At the KTH Symposium, the director of the U.S. National Science Foundation explains how scientific co-operation with Sweden benefits American research.
Reception and service at central level for international students after arrival at KTH.
For Master's students
For Exchange students
Despite the turbulent economy, almost every graduate of KTH Royal Institute of Technology finds a job within two years. The university’s 2011 Career Report shows that nearly 70 percent of recent grads were in "dream jobs," and one in ten are already in management.
The Career Report asked KTH graduates who received their diplomas in 2008 and 2009 a series of questions about how they have established themselves in the labour market. Despite the fact that the survey group was entering the workforce just as Sweden and much of the Western world entered a deep recession, 94 percent had quickly found employment after graduation.
“It’s very gratifying that our programs match labour market needs so well,” says KTH President Peter Gudmundson. “We’re pleased that we have so much industrial competence to contribute even in tough economic times.
“This report shows clearly that an education from KTH leads to a meaningful job with relevant tasks. We’ve always believed that to be true, but now we have it in black and white,” Professor Gudmundson says.
When KTH discusses long-term partnerships with companies, human resources are almost always a core issue—in boom times and recession alike.
“Companies are extremely keen to hire engineers with degrees from KTH,” says Vice President Margareta Norell Bergendahl, whose responsibilities include strengthening the university’s relationships with industry. “It’s a crucial factor in keeping domestic companies in Sweden.”
KTH has conducted the Career Report survey twice previously, and the responses to key questions have improved significantly over time. One example is that more former students report satisfaction with their opportunities to make business during their time at KTH than in previous years.
“Almost 80 percent say they would choose KTH again over other universities, and that’s a key indicator. Clearly our efforts are paying off, but we can always get better,” says Norell Bergendahl.
KTH has actively pursued a more international focus in recent years, and this is reflected in the survey: some 68 percent of respondents believe that their education is useful in the international market and that a degree from KTH confers high status.
“Both domestic and international alumni recognise that their education has become more attractive on the international labour market. This figure has increased by 9 percent since 2009. International students in particular are bringing this up in the survey,” says Norell Bergendahl.
All graduates from 2008 and 2009, a total of 4146 individuals, were asked to participate in the the survey. The response rate of 46.3 percent corresponds to 1916 individuals.
Katarina Ahlfort