science wire



Results 101 - 150 of 922.

Career - Education - 16.11.2017
New academic school to offer professional and continuing education at University of Melbourne

Life Sciences - Education - 16.11.2017
UQ tops the table for 2018 Australia Awards Endeavour scholarships
UQ tops the table for 2018 Australia Awards Endeavour scholarships

Education - 13.10.2017
How do ATAR calculators work?

Education - Innovation - 05.10.2017
Register now for the Internationalisation Day at Ghent University

Physics - Education - 15.08.2017
Wiesner team images tiny quasicrystals as they form
Pictured is a transmission electron microscope image of a mesoporous silica nanoparticle, showing the tiling with triangles and squares, and the Fourier analysis (inset) showing 12-fold symmetry. When Israeli scientist Daniel Shechtman first saw a quasicrystal through his microscope in 1982, he reportedly thought to himself, "Eyn chaya kazo" - Hebrew for, "There can be no such creature." But there is, and the quasicrystal has become a subject of much research in the 35 years since Shechtman's Nobel Prize-winning discovery.

Education - Chemistry - 12.07.2017
New Vehicle Emissions Deceptively Clean
By Samantha Jamison CMU researchers are studying atmospheric fine particles and the effects vehicle standards can have on them, which can cause pollution in cities such as Los Angeles. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have found that newer gasoline vehicles emit less particulate matter, but vapors in the "cleaner" exhaust form particulate matter long after exiting the tailpipe.

Education - 19.05.2017
Next-gen solar cells could be improved by atomic-scale redesign
Next-gen solar cells could be improved by atomic-scale redesign
Researchers from the Department of Chemistry have uncovered the mechanism that causes new solar cells to break down in air, paving the way for a solution. Solar cells harness energy from the sun and provide an alternative to non-renewable energy sources like fossil fuels. However, they face challenges from costly manufacturing processes and poor efficiency - the amount of sunlight converted to useable energy.

Education - 06.04.2017
Crater triplets
Crater triplets
At first glance this scene may seem nothing out of the ordinary, but the large elongated crater marks the imprint of an impacting body that may have broken into three before it hit Mars.

Astronomy / Space - Education - 21.02.2017
Frank Bigiel Receives ERC Consolidator Grant
Frank Bigiel Receives ERC Consolidator Grant
Heidelberg astrophysicist Dr Frank Bigiel is receiving a highly endowed grant from the European Research Council (ERC), an ERC Consolidator Grant for extraordinary research talents.

Education - Physics - 03.01.2017
Clean slate
Clean slate
ESA Space in Images Just as the new calendar year begins, and with it a feeling of new beginnings, so this network of dust and gas shows a portion of sky where star birth is yet to take hold.

Astronomy / Space - Education - 15.12.2016
Diederik Kruijssen Receives ERC Starting Grant for Studying Star Formation in Galaxies
Diederik Kruijssen Receives ERC Starting Grant for Studying Star Formation in Galaxies
Heidelberg astrophysicist Dr Diederik Kruijssen is receiving an ERC Starting Grant for excellent young researchers from the European Research Council (ERC).

Health - Education - 16.11.2016
Medical school in Malta open for applications

Event - Education - 15.11.2016
Two QMUL projects shortlisted for prestigious higher education awards

Education - 27.10.2016
Fifteen years of Proba-1
Fifteen years of Proba-1
ESA Space in Images An icy close-up view of part of Russia's Lena River Delta acquired by ESA's veteran Proba-1 microsatellite, celebrating 15 years in orbit.

Astronomy / Space - Education - 23.08.2016
Heidelberg Astrophysicist obtains Emmy Noether Group
Heidelberg Astrophysicist obtains Emmy Noether Group
A new Emmy Noether research group at the Centre for Astronomy of Heidelberg University (ZAH) has started working on the physics of star formation in galaxies across cosmic time spans.

Education - 27.06.2016
The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities has issued a statement in response to the EU Referendum vote
In light of the UK's decision to leave the European Union, the members of the Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities - including the University of Glasgow - affirm the importance of the free movement of students and researchers across Europe.

History / Archeology - Education - 19.05.2016
Historical role of translation studied in new book 'Translation's Forgotten History'
Historical role of translation studied in new book ’Translation’s Forgotten History’
What place did translation have in the making of modern literature? And how might our understanding of a nation's literature change when approached through the lens of translation? Heekyoung Cho , as

Astronomy / Space - Education - 11.05.2016
Quartet of exoplanets locked in complex dance
The University of Chicago's Sean Mills (left) and Daniel Fabrycky describe the complex orbital structure of the Kepler-223 expolanetary system in the May 11 early online edition of Nature .

