University of Valencia
Results 1 - 20 of 163.
Life Sciences - Chemistry - 20.12.2024

A recent study conducted on melon plants has revealed a defense mechanism that certain plants activate to deal with insect pests. It is a system of signaling molecules that, distributed through extracellular vesicles - including exosomes - allow plants to adapt their defenses according to the level of stress they are under.
Environment - Computer Science - 25.10.2024

A research project led by the Desertification Research Centre (CIDE, UV-CSIC-GVA) has successfully predicted the ecological interactions that occur in little-analysed plant communities based on coexistence patterns from a well-studied ecosystem in Alicante. The study employed transfer learning, a machine learning technique that introduces a new approach to biodiversity research and conservation.
Astronomy / Space - Physics - 21.10.2024

Researchers from the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC, UV-CSIC) achieve to measure at the laboratory the formation of a key element in the evolution of chemical make-up of the heavy elements. An isotope of this element, Lead-204, is produced in giant red stars, responsible for the creation of half of the elements which are heavier than iron in nature.
Environment - 16.10.2024

Two studies conducted by the Cavanilles Institute (ICBiBe) of the University of Valencia provide new insights into the factors affecting the survival and territory occupancy of the Bonelli's eagle (Aquila fasciata) in the Valencian Community. Human activities and biodiversity loss in its habitat call for conservation actions to ensure the long-term survival of this iconic bird of prey, which is currently endangered.
Earth Sciences - Environment - 15.10.2024
An international study calls for a balanced partnership between AI and Earth sciences to address environmental challenges
An international research team, including participation from the University of Valencia, has published an article in Nature Geoscience advocating for a more collaborative and balanced approach between artificial intelligence (AI) and Earth sciences. The study supports the creation of a new field-AIXES (Artificial Intelligence and Earth Sciences)-that will enhance both areas and provide benefits in tackling future environmental challenges.
Life Sciences - Health - 14.10.2024

Researchers from the Universitat de València have developed a new methodology to detect and visualise zinc in astrocytes (cells that help in the correct function of nerve cells), both at microscopy and electronic level. The project, published in the magazine Microscopy and Microanalysis, confirms the importance of astrocytes in the control of zinc levels in our brain, an essential element for many neural functions.
Health - Life Sciences - 11.10.2024

