Publications and Editions publishes the first translation of philosopher and activist Jane Addams’ ’Democracy and Social Ethics’ into Catalan


In Democracy and Social Ethics (1902), Jane Addams presents a series of examples of the everydayness to illustrate the moral dilemmas of social work carried out by the tenants of Hull-House, the residency with cultural and training centre functions she founded a few years before publishing this book. The philosopher observes the industrial pathologies caused by the acceleration of the capitalist system and the weakness of governmental institutions to deal with it. Reading it now, this book is striking for the historical interest it generates and the candescent contemporaneity of the topics it covers.

The text, translated by Paula Przybylowicz Vidal and Núria Sara Miras Boronat, condenses the broad diversity of interests Addams had in six thematic chapters: charitable work, filial relationships, household adjustment, industrial improvement, educational methods and the policy reform. Moreover, the volume includes an introductive study by Núria Sara Miras, which analyses Jane Addams’ profile with a detailed biography and a review on the fields of action and the philosopher’s work, who was also a social reformer, political activist, feminist leader and a LGTBIQ icon.

This is the last title published in the Filosofia UB collection, in Editions and Publications of the University of Barcelona. Under this collection, led by Josep Montserrat, are original philosophical essays by contemporary authors and translations into Catalan of universal philosophical works. Two of the latest editions have been El món moral. Primera sèrie d’assaigs morals (1936-1939) , by Alexandre Galí, and A propòsit de Hannah Arendt, d’Anna Masó.

Jane Addams (1860-1935) , a North American philosopher and activist, founded the Chicago Hull-House in 1889, a center that was a laboratory for social initiatives and a place for promoting civic values. In 1915, she presided the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, a world association of women against the war. Her commitment to pacifism was recognized with the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931.

Núria Sara Miras Boronat (Tarragona, 1977) is a lecturer of Moral and Political Philosophhy at the University of Barcelona. From 2016 to 2019, she was the co-director of the philosophy festival Barcelona Pensa. She has published several essays on play, feminism and pragmatism, and is the head of the section of thought "Frontisteri" in the magazine Compàs d’amalgama (Publications and Editions of the UB).