Four bachelor programmes celebrate Top-rated status in Keuzegids Universiteiten

It is traditionally an exciting moment for universities: the announcement of the results in the Keuzegids Universiteiten. This study guide, which is an important source of information for prospective students, ranks the performance of various programmes at Dutch universities. In the latest edition, published today, four UT programmes can call themselves Top-rated programme: Technology, Liberal Arts and Sciences (ATLAS), Applied Physics, Chemical Science & Engineering and Creative Technology. Of all Dutch universities, UT scores fourth place.

Four Top-rated programmes

ATLAS and Applied Physics were already Top-rated programmes in the previous edition of the Keuzegids. To carry that status, a score of 75 or higher (on a scale of 1’100 ) is required. The programmes scored 83 and 81 points respectively. Chemical Science & Engineering was one point short last year, but now managed to score no less than 80 points. Creative Technology improved spectacularly compared to last year. The programme scored 10 points more and has now achieved 76 points.

Overall ranking

Of all universities, UT scored fourth place. That is one place lower than last year. Because UT scored one point lower on average (64.5 points in 2023 versus 63.5 in 2024), Utrecht University (from 64 to 65 points) just passed UT. At the top of the rankings, WUR and Open University continue to do best.

15 of the 21 UT programmes perform above average (the average of all programmes nationwide is 60); one scores exactly the average, and the rest score just below average. Ten programmes improved their score compared to last year. Just behind Creative Technology (+10), Business Information Technology (+9) and Chemical Science & Engineering (+6) made the most giant leap.

Of all the sub-aspects in the Keuzegids (among other things, the guide looks at programme content, examination and study success), career preparation is rated highest by UT students, with a score of 4.9 on a scale of 1 to 6. Teachers (4.7) and atmosphere (4.6) are also highly rated.

About the Keuzegids Universiteiten

The Keuzegids Universiteiten is published annually in November and contains a comparison of all undergraduate programmes taught at Dutch universities. There is also a Keuzegids for Master programmes, published in spring. The guide contains a variety of data on the various studies, and bases its assessment of study programmes largely on the scores students give their programmes in the annual National Student Survey (NSE). Study success in the first year also weighs into the programmes’ scores.

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