The capital injection will go to the imminent opening and launch of their factory of catalysers and electrodes of last generation of 10.000 metres square in Paterna (Valencia), which will allow Matteco to produce the equivalence of 1 gigawatt (GW) of electrodes a year.
The company will potentiate their productive capacity to attend the crescent demand of their catalysers and electrodes of last generation in the manufacturers of electro catalysers of alkaline technology and AEM (Anion Exchange Membrane) to a global level. Matteco already counts with clients in Europe, North America and Asia.
According to the company, it is provided that the escalation of production of Matteco results in the creation of employment, with the increment of the current personnel of 30 workers to 100 along 2025. At the same time, the funds will contribute to a bigger innovation and optimization of the productive process, as well as the construction of a competitive European industry that leads the transition to a decarbonized economy.
"Matteco represents a successful case of transference of scientific and technological advances from the laboratory to a industrial scale market", comments Gonzalo Abellán, researcher from the Molecular Science Institute (ICMol) from the Universitat de Valčncia, cofounder and CTO of Matteco. The company was born in 2023, as a spin-off from the UV, from the strength union between Zubi Labs, impact venture builder of Zubi Group, and a group of scientifics coming from the research developed in the Science Institute (ICMol) from the UV by the research group led by Gonzalo Abellán.
The close-up of the round of investment A Series and the entrance of new partners just a year after their foundation endorses the big potential of grow of the company inside the ecosystem of clean technologies.
"We take with excitement this new period of grow and climbing with our travel mates that firmly believe in the impact of our investment, so we can together make the most of the potential in the innovation of the materials to resolve the environmental challenges that we live in", points out Iker Marcaide, cofounder and CEO of the company.