Politics Expert Media Group: Clegg V Farage

PEMG launches
PEMG launches

01 Apr 2014

As Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage clash over the record of Vladimir Putin ahead of the pair’s second EU debate, a new facility for journalists is launched by The University of Manchester.

The Liberal Democrat leader claims that the UKIP leader’s praise for the Russian President as the foreign leader he admired most were "utterly grotesque".

Farage, on the other hand, denied taking extremist positions on immigration, saying former BNP members had been banned from joining his party.

Farage and Clegg meet in a second head-to-head debate, broadcast live on BBC Two on the question of the UK’s future in Europe. Their first encounter, was hosted by LBC Radio last week.

As one of the largest and strongest politics departments in the UK, our experts can comment on many of the political debates hitting the news, including the European election campaign.

We cover three broad areas: party politics and polling, Europe and international, and Democracy.

Located on the University’s popular Policy@Manchester website, visit http://www.policy.manchester.a­c.uk/resou­rces/pemg/ to.