news 2022
Women’s suffrage: better level of education, fewer weddings
How dangerous is digital media for democracy?
Why conflict parties cease fighting
Long-term loss of significance causes voter frustration
New research highlights the Dutch role in Holocaust reparations negotiations
Critical thinking protecting Ukrainians against Russia’s disinformation campaign
Opinion: Stronger democracies have seen fewer excess deaths during COVID
Unpopular leaders punished at the polls in 2022 election
Majorities of both political parties support legal abortion
Results 1 - 20 of 29.
Social Sciences - Politics - 20.12.2022
New report reveals that favourable public opinion towards immigration could have significant impact on immigration policy in the UK
New report reveals that in the past 10 years, public opinion has warmed to immigration which could lead to changes in immigration policy in the UK. A new report published by Professor Robert Ford from the University of Manchester and Marley Morris written for the Institute of Public Policy Research reveals that public attitudes towards immigration have warmed in recent years.
Social Sciences - Politics - 13.12.2022

The introduction of the general right to vote for women in Switzerland contributed significantly to their emancipation. Researchers at the University of Basel have now retrospectively statistically evaluated and quantified the effects on employment, education and the family model. The anonymous petition by women in Zurich demanding women's suffrage in 1868 as part of the constitutional reform had no chance of success, as did many other initiatives to this end.
Politics - 07.11.2022

New systematic review in Nature Human Behaviour summarizes studies conducted worldwide One of the most contentious questions of our time is whether the rapid global uptake of digital media is contributing to a decline in democracy. While discussions on the risks of social media have recently received a great deal of media coverage, tech companies argue that findings are not conclusive.
Politics - 04.11.2022

The path to peace usually leads through a ceasefire. In an international project, researchers have shown the conditions under which parties to civil wars are willing to stop fighting - and why they decide to do so. Abstract Between 1989 and 2020, a total of 2202 ceasefires resulted from 109 civil wars in 66 countries.
Social Sciences - Politics - 02.11.2022

It is primarily the inhabitants of economically isolated places and regions who vote for right-wing populist parties - this is a common thesis explaining the electoral successes of AfD & Co. in Europe. A research team at Friedrich Schiller University in Jena has now found that high AfD vote shares in the last two federal elections can apparently be explained by a long-term decline in a region's relative prosperity.
Politics - 26.10.2022
Voting methods affect group decision-making
When groups of people need to reach a decision, they will often take a straw poll to