DesignLab launches the DesignLab Academy for professionals

DesignLab proudly announces the launch of their Academy. Within the DesignLab Academy, the focus is on futures thinking; understanding the possibilities of the future so that we know how our decisions today will impact the world of tomorrow.

The current era is characterised by complex global issues such as climate change, energy transition, and the rise of AI. Therefore, DesignLab uses futures thinking to tackle these challenges. It introduced the Responsible Futuring approach in 2020:

Responsible Futuring

’Responsible Futuring’ helps people from different backgrounds collaborate to solve complex societal problems. It involves understanding the impact of new technologies and developing ideas for a responsible future. The goal is to create spaces where people learn, collaborate, and use their imagination to shape an inspiring and responsible future. This approach is based on research by UT colleague  Cristina Zaga. DesignLab has successfully applied this approach several times in education and collaborations with companies and government institutions.

participant from Achmea

"It’s a very dynamic approach. Actively engaging with the group and working on out-of-the-box solutions without it feeling forced is very enjoyable. The methodologies brought me to a point in the creative process where I genuinely surprised myself and others. Especially when you step back gradually to the present, you suddenly see that you have a realistic plan to start with. It almost seemed like magic. The Responsible Futuring approach helps to look from the present towards a future-proof solution for a problem. The fun part is that the approach takes into account a large group of diverse stakeholders. The more, the better. It gives you a great problem statement AND a concrete plan with action points for the short, medium, and long term."

The ’Responsible Futuring’ approach is now being expanded and further professionalised in the DesignLab Academy, where individuals and organisations wanting to train their employees to be futures thinkers have the opportunity to develop their skills and contribute to positive change.

DesignLab Academy offers a unique learning experience where participants not only understand today’s challenges but also actively work on shaping desired futures. The workshops and masterclasses are filled with inspiration, interaction, and practical tools. It is not just theory; participants actually work in groups to formulate future scenarios and make them tangible. DesignLab Academy is for a broad audience of professionals, scientists, artists, policymakers, citizens, designers, and innovators.

Offer DesignLab Academy offers both 1-day workshops and 2-day masterclasses, covering various themes such as climate & sustainability, innovation & health, and the digital society. In addition, DesignLab offers tailor-made in-company programs for organisations wanting to increase their future resilience.

Workshop ’Towards a Circular Society’

The first workshop of the DesignLab Academy will take place on June 10 and is titled: Towards a Circular Society. DesignLab’s research fellows Svenja Damberg and Julieta Matos-Castaño are both scientists who will share their valuable insights during this workshop. In the autumn, a masterclass on the future of AI will follow: The future of AI: how do we jointly shape an inclusive, just and ’more than human’ society? In addition, we organise a workshop on health innovation.

More information For more information about DesignLab Academy, visit www.utwente/designla­b-academy. The cost for this workshop is ¤950, with an early bird discount of 50% until May 1, 2024.

About DesignLab Academy: DesignLab Academy is an initiative of DesignLab University of Twente and offers educational programs focused on responsible future approach. With a focus on Responsible Futuring, DesignLab Academy brings together people from different disciplines to collaborate on positive changes for society.

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