Education - Economics - 18.04.2016
QMUL develops new partnerships with top universities in South East Asia

Education - 21.03.2016
QMUL celebrates the success of its international scholars

Education - 29.02.2016
Thinking positive on equity and inclusion
If you have not noticed any inverted triangles identifying a "Positive Space" on U of'T campuses or elsewhere in the GTA, you must be a new arrival.

Education - Law - 22.01.2016
QMUL and Higher Education Commission of Pakistan to offer joint PhD scholarships

Education - Economics - 11.12.2015
Queen Mary University of London, O. P. Jindal Global University sign MoU on South Asia research university network

Education - Career - 18.11.2015
Young poets celebrated at QMUL’s Globe Road Poetry Festival

Education - Economics - 28.10.2015
QMUL project shortlisted for “Oscars of higher education”

Education - Physics - 21.09.2015
QMUL signs major strategic collaboration with China’s Northwestern Polytechnical University

Education - Innovation - 07.07.2015
QMUL signs partnership agreement with Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi’an, China

Education - Mechanical Engineering - 07.04.2015
New Vice-Principal appointed by Queen Mary University of London

Education - 10.11.2014
UCL announces partnership with Newham Collegiate Sixth Form Centre
UCL announces partnership with Newham Collegiate Sixth Form Centre

Education - 11.09.2014
Depression drugs linked to failure of dental implants
A team from McGill University has discovered that people who take the most common antidepressants (such as Celexa, Paxil, Lexapro, Prozac, and Zoloft, the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs) are twice as likely to have dental implants fail as those who are not taking SSRIs.

Education - 30.06.2014
New era for netball with formation of Melbourne University Lightning

Mathematics - Education - 25.06.2014
Schools in running to be crowned national mathematics and statistics champions
Twelve schools are putting their mathematics and statistics skills to the test as they bid to be crowned champions of a prestigious national competition.

Life Sciences - Education - 25.06.2014
Freshers struggle to remember basic A-level concepts
Press release issued: 25 June 2014 University freshers struggle to remember basic concepts from their A-level studies, according to new research. A new report from the University of East Anglia shows that even grade-A students could only remember 40 per cent of their A-Level syllabus by the first week of term at university.

Education - Economics - 24.06.2014
National Summit on Apprentices considers new role for the future of advanced technical education
National Summit on Apprentices considers new role for the future of advanced technical education

Education - 24.06.2014
Durham is one of the safest universities, according to new report
Durham is one of the safest universities, according to new report

Education - Economics - 19.06.2014
University Enterprise Centre showcased in Downing Street report

Economics - Education - 19.06.2014
UCL comment on Lord Young's Enterprise for All report
UCL comment on Lord Young’s Enterprise for All report

Pedagogy - Education - 19.06.2014
Teaching honour for ANU academic
Teaching honour for ANU academic

Event - Education - 18.06.2014
University of Birmingham engagement with Brazil wins Outstanding International Strategy award

Education - Mathematics - 18.06.2014
Plymouth University launches new centre to improve statistical education

Education - 18.06.2014
New Deans and Pro-Deans have been appointed at KI
On Tuesday 17 June, Vice-Chancellor Anders Hamsten decided who will be appointed Deans and Pro-Deans at Karolinska Institutet as of 2015 and for the following three years.

Career - Education - 16.06.2014
MBE for Nottingham careers deputy director

Administration - Education - 16.06.2014
New study aims to bust myths about Indigenous sports stars
New study aims to bust myths about Indigenous sports stars 16 June 2014 A University of Sydney study aims to bust common myths about the remarkable achievements of Indigenous Australians in sport. Chief investigator Dr John Evans will spend the next three years identifying the socio-cultural and teaching factors that have encouraged and enhanced Indigenous sports stars' excellence at the highest levels of sport.

History / Archeology - Education - 13.06.2014
Knighthood conferred upon University of Birmingham Vice-Chancellor, Sir David Eastwood

Education - Economics - 13.06.2014
Knighthood for Vice-Chancellor of The University of Nottingham

Linguistics / Literature - Education - 13.06.2014
Chinese Embassy reception celebrates a decade of Nottingham in Ningbo

Pedagogy - Education - 13.06.2014
University of Birmingham academics awarded National Teaching Fellowship

Education - Pedagogy - 12.06.2014
Plymouth University sustainability pioneer awarded prestigious National Teaching Fellowship

Education - 11.06.2014
UCL statement on today's Ofsted report on The UCL Academy
UCL statement on today’s Ofsted report on The UCL Academy
Although we were disappointed by some elements of the Ofsted report for the UCL Academy, we have found the process productive and fully accept the recommendations from the inspection team, which are entirely in line with the Academy's plans.

Education - Law - 10.06.2014
Queen's Birthday Honours recognise UQ alumni
Queen’s Birthday Honours recognise UQ alumni