

University Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

Results 41 - 60 of 1140.

Pharmacology - Chemistry - 01.07.2024
Using visible light to make pharmaceutical building blocks
Study: Visible-light-mediated aza Paterné-Büchi reaction of acyclic oximes and alkenes to azetidines University of Michigan chemists have discovered a way to use visible light to synthesize a class of compounds particularly well suited for use in pharmaceuticals. The class of compounds, called azetidines, had been previously identified as a good candidate to build therapeutic drugs, but the compounds are difficult to produce in chemical reactions.

Paleontology - Environment - 01.07.2024
The grapes that give us wine likely originated in the New World 60 million years ago
Study: Cenozoic seeds of Vitaceae reveal a deep history of extinction and dispersal in the Neotropics The ancestor of Vitoid grapes that gave rise to commercial grapes likely originated in the New World, in the tropical belt of the Americas and the Caribbean, 60 million years ago, according to a study co-authored by a University of Michigan researcher.

Health - Pharmacology - 28.06.2024
A few surgical procedures account for high number of opioid prescriptions
A handful of common surgical procedures account for large shares of all'opioids dispensed after surgery in children and adults, according to two studies recently published by researchers at the University of Michigan. The studies, published this week in Pediatrics and JAMA Network Open , report that the top three procedures for children ages 0-11 account for 59% of opioids dispensed after surgery (tonsillectomies and adenoidectomies 50%, upper extremity fractures 5% and removal of deep implants 4%).

Agronomy / Food Science - 27.06.2024
Low income, lack of food stores linked to type of snacks and sweets people eat
Study: Intake of Snacks and Sweets in a National Study of Built and Social Environments: The REasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke Study People living in lower-income neighborhoods and in areas without local food stores eat more snacks and sweets than those in higher-income areas and in neighborhoods with many food stores, a new study shows.

Life Sciences - Health - 26.06.2024
Gender disparities in heat wave mortality in India
Researchers investigate how extreme temperatures affect men and women differently, highlighting greater risks for women due to social and physiological factors Are heat waves more deadly for women? This question initiated a study analyzing how extreme temperatures affect mortality differently for men and women, focusing on India.

Health - Social Sciences - 25.06.2024
Surgeon general declares firearm violence a public health crisis: U-M experts available
EXPERTS ADVISORY U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has declared firearm violence a public health crisis, saying it's time to deploy approaches similar to lifesaving anti-smoking and traffic safety campaigns to decrease deaths and injuries caused by guns. Researchers at the University of Michigan's Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention , School of Public Health and Michigan Medicine have endorsed this framework for decades, sharing critical data supporting this approach.

Career - Health - 20.06.2024
Moderate exercise may reduce job burnout, help curb ’quiet quitting’ among employees
Study: The Relationship Between Employee Physical Activity Intensity and Workplace Burnout: A Cross-sectional Study Employees who exercise moderately feel less emotionally exhausted and more personally satisfied at work than their less active co-workers, a new University of Michigan study found. Researchers at the U-M School of Kinesiology wanted to understand the relationship between physical activity and workplace burnout, says Michele Marenus, a former doctoral candidate whose adviser was the study's principal investigator, Weiyun Chen.

Transport - Economics - 20.06.2024
Not quite ready for autonomous taxis? Teledriving could be a bridge
If drivers could choose any available car as a starting point, ride-hailing services could become cheaper as energy and labor are used more efficiently Study: Human in the Loop Automation: Ride Hailing with Remote (Tele-) Drivers (DOI: 10.1287/mnsc. At a time when the general public may not yet accept driverless taxis and ride-hailing vehicles, teledriving could offer many of the same benefits, according to a new study led by a University of Michigan researcher.

Pharmacology - Health - 13.06.2024
High out-of-pocket costs may be barrier to filling naloxone prescriptions
High out-of-pocket costs may be barrier to filling naloxone prescriptions, study shows Study: Association Between Cost Sharing and Naloxone Prescription Dispensing (DOI: 10.1001/jama. Patients are less likely to fill prescriptions for naloxone when they face increases in out-of-pocket costs, according to research by the University of Michigan.

Paleontology - Life Sciences - 11.06.2024
Rare organ preservation in Brazilian fossil fishes
Fossils in Brazil indicate a more complex evolutionary history for ray-finned fish brains than previously anticipated, according to new research. Rodrigo Tinoco Figueroa , a Brazilian doctoral candidate at the University of Michigan, and colleagues not only found well-preserved brains in late Paleozoic ray-finned fishes, they also discovered other soft tissues-such as fragments of the heart and eyes, meninges and gill filaments-a rarity in paleontology due to the scarcity of the fossil record.