Universitat de València full-time university professor Rubén Artero is leading a research that has identified a promising therapy for treating myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1), based on anti-miRs. The study is being carried out by the Human Translational Genomics Group of the INCLIVA-Universitat de València Health Research Institute (Biotecmed).
Environment - Earth Sciences - 25.09.2024
New AI models improve the accuracy and speed of climate simulations
An international team of scientists, led by professor Veronika Eyring from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the University of Bremen, and with participation from the University of Valencia, has published an innovative approach that integrates artificial intelligence (AI) with Earth system models to improve the accuracy and speed of climate simulations.
Life Sciences - Environment - 24.09.2024
Hydrodynamic mechanism developed by early vertebrates to colonise the open ocean has been revealed
Some ostracoderms-primitive vertebrates without fins or jaws-colonised for the first time the marine pelagic realm over 400 million years ago. These fish optimised their headshields to rise from the seabed and move efficiently through ocean waters, compensating for their lack of fins. This is the main finding of a study co-led by a team from the Cavanilles Institute of the University of Valencia and recently published in Nature Communications Biology.
Life Sciences - History / Archeology - 20.09.2024
The human genome over the last 10,000 years is similar to that of current ethnic groups in southern Africa
A team of researchers from the University of Cape Town (South Africa), the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and the University of Valencia has analysed human remains from the Oakhurst rock shelter in the far south of Africa and has reconstructed the genomes of thirteen individuals who died between 1,300 and 10,000 years ago, including the oldest human genome recovered from southern Africa to date.
Life Sciences - 01.08.2024
Industrial interest of the gut microbial community of the beetle Pachnoda marginata
Research shows industrial interest of the gut microbial community of the beetle Pachnoda marginata Researchers at the Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (I2SysBio), a joint centre of the University of Valencia (UV) and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), have published a study that reveals a highly diverse microbial community and the potential of the gut of the beetle larva Pachnoda marginata as a source of microbial diversity of industrial interest.
Environment - 22.07.2024
CIDE participates in evaluating phytosanitary products risk in Doñana and Tablas de Daimiel
The research provides valuable insight into the impact of agricultural activities in two protected areas. Credits: Pixabay A study on phytosanitary products in protected areas of Spain has revealed the widespread presence of these substances - some banned since 2009 - in the national parks of Doñana and Tablas de Daimiel.
Life Sciences - Pharmacology - 17.07.2024
Factors enabling a human RNA virus to mutate and facilitate its transmission identified
The Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (UV-CSIC) has conducted the first comprehensive analysis of all mutations in the protein set of coxsackievirus B3, which causes severe heart inflammation. The findings, published in Plos Biology, will help to identify regions of the virus genome with low tolerance to mutations, facilitating the development of drugs targeting these areas.
Health - Physics - 11.07.2024
Unique scanner developed for planning proton therapy against cancer
A collaboration led by Enrique Nácher, from the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC), has developed the first fully Spanish proton tomography scanner. The device reuses prototypes from other nuclear physics projects and has been tested at a proton therapy centre in Poland. The first results of this project, developed in collaboration with the Institute of Structure of Matter (IEM-CSIC) and the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), have been published in The European Physical Journal Plus.
Astronomy / Space - Innovation - 09.07.2024
Lunar soils simulated by AI and immersive technologies to improve autonomous driving of planetary rovers
Researchers Marcos Fernández (left) and Jesús Gimeno in front of one of the lunar soil simulations.
Environment - Campus - 02.07.2024
UV and UPV researchers study the impact of climate change on bird productivity
Research staff from the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology of the Universitat de València and the Gandia Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València have studied the consequences of climate change on the productivity of two species of passerine birds. The results show that extreme weather conditions, such as warmer temperatures and higher frequent torrential rainfall could threaten the preservation of the population of these birds.
Physics - Career - 01.07.2024
IFIC researcher Carlos Mariñas will lead the upgrade operations of the Japanese particle physics experiment Belle II
Carlos Mariñas, researcher at the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC, UV-CSIC), has been appointed head of the global upgrade operations for the Japanese Belle II detector, an experiment involving over 1,000 researchers from 27 countries aimed at improving the efficiency of high-luminosity operations, which are crucial for the detailed study of both rare processes and future discoveries in particle physics.
Paleontology - 28.06.2024
Dietary similarities between the megalodon and the great white shark
UV teams discovers dietary similarities between the megalodon and the great white shark A study led by a UV research group shows that the extinct megalodon and the white shark may have competed for trophic resources. The scientific team found similarities in the diet of both predators by analysing dental microwear.
Environment - Architecture - 27.06.2024

A team from the Global Change Unit-IPL of the University of Valencia has just published the first high-resolution local climate zone (LCZ) map of Valencia in the International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, based on satellite data. The study aims to analyse the effects of the 'heat island' and 'heat wave' phenomena in major Mediterranean cities and to provide mitigation measures to improve the environment and public health.
History / Archeology - Life Sciences - 26.06.2024
For the first time that Neanderthals cared for and protected children with Down syndrome
Study demonstrates for the first time that Neanderthals cared for and protected children with Down syndrome Original temporal bone and 3D reconstruction of the CN-46700 fossil from Cova Negra in anterior view. Researchers from the University of Valencia, the University of Alcalá and the Chair of Evolutionary Otoacoustics and Paleoanthropology at HM Hospitals have discovered the first case of Down syndrome among Neanderthals.
Environment - Feb 13
If not now, when? Australia must urgently ramp up climate action following record-breaking year
If not now, when? Australia must urgently ramp up climate action following record-breaking year
Health - Feb 12
Prioritise vaccine boosters for vulnerable immunocompromised patients, say scientists
Prioritise vaccine boosters for vulnerable immunocompromised patients, say scientists

Economics - Feb 12
New report reveals potential $28 million tax discrepancy involving British American Tobacco in Kenya
New report reveals potential $28 million tax discrepancy involving British American Tobacco in Kenya

Campus - UCL - Feb 12
A UCL for everyone: Developing our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategic plan
A UCL for everyone: Developing our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategic plan