news 2022
The Impact of ’We’--New Research Group Looks at the Use of Pronouns
Inequities in medical school research could hinder workforce diversity
Within CUCo, research may fail, as long as it is unusual and educational
Rethinking young women’s working lives
The power of weak ties in gaining new employment
Sacked, demoted, bullied: pregnancy discrimination exposed in Monash University study
Results 1 - 20 of 51.
Career - 22.12.2022
Migrant workers dare not make a case when labor law problems arise
Labor migrants especially in the lowest income groups have more frequent labor disputes than the Dutch working population, but do not dare to file formal cases about them for fear of being fired. Those are the main conclusions in the recently published report "De aanpak van arbeidsrechtelijke problemen onder arbeidsmigranten," which Tilburg researchers Anna Sobczyk-Turek and Jan Cremers collaborated on for the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.
Career - 08.12.2022

We, you, it: everyday, each one of us uses pronouns, but how do we use them when? Now a team of researchers wants to find out and is receiving funding from the German Research Foundation to do so. The group Praktiken der Personenreferenz: Personal-, Indefinitund Demonstrativpronomen im Gebrauch will receive roughly €2 million over a period of 4 years.
Career - 02.12.2022
Why do employers (not) hire people with disabilities?
The three main barriers for employers to hire people with disabilities are ideas about their productivity, expectations of high costs involved and a lack of knowledge about what disabilities entail - according to a literature review by Utrecht University. Although there are policies aimed at encouraging employers to employ more people with disabilities, the results remain limited.
Campus - Career - 30.11.2022
What are the UB students like?
Acadèmic The results of the survey "The students' living and study conditions" have been published.
Career - Economics - 10.11.2022
Paper by Ana Figueiredo published in the Journal of Political Economy
13:27 Publication The paper 'Mismatch Cycles' by Assistant Professor Ana Figueiredo and co-authors Isaac Baley and Robert Ulbricht, has been published in the November issue of the Journal of Political Economy, one of the oldest and most prestigious journals in economics. A novel narrative for the scarring effect of unemployment In their paper, Ana Figueiredo (Erasmus School of Economics) and co-authors Isaac Baley (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and Robert Ulbricht (Boston College) study the cyclical dynamics of skill mismatch and quantify its impact on labour productivity.
Health - Career - 08.11.2022
TURBO-grants for four medical-technical research projects
Four TURBO grants were awarded today to researchers of the University of Twente ( TechMed Centre ) and RadboudUMC for innovative research into medical technology. The grants will enable the researchers to jointly develop their innovative idea and pursue follow-up funding. Treating blood clot formation with microbots Project title: Navigable Active Treatment of Acute Limb Ischemia - NATALI Islam Khalil (UT) en Michiel Warlé (Radboudumc) Peripheral artery disease can cause blood clot formation in the bloodstream, which can lead to ischaemia, (lower) leg amputation, or sometimes even death.
Health - Career - 03.11.2022
The proportion of active or unemployed working men increases among people with addiction to new technologies in the Valencian Community
A study by Marina Cuquerella and Ana M. García, researchers from the Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health of the University of Valencia, investigates the profile of people treat
Health - Career - 26.10.2022

Diversity in the biomedical workforce leads to more research innovation, higher quality work, and more participation in clinical trials by people in underrepresented racial and ethnic groups. But within this workforce, inequities in representation persist. In two new studies, Yale investigators examined factors that can shape biomedical career paths - research experiences, publications, and funding rates - among medical students in the United States.
Career - Economics - 20.10.2022
Greater gender balance across industries key to closing pay gap
WGEA Gender Equity Insights series released today by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) has found Australia's gender pay gap could narrow by a third if a more balanced gender concentration was achieved across all industries and occupations.
Career - Economics - 19.10.2022
Over a third of office workers ’hybrid misfits’
Over a third of office staff are working away from home for more days than they would like, according to new research from the University. Some 39% of office workers are so-called hybrid "misfits" and don't have the right balance of home and office working, the survey funded by the Economic and Social Research Council found.
Career - Social Sciences - 14.10.2022
Workplace supports needed to help victim-survivors of domestic and family violence
Workplace sabotage: New study reveals the workplace supports needed to help victim-survivors of domestic and family violence A shift in thinking is urgently required across Australian workplaces to better recognise the impacts of domestic and family violence (DFV) in the workplace, according to a new study from Monash University.
Career - 11.10.2022

Researchers from TU/e, Wageningen University & Research, Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht come together within the Centre for Unusual Collaborations to seek answers to societal issues from uncommon perspectives. Research is always exceptional, but not always unusual. That is precisely why that extra dimension is sought within CUCo (Centre for Unusual Collaborations), where - as the name suggests - unusual research collaboration takes center stage.
Career - Social Sciences - 10.10.2022
The days of the generalist are gone. Long live the specialist!
In science, specialization pays off - at least when it comes to career impact. That's the finding of a team of researchers who looked specifically at this subject. Is it better to be a generalist or a specialist? Gaétan de Rassenfosse, who holds the Chair of Innovation and IP Policy at EPFL, set about answering this question by digging through data on more than 30,000 biomedical researchers.
Career - Social Sciences - 06.10.2022

New research will examine how women's early experiences of employment shape long-term career paths and reinforce inequalities in the labour market. The project, led by University of Leeds academics and funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), will explore early indications of work inequalities based on gender, and how disadvantages in employment develop over time.
Career - Health - 26.09.2022
Improving workplace injury compensation requires input from vulnerable workers
The study's findings can help workers' compensation systems communicate more effectively with injured workers Understanding the ways in which workers in precarious employment react to work injury and claims processes they see as unfair can help employers, legal representatives, physicians and others respond appropriately, according to a new study.
Career - Economics - 20.09.2022
Small-scale self-employed score worst for well-being
When it comes to well-being at work, self-employed people are often overlooked. In her doctoral study, occupational sociologist Jessie Gevaert investigated working conditions and mental well-being among those working for themselves. She concludes that precarious working conditions among self-employed workers can have serious consequences for their mental well-being.
Social Sciences - Career - 15.09.2022

An experiment using data from 20 million LinkedIn profiles shows how much we rely on people we know less well to land new jobs. If you have a LinkedIn account, your connections probably consist of a core group of people you know well, and a larger set of people you know less well. The latter are what experts call -weak ties.
Career - 08.09.2022

A pilot study by the Monash Business School analysed data from calls to the JobWatch helpline and found pregnant women faced a wide range of discrimination detrimental to their job security and careers. Discrimination occurred during pregnancy, while women were on parental leave and when they tried to re-enter the workforce.
Health - Career - 23.08.2022
Researchers urge caution over increasing non-medical clinical roles in GP practices
The employment of non-medical staff with clinical roles in primary care has been linked to negative impacts on patient satisfaction in a study by University of Manchester researchers. The analysis of 6,296 English general practices between 2015 and 2019 is the most detailed to date exploring the impact on delivery and patients' experience of healthcare of the introduction of new roles including social prescribers, clinical pharmacists, paramedics and physician associates.
Health - Career - 23.08.2022
COVID-19 pandemic fallout worse for women
Researchers from The University of Queensland have found the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia has had a greater financial and psychological impact on women than men. A study conducted by the UQ Business School shows women have experienced more significant impacts on their overall employment, hours of work, domestic labour and mental health and wellbeing.