Psychology - Economics - 07.06.2024
Making a strategic decision? Let visuals help you
Study: External representations in strategic decision-making: Understanding strategy's reliance on visuals Management consultants and professors seem to be obsessed with visuals. When it comes to strategy, they either pull out their impeccable slides, replete with graphics ranging from a SWOT analysis to Porter's Five Forces to the Strategy Canvas, or they pick up a marker to sketch out their own frameworks on a whiteboard.

Health - Life Sciences - 06.06.2024
Novel AI method could improve tissue, tumor analysis and advance treatment of disease
Research team hopeful that new computational statistics method can provide more detailed information for precision health treatment plans Study: Accurate and efficient integrative reference-informed spatial domain detection for spatial transcriptomics Researchers at the University of Michigan and Brown University have developed a new computational method to analyze complex tissue data that could transform our current understanding of diseases and how we treat them.

Veterinary - 04.06.2024
Using AI to decode dog vocalizations
Study: Towards Dog Bark Decoding: Leveraging Human Speech Processing for Automated Bark Classification Have you ever wished you could understand what your dog is trying to say to you? University of Michigan researchers are exploring the possibilities of AI, developing tools that can identify whether a dog's bark conveys playfulness or aggression.

Social Sciences - Psychology - 30.05.2024
Critical dialogue helps straight men confront sexist, homophobic beliefs
Study: Iconic illustrations initiate critical dialogues among heterosexual men who then develop critical consciousness around homophobia and sexism: A qualitative study Adult heterosexual men with sexist and homophobic views can potentially improve their attitudes toward gay men and women by engaging in critical dialogues that use illustrations as a springboard, according to a new University of Michigan study.

Career - Economics - 29.05.2024
New U-M studies challenge widely held beliefs, published research on women in the workplace
The effect of flatter hierarchy on applicant pool gender diversity: Evidence from experiments Frake's co-authors were Reuben Hurst of University of Maryland's Smith School of Business and Saerom (Ronnie) Lee of University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business. Collider bias in strategy and management research: An illustration using women CEO's effect on other women's career outcomes Frake's co-authors were Andreas Hagemann of U-M's Ross School of Business and Jose Uribe of Indiana University's Kelley School of Business.

Media - Career - 28.05.2024
Motivating experts to contribute to open content
Study: Motivating Experts to Contribute to Digital Public Goods: A Personalized Field Experiment on Wikipedia ( Getting experts to contribute to open content, such as Wikipedia, is not an easy task as experts often have high demands on their time. But one way to increase expert contributions is to understand what motivates them to contribute, a University of Michigan study shows.

Psychology - 23.05.2024
Count your blessings: It often happens when others help, not self-achieved
Study: The privileges we do and do not see: The relative salience of interpersonal and circumstantial benefits If you focus on overcoming life's barriers rather than the blessings that make life easier, you're not alone. A new University of Michigan study indicated that people aren't always good at noticing the advantages they enjoy compared to the disadvantages they overcame.

Physics - Chemistry - 22.05.2024
U-M study: Using ’tweezers’ to control active fluids
University of Michigan physicists have devised a way to manipulate active fluids, a type of fluid composed of individual units that can propel themselves independently, by taking advantage of topological defects in the fluids. The researchers showed that they could use tweezers similar to optical tweezers-highly focused lasers that can be used to nudge around atoms and other microscopic and submicroscopic materials-to manipulate the fluids' topological defects and control how these active fluids flow.

Health - Career - 21.05.2024
Study offers ways to boost participation in program promoting healthy pregnancies, infant growth
Home visiting programs are effective in promoting healthy pregnancies, birth outcomes and infant growth and development-and new University of Michigan research offers ways to increase participation among eligible families. Michigan's Maternal and Infant Health Program-the largest evidence-based home visiting program in the state-reaches just 30% of the roughly 41,000 Medicaid-eligible pregnant people in the state qualified to participate.

Health - 21.05.2024
Young people find comfort in AI-generated responses
Study: The Role of AI in Peer Support for Young People: A Study of Preferences for Humanand AI-Generated Responses Youth frequently use the internet to seek support from their friends but don't always get helpful responses. Recent advances in AI technology may be able to help. Young people find support from AI-generated responses on topics ranging from relationships to physical health.