The meeting -Epistemology in the wild. Performative knowledge and nomadic propagation-, included in the project LASER Talks (Leonard Art Science Evening Rendezvous) and directed by the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), in collaboration with the University of Valencia (UV), will take place this Thursday 8 from June from 19 to 21 hours in La Fàbrica de Hielo in Valencia. Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that studies the foundations and methods of scientific knowledge.
J. Alberto Conejero, graduate in Mathematics from the University of Valencia and now a teacher at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, who researches in Functional Analysis and Operator Theory in Pure Mathematics, will participate in the event, which will be held in Spanish; and the artist and teacher Paz Tornero, professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Granada and expert in the relationships between art, science, digital humanities, technological art and transdisciplinary practice. The meeting will close with the audiovisual performance "Sonic Rituals", by artists Luca Forcucci (sound), Paz Tornero and Jorge Dabaliña (visual) and will be moderated by Luca Forcucci, Guillermo Muñoz and Moisés Mañas.
"Epistemology in the wild. Performative knowledge and nomadic propagation" discusses the encounter between two LASER nodes (Nomad + Valencia). It explores why epistemology in the wild, that which is far from controlled environments, provides very different results from that which remains faithful to a static framework. The figure that gives shape to the LASER Nomad project is that of a living organism and system in permanent development, and the identity of the LASER project is the multiplicity forged through acceptance and difference.
In the words of Luca Forcucci, this epistemology "travels nomadically and spreads in the wild. Using Félix Guattari’s term ecosophy, the main register is the situated environments (the environment), to put in correspondence specific geographical nodes (social relations)". It is with this decomposition, according to Forcucci, where "ideas emerge through the encounter between ancestral and indigenous knowledge and epistemologies and those defended by the global north (human subjectivity)".
The LASER Talks Valencia project is promoted by the Vice-Rectorate of Art, Science, Technology and Society of the UPV, and is co-directed by an interdisciplinary team led by Salomé Cuesta, María José Martínez de Pisón and Moisés Mañas, from the same institution; and Guillermo Muñoz Matutano, researcher at the Materials Sciences Institute (ICMUV) of the University of Valencia and member of the team of the Piratas de la Ciencia association.
Link to the event on the Leonardo .
The LASER Talks program of art and science debates the relationship of these with new radical epistemologies