Stays abroad: tips and info

You have to be well prepared to study abroad, and the Go International! Fair and
You have to be well prepared to study abroad, and the Go International! Fair and the International Office - Welcome Center helps TU Graz students to do this.
By Lena Neureiter und John Kerry

At the Go International! Fair on 18th October, Exchange Coordinators and students with experience abroad give advice on mobility programmes: for students of TU Graz - also in the context of NAWI Graz.

Article created on: 10.12.2018 Last updated: 21.09.2023

It doesn’t matter whether you’re already planning your semester abroad or if it’s still just a dream, TU Graz’s annual Go International! Fair gives you all the information on European, non-European and worldwide mobility programmes - in presentations or personally at the info booths. Mobility experts from the International Office - Welcome Center and students who have already been abroad in the framework of a mobility programme will be answering your questions and giving individual advice. Also present will be the Welcome Centre, which offers various services and support for international staff and students. In addition, there will be the opportunity to learn more about the activities and opportunities surrounding the Unite! Network.

Planning your stay abroad

If you’re starting to plan your semester abroad, you should first inform yourself about the different mobility programmes and their respective application requirements - for example at the Go International! Fair or on TU4U. What is always necessary is a specific number of ECTS credits - which varies according to your study programme. For most partner universities, a knowledge of English is sufficient, but there are some exceptions to this. For example, in the Erasmus+ mobility programme, basic skills in the national language are necessary in Spain, Portugal, France and Italy. When you have chosen the programme and fulfilled the basic conditions, you have laid the basis for a study year abroad. The team of the International Office - Welcome Center can give you advice on the all-important basic decisions as well as any details. Not only at the Go International! Fair but also outside this at the International House at Lessingstraße 32.

The TU Graz International Blog is also a valuable resource where former outgoing students and study abroad peers give you an insight into their time abroad, along with tips and advice for your own application.

Go International! Fair 2023

At the Study Abroad Fair of TU Graz, separate units on all mobility programmes are offered in addition to a general presentation of the different mobility programmes. Students also have the opportunity to ask questions of the responsible programme coordinators of the International Office - Welcome Center and to receive individual information about stays abroad.

  • Supports exchange students at TU Graz,

  • Offers special support to international degree students and international employees in the form of the Welcome Center ,

    Develops and manages international partnerships and networks and supports the development of joint studies with international partners,

    Go International! Fair 2023

    The Go International! Fair is aimed at all those who have been admitted as regular students to TU Graz or co-registered as part of a NAWI study programme or the joint degree programme Computational Social Systems (CSS) as well as interested staff members of TU Graz.
    Time: 18th October 2023, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
    Location: Inffeldgasse 25/D, 8010 Graz, Austria

    The full programme of the Go International! Fair 2023 is available on the Go International! Fair website.