positive affect towards school, strong relationships with teachers, and feeling socially valued, has long been associated with immediate benefits for students' mental health. The project was a collaboration between Monash University, Deakin University, Murdoch Children's Research Institute and the University of Melbourne.
Social Sciences - Life Sciences - 22.02.2024
’Every person can learn to be more or less empathetic’
Empathy can be transferred. This means that people can learn or unlearn empathy by observing their environment. This is shown by a new study by Würzburg neuroscientist Grit Hein . With her latest evaluations of empathy skills, Würzburg professor Grit Hein has once again disproved the old adage: "What goes around comes around".
Social Sciences - Pedagogy - 22.02.2024
Living in a violent neighborhood affects children’s brain development
Study (PDF): Exposure to Community Violence as a Mechanism Linking Neighborhood Disadvantage to Amygdala Reactivity and the Protective Role of Parental Nurturance Living in neighborhoods with high levels of violence can affect children's development by changing the way that a part of the brain detects and responds to potential threats, which could lead to poorer mental health and other negative outcomes.
Life Sciences - Social Sciences - 20.02.2024
Ancient genomes reveal Down Syndrome in past societies
Burials show that children with Down Syndrome and Edwards Syndrome were recognized as members of their communities An international team of researchers has analysed the DNA from a world-wide sample of nearly 10,000 ancient individuals to search for cases of Down Syndrome, an uncommon genetic condition caused by the presence of an additional copy of Chromosome 21.
Social Sciences - 16.02.2024
Only one in six rural councils made use of affordable housing option
Only 17% of rural local planning authorities have made use of Rural Exception Sites, a planning policy mechanism designed to boost the supply of affordable housing in rural areas, finds a new study by UCL researchers in association with the Rural Housing Network. Rural Exception Sites were introduced in England in 1991 to enable the development of affordable homes on underdeveloped land that would otherwise be restricted for residential development.
Innovation - Today
Fintechs used to extract and exploit people's vulnerabilities, not 'just' their data in Kenya
Fintechs used to extract and exploit people's vulnerabilities, not 'just' their data in Kenya
Earth Sciences - Sep 6
How we discovered unique Scottish rocks record when Earth was first encased in ice
How we discovered unique Scottish rocks record when Earth was first encased in ice
Pedagogy - Sep 6
International Literacy Day: How picture books can open up discussion about social media with children
International Literacy Day: How picture books can open up discussion about social media with children
Life Sciences - Sep 6
Researcher awarded ¤1.5m ERC grant to revolutionise early detection of brain diseases
Researcher awarded ¤1.5m ERC grant to revolutionise early detection of brain diseases