news 2022
Results 1 - 20 of 27.
Mathematics - 21.12.2022
A mathematical model shows a global trend towards mutualism between species
A team led by researchers from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) has developed a new mathematical model to study changes in ecological interactions between microbe populations. One of the conclusions they have found is that there is a trend towards mutualism, that is, towards a relationship in which species benefit each other.
Mathematics - 19.12.2022
Designing better algorithms by testing them with hard problems
A new research project led by Luca Gambardella, professor at the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence IDSIA (USI-SUPSI) and Pro-Rector for Innovation and Corporate Relations, has been approved by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) . The study entitled 'Computational methods for integrality gaps analysis' approaches the optimisation of algorithms to deal with complex problems from an innovative and original perspective.
Pharmacology - Mathematics - 12.12.2022
New Research Partnership Supports Early-Career Scientists in the Field of Drug Research
The doctoral program PharMetrX of Freie Universität Berlin and the University of Potsdam welcomes the pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk as new partner PharMetrX - Pharmacometrics & Computational Disease Modelling, an interdisciplinary doctoral program of Freie Universität Berlin and the University of Potsdam, has gained its seventh international partner with the addition of the research-driven pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk.
Health - Mathematics - 28.11.2022
Using math to better treat cancer
Waterloo researchers develop treatment scheduling method to target heterogeneous tumours Researchers at the University of Waterloo have identified a new method for scheduling radiation therapy that could be as much as 22 percent more effective at killing cancer cells than current standard radiation treatment regimens.
Mathematics - Physics - 09.11.2022
The theory of micro-hairs
Tiny hairs on cell walls, so-called -cilia-, can move in unison to pump fluid. Now there finally is a physical theory describing these hairs' movements. They are only very simple structures, but without them we could not survive: Countless tiny hairs (cilia) are found on the outer wall of some cells, for example in our lungs or in our brain.
Mathematics - Computer Science - 08.11.2022
The Mathematics of Separate Things
By Birgit Baustädter Discrete mathematics is so much more than just "the language of computer science", as it is often referred to. But it is not "discrete" in the usual sense. Points are particularly discrete. Discrete mathematics derives from the Latin discernere, which means "to separate". "Discrete mathematics is about delimited or clearly separated objects - such as points, lines or sequences of integers," explains Oswin Aichholzer, a computer scientist at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz).
Environment - Mathematics - 31.10.2022
A better way to tell which species are vulnerable
New analysis takes account of natural fluctuations and predictability to assess which parts of an ecosystem are most threatened by climate change and other disruptions. Wildfires, floods, pollution, and overfishing are among the many disruptions that can change the balance of ecosystems, sometimes endangering the future of entire species.
Mathematics - 27.10.2022
Mathematical link between sociopolitical event and advanced cyberattacks
An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) has created a mathematical model which makes it possible to explain, according to different sociopolitical variables, certain advanced cyberattacks that are usually carried out by States. This is a first step towards the ambitious goal of predicting the occurrence of these cyberattacks.
Mathematics - Social Sciences - 27.10.2022
A new method enables the determination of the dimensionality of complex networks through hyperbolic geometry
Reducing redundant information to find simplifying patterns in data sets and complex networks is a scientific challenge in many knowledge fields. Moreover, detecting the dimensionality of the data is still a hard-to-solve problem. An article published in the journal Nature Communications presents a method to infer the dimensionality of complex networks through the application of hyperbolic geometrics, which capture the complexity of relational structures of the real world in many diverse domains.
Physics - Mathematics - 30.09.2022
Computational shortcut for neural networks
Neural networks are learning algorithms that approximate the solution to a task by training with available data. However, it is usually unclear how exactly they accomplish this. Two young Basel physicists have now derived mathematical expressions that allow one to calculate the optimal solution without training a network.
Life Sciences - Mathematics - 28.09.2022
Better understanding of cellular metabolism with the help of AI
Metabolism is essential to all living organisms, and modeling the chemical reactions that sustain life is no easy task. Now, scientists have released REKINDLE, paving the way for more efficient and accurate modeling of metabolic processes thanks to deep-learning. The way an organism metabolizes nutrients is a complex process.
Physics - Mathematics - 28.07.2022
A key role for quantum entanglement
A method known as quantum key distribution has long held the promise of communication security not possible in conventional cryptography. For the first time, an international team of scientists, including researchers from EPFL, has demonstrated experimentally an approach to quantum key distribution based on high-quality quantum entanglement - offering much broader security guarantees than previous schemes.
Physics - Mathematics - 28.07.2022
Secure cryptography with real-world devices is now a realistic possibility
New research published in Nature explains how an international team of researchers have, for the first time, experimentally implemented a type of quantum cryptography considered to be the 'ultimate', 'bug-proof' means of communication.
Computer Science - Mathematics - 26.07.2022
UC San Diego Computer Scientist Receives Prestigious Simons Investigator Award
Shachar Lovett, an associate professor in UC San Diego's Department of Computer Science and Engineering, has received a Simons Foundation Investigator award, which supports outstanding theoretical scientists in math, physics, astrophysics and computer science. Lovett will receive $100,000 per year over the next five years.
Mathematics - Physics - 13.07.2022
Knots in the resonator: elegant math in humble physics
At the heart of every resonator - be it a cello, a gravitational wave detector, or the antenna in your cell phone - there is a beautiful bit of mathematics that has been heretofore unacknowledged. Yale physicists Jack Harris and Nicholas Read know this because they started finding knots in their data.
Mathematics - Physics - 22.06.2022
As they search for beauty
At its heart, is mathematics an aesthetic discipline? Or what does it mean if someone finds a proof -beautiful- And what does mathematical beauty say about physical connections? To this day, mathematics includes beautiful facts that are also familiar to us in everyday life. The golden ratio, for example, has been revered since antiquity as representing the most aesthetically pleasing proportions.
Astronomy / Space - Mathematics - 24.05.2022
AI reveals unsuspected math underlying search for exoplanets
Artist's concept of a sun-like star (left) and a rocky planet about 60% larger than Earth in orbit in the star's habitable zone. Gravitational microlensing has the ability to detect such planetary systems and determine the masses and orbital distances, even though the planet itself is too dim to be seen.
Life Sciences - Mathematics - 13.05.2022
How cells correct errors under time pressure
How does a cell balance risk and speed when dividing? scientists have developed and experimentally tested the first mathematical theory that describes the cell's best strategy for dividing safely and efficiently. Cells go through a life cycle that includes growing to the right size, being equipped to perform its functions, and finally dividing into two new cells.
Mathematics - Campus - 04.05.2022
Algorithm predicts which students will drop out of Math courses
In the subjects of science and technology, engineering and mathematics - known collectively as STEM subjects - up to 40 percent of students drop out of their studies in the entry phase. A research team from the University of Tübingen's Methods Center at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences has now developed a statistical method that can be used to predict on average eight weeks in advance whether students will terminate their studies.
Life Sciences - Mathematics - 13.04.2022
Enhancer-promoter interactions - distance matters
When and where a gene is transcribed in a living organism often depends on its physical interactions with distal genomic regulatory regions called enhancers. Researchers in the group of Luca Giorgetti have thrown light on how such interactions control transcription thanks to a novel ingenious experimental approach combined with mathematical modelling.