Cooperation of LG Energy Solution, MEET Battery Research Center and Helmholtz Institute Münster starts

The MEET Battery Research Center is involved in a new laboratory of the battery
The MEET Battery Research Center is involved in a new laboratory of the battery cell manufacturer LG Energy Solution. © WWU - Jan Lehmann
LG Energy Solution, a leading international manufacturer of battery cells, MEET Battery Research Center of the University of Münster and Helmholtz Institute Münster (HI MS) of Forschungszentrum Jülich conduct research on next-generation green battery cells in a joint laboratory. The aim is to develop novel green materials as well as environmentally friendly processes for the production of lithium-ion batteries. The collaboration is part of a battery research programme -Frontier Research Laboratory (FRL)- of LGES. Following LGES’s existing collaborations with the University of California San Diego, and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), LGES’ FRL programme is now starting in Europe.

Münster as a Hotspot for Battery Research In Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, researchers from all three parties (LGES, MEET and HI MS) will be working on research for the next generation battery technology using green materials and processes. In particular, the joint research team will be looking into ways to boost battery cell performance including its energy density and cycle life. To this end, the MEET team is contributing its key areas of expertise in materials science, battery cell technology and production, production technology and systems engineering as well as the circular economy of batteries to the project. The expertise in new battery technologies based on innovative electrolytes is pooled by the researchers at HI MS. -Münster is one of the hotspots of battery research with high international visibility. With more than 300 scientists, the location offers ideal conditions for this strong cooperation,- says Prof. Martin Winter, Scientific Director of MEET Battery Research Center and Helmholtz Institute Münster.

Locations for Cooperative Battery Research to Be Expanded Worldwide LGES is expanding its joint battery research programs with leading institutions across the world as it aims to drive next-generation battery technology amid the fast-changing industry. Through its FRL programs, the company has been leading the industry by continuously driving battery-related studies with prestigious academia across the world.

LGES first established the FRL program with the University of California San Diego to develop a new type of an all-solid-state battery by putting together a solid-state electrolyte and advanced electrode techniques. Separately, the manufacturer of battery cells had started the FRL program with Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), a national university for base techniques on elements of next-generation batteries last October. Youngjoon Shin, Chief Technology Officer of LGES, explains: -Through multiple FRL programs worldwide, LG Energy Solution will thrive to lead the commercialization of next-generation battery techniques.