Prof. Jens Haueisen, Head of the Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science at Technische Universität Ilmenau, has been elected to the National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech). With his election, acatech recognizes Haueisen’s special scientific expertise in these areas. The academy advises politicians and society on future issues relating to technology science and technology policy, supports innovation policy development and represents the technological sciences internationally.
"The scientific achievements and reputation of the members are the basis for the Academy’s comprehensive advisory services," explained the National Academy of Science and Engineering after Prof. Jens Haueisen was admitted to the National Academy of Science and Engineering. Prof. Haueisen, Head of the Group of Biomedical Engineering and the Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science at TU Ilmenau, conducts research in the field of measurement and analysis of bioelectrical and biomagnetic data as well as neuro-ophthalmology. He has been a full member of the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities since 2014 and was Chairman of the Board of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering in the Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies VDE until September of this year.
Prof. Jens Haueisen will use his expertise for acatech in the future to advise politics and society on future technology science and technology policy issues and, together with external experts, to promote the transfer of knowledge between science and industry as well as the next generation of technology scientists.
In total, acatech elected 39 new members from the fields of engineering, natural sciences, medicine, humanities and social sciences to the Academy on the basis of their scientific achievements and reputation. acatech President Jan Wörner: "The diversity of the topics of the future is growing and the demands on interdisciplinary cooperation are increasing. In this dynamic environment, the proven expertise of acatech members will ensure and further expand the quality and relevance of acatech’s science-based policy and social advice." acatech currently has over 600 members.
National Academy of Science and Engineering advises policymakers and society on future technology science and technology policy issues, supports innovation policy development and represents the technological sciences at international level. acatech highlights the opportunities and risks of technological developments and works to ensure that ideas lead to innovations and innovations lead to prosperity, welfare and quality of life. The Academy fulfills its advisory mandate from the federal and state governments in an independent, science-based and public interest-oriented manner.