science wire
Université de Montréal
Results 1 - 50 of 343.
Health - Pharmacology - 18.09.2024
Development of a tool to study new treatments for liver cancer
Sylvain Meloche's team has created a preclinical model to study hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common subtype of liver cancer, in order to develop new targeted therapies. The team led by Sylvain Meloche , Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at UdeM and Director of IRIC's Signalling and Cell Growth Research Unit, has developed a new preclinical model for the study of the most common subtype of liver cancer.
History / Archeology - Campus - 18.09.2024
Université de Montréal decides to keep the name of Pavillon Lionel-Groulx
Pedagogy - Campus - 18.09.2024
Caterina Mamprin: A career driven by a passion for education
Pedagogy - 17.09.2024
Learning from a Caribbean experience
Health - Pharmacology - 11.09.2024
An antidiabetic helps the immune system recognize reservoirs of HIV
Researchers at Université de Montréal's teaching hospital say the discovery could help lessen and even eliminate viral loads in people undergoing antiretroviral therapy.
Health - Campus - 09.09.2024
Making it easier to work
New assistant professor Valérie Hervieux brings her expertise in workplace health and safety to UdeM's School of Industrial Relations.
Health - 04.09.2024
New spiritual care internship now offered in Lausanne
Over the summer, UdeM students learned about new practices and approaches in spiritual care during an intensive internship at Lausanne University Hospital in Switzerland.
Health - Pharmacology - 30.08.2024
Has Quebec entered a new era of drug-related deaths?
For the last decade, people who use drugs in Quebec have been partially sheltered from Canada's drug overdose epidemics. But since 2020, the picture has changed. The contamination of the drug market is now present in Quebec, and what happened in British Columbia and Ontario is now happening here, says expert Sarah Larney.
History / Archeology - Politics - 30.08.2024
Uncovering the story behind the Mongol invasions of Japan
When Japanese samurai repelled the Mongols, their victories were attributed to typhoons whipped up by divine forces.
Psychology - Agronomy / Food Science - 29.08.2024
How to optimize learning?
Back to school! Here are some science-based tips and tricks to improve your retention skills and maximize your chances of a successful semester. Would you like to start the new year off on the right foot and do everything in your power to ensure a successful session? To achieve this, why not use effective means to improve knowledge acquisition, retention and retrieval? Gyslain Giguère, lecturer in Cognitive Processes 1 at the Université de Montréal's Department of Psychology, gives an overview of human attentional and memory processes, and presents ways of exploiting them to promote learning.
Health - Veterinary - 26.08.2024
Hélène Lardé: New veterinary prof comes to the Lower St. Lawrence
History / Archeology - Campus - 14.08.2024
Argilus: Thirty years of archaeological digs and discoveries-and counting!
Social Sciences - Criminology / Forensics - 14.08.2024
Alexandra Zidenberg: Exploring the depths of the human psyche
A new professor in UdeM's School of Criminology, the Toronto native specializes in the psychology of sexual disorders, including zoophilia.
Health - Religions - 12.08.2024
Looking at the pandemic from a religious angle
Sport - 12.08.2024
All the right moves
UdeM PhD candidate Eve Charbonneau explains how her hands-on biomechanics research helped Canadian athlete Sophiane Méthot win a bronze medal at the Paris Olympics.
Music - 08.08.2024
How to write an electronic music score
Digital music professor Nicolas Bernier is developing a method for notating sound textures in electroacoustic performances.
Environment - Architecture - 07.08.2024
Turning landscaping projects green
Shabnam Rahbar is studying 10 major projects to explore ecological landscaping practices in Quebec. There's eco-construction, eco-ethics, eco-neighbourhoods: ecology seems to be top of mind for planning professionals and researchers.
Health - Pharmacology - 07.08.2024
Lifestyle habits can alleviate the effects of cancer treatment in children
Sport - 06.08.2024
Sport: a plus for academic success
Participating in sports helps kids do better in school when they become adults, a new study led by psycho-education professor Linda Pagani suggests.
Social Sciences - History / Archeology - 06.08.2024
On the trail of Indigenous peoples in Outaouais
History / Archeology - Architecture - 05.08.2024
Brainstorming to restore a Franciscan convent
Social Sciences - 05.08.2024
Being there... or not
Social Sciences - History / Archeology - 30.07.2024
UdeM students search for traces of the Mayan past in Guatemala
Seven UdeM anthropology students are in Guatemala working with Professor Christina Halperin to unearth relics of Mayan civilization.
Health - 25.07.2024
Helping our bodies beat the heat
Extreme heat poses serious health risks such as electrolyte imbalance, heart attack and kidney failure. Can our bodies adapt? Periods of extreme heat-even a single day when the thermometer hits 35° C'are associated with increased risk of injury, hospitalization and death. When the body gets too hot, the heart and kidneys don't function properly.
Life Sciences - Environment - 25.07.2024
How do parasitic worms affect the oxygen uptake of sunfish?
Vincent Mélançon is spending the summer at UdeM's biological research station in the Laurentians studying variations in the oxygen consumption of sunfish infected with flatworms.
Environment - Health - 23.07.2024
Wildfires in Ontario and Manitoba affect air quality in Montreal
In 2021, Montreal's air quality was degraded by forest fires burning thousands of kilometres away, a study shows.
Social Sciences - Politics - 22.07.2024
Canadian provinces in open competition for economic immigrants
Professor Catherine Xhardez presents the results of a study of provincial policies to attract, select and, above all, retain economic immigrants.
Health - Social Sciences - 17.07.2024
$750,000 for UdeM’s Clinique Mauve
Open since 2020, the clinic will be able to continue serving migrant and racialized LGBTQIA+ communities thanks to the new funding from Canada's health ministry.
Pharmacology - Health - 11.07.2024
Opioids: a nudge to reduce consumption
When long-term users of prescription opioids in Canada were mailed a brochure encouraging them to cut their dosages, many of them did - and that's a good thing, researchers say.
Agronomy / Food Science - Chemistry - 10.07.2024
’Forever chemicals’ in our food?
Psychology - Health - 10.07.2024
Couple-based therapy to improve sexual desire
A new form of cognitive-behavioural couple therapy may help women diagnosed with sexual desire disorders and reduce the emotional distress associated with it.
Health - Life Sciences - 03.07.2024
Monitor virus progression based on cases of distemper in foxes
Computer Science - 20.06.2024
Hidden humour, the software developer’s secret weapon
Writing software code can be a painstaking and stressful process-and downright boring when the job is repetitive and you're doing it remotely, alone in front of your screen.
Career - 17.06.2024
Canadian-born visible minorities: A blind spot in labour market integration policies
Whether born in Canada or abroad, members of visible minorities are at a disadvantage in the job market, according to a CIRANO report by Professor Brahim Boudarbat.
Health - Pharmacology - 13.06.2024
When do Quebec doctors recommend exercise?
Between 2010 and 2020, Quebec doctors became more likely to recommend physical activity for certain diseases but less likely to prescribe it for primary prevention or for obese patients.
Health - Veterinary - 05.06.2024
What’s the right antibiotic for Fido?
The CHUV has developed a new French-language platform in the Firstline app to help veterinarians and students select antibiotics for cats and dogs.
Research Management - Pedagogy - 03.06.2024
Research data management: Sharing data to advance knowledge
Research data management lets researchers record, use and share research data. It supports the development of new knowledge and replication and validation of research findings.
Environment - Architecture - 31.05.2024
An inclusive, accessible and sustainable future for architecture in Canada
Pharmacology - Health - 29.05.2024
Basic research at IRIC spawns commercial drugs
Astronomy / Space - 28.05.2024
When auditory cues affect body representation and vice versa
Auditory input doesn't provide the body representation system with sufficient information for accurate spatial perception, according to a study conducted by Daniel Paromov from Université de Montréal.
Agronomy / Food Science - Health - 24.05.2024
Agri-food industry tried to influence revamp of Canada’s Food Guide
Canada's food industry used a variety of lobbying strategies between 2016 and 2019 to oppose changes to Canada's Food Guide.
Social Sciences - Media - 16.05.2024
The current state of homophobia, transphobia and biphobia
Professors and researchers Annie Pullen Sansfaçon and Olivier Ferlatte discuss the issues they're interested in and the solutions they see in the current tense social climate.
Health - Transport - 15.05.2024
’I’ve made new friends’
On a closed-off street in front of École Saint-Benoît in Ahuntsic, several hundred kids are free to play after school thanks to a pilot project co-developed at UdeM's School of Public Health.
Psychology - Pharmacology - 09.05.2024
Can virtual reality help ease the end of life?
A UdeM researcher is launching a study to test whether virtual reality can relieve anxiety and pain in palliative care.
Politics - 08.05.2024
Show me your car and I’ll tell you who you vote for
A new UdeM study examines how a person's lifestyle influences our assumptions about their political leanings and how valid those assumptions are. Can we infer a person's voting preferences from their lifestyle choices' Are certain characteristics, such as the type of car you drive or leisure activities, really associated with different political parties' The answer seems to be yes, according to a new study by Catherine Ouellet , a professor in the Department of Political Science at Université de Montréal.
Health - Pharmacology - 06.05.2024
Université de Montréal receives $40 million in funding for innovative projects
Music - 30.04.2024
A piano for smaller hands comes to UdeM
A narrower keyboard on loan from a U.S. company to the Faculty of Music reduces muscle fatigue and provides more comfort and sound control for smaller-handed pianists, typically women.
Campus - Social Sciences - 25.04.2024
Education by and for Black communities
Environment - Social Sciences - 16.04.2024
Helping municipalities cope with flooding
Pedagogy - Career - 15.04.2024
Consulting the public on education in Quebec
Religions - Today
New University of Glasgow research explores how faith shapes conversations on Scotland's constitutional future
New University of Glasgow research explores how faith shapes conversations on Scotland's constitutional future
Astronomy - Today
First data from XRISM space mission provides new perspective on supermassive black holes
First data from XRISM space mission provides new perspective on supermassive black holes
Environment - Today
Energy research funding at Stanford: University takes action in response to findings from reports and student recommendations
Energy research funding at Stanford: University takes action in response to findings from reports and student recommendations
Environment - Sep 19
UCL East bags hat-trick of 'Excellent' certifications for sustainable construction
UCL East bags hat-trick of 'Excellent' certifications for sustainable construction
Politics - Sep 19
Analysis: Growing number of war-weary Ukrainians would reluctantly give up territory to save lives
Analysis: Growing number of war-weary Ukrainians would reluctantly give up territory to save lives
Environment - Sep 19
UCL East bags hattrick of 'Excellent' certifications for sustainable construction
UCL East bags hattrick of 'Excellent' certifications for sustainable construction