Using gravitational wave detectors to help solve the biggest mystery in physics and astronomy

Astronomy & Space

Scientists have developed a new way of searching for elusive dark matter, which makes up 85% of all matter in the Universe, using detectors that are meant to observe gravitational waves. The researchers, who were looking for a specific ultra-low-mass form of dark matter, reached a factor 10,000 improvement over previous world-leading results using Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) data from 2019-2020.

’Smart choker’ uses AI to help people with speech impairment to communicate

Computer Science

Researchers have developed a wearable 'smart choker' that uses a combination of flexible electronics and artificial intelligence techniques to allow people with speech impairments to communicate by detecting tiny movements in the throat.

Life Sciences - Sep 13

New process for cells to repair DNA damage

A team of international researchers at the University of Oxford (Oxford) and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), has discovered a new process for repairing damaged DNA that is particularly relevant for patients undergoing colorectal cancer treatments.

Health - Sep 13

Artificial sugars to enhance disease diagnosis and treatment accuracy


Scientists have found a way to create artificial sugars that could lead to better ways to diagnose and treat diseases more accurately than ever before.

Chemistry - Sep 13

New method in the fight against forever chemicals


Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a new way to break down a dangerous subgroup of PFAS known as PFOS. With the help of nanoparticles and ultrasound, piezocatalysis could offer an effective alternative to existing processes in the future.

Life Sciences - Sep 12

A Glimpse into the Chloroplast Workshop

Life Sciences

It takes a lot of helpers to build up the protein complexes required for photosynthesis and to constantly repair them in strong light.

Health - Sep 13

Epilepsy surgery found to reverse cognitive decline in children

There is a significant improvement in the cognition of children who have undergone brain surgery for epilepsy, finds a new study by UCL researchers.

Life Sciences - Sep 13

Swallowing triggers a feeling of elation

Life Sciences

A study carried out at the University of Bonn identifies a control circuit in flies essential for the consumption of food.

Climate-change-triggered landslide caused Earth to vibrate for nine days

Earth Sciences

A landslide in a remote part of Greenland caused a mega-tsunami that sloshed back and forth across a fjord for nine days, generating vibrations throughout Earth, according to a new study involving UCL researchers.

Early dark energy could resolve cosmology’s two biggest puzzles

Astronomy & Space

In the universe's first billion years, this brief and mysterious force could have produced more bright galaxies than theory predicts.

Environment - Sep 12

Sustainable Grain Cultivation with Perennial Wheat


In contrast to annual plants, perennial wheat offers a more diverse microbiome and has a significantly lower impact on soil and environment - as has just been proven by researchers at TU Graz's Institute of Environmental Biotechnology.

Selected Job Offers
Veterinary - 13.09
Leiter/in Forschungsgruppe Equiden Agroscope, Avenches
Environment - 11.09
Assistent*in Forschung und Lehre im Bereich Gebäudetechnik und Energie 50 -100% Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur, Horw (Luzern)
Computer Science - 11.09
Spezialist*in Digitalisierung in der Hochschullehre (80-100%) Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Windisch
Health - 10.09
Chargé.e de cours HES HES-SO Genève, Carouge
Health - 10.09
Maître d’enseignement HES HES-SO Genève
Computer Science - 09.09
Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in für Blockchain in eHealth 70% Hochschule Luzern - Informatik
Architecture - 05.09
Dozent*in Lehre Bachelor Architektur 30 – 40% Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur
Architecture - 05.09
Dozent*in Lehre Bachelor / Master Architektur 30 – 40% Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur
Employers of the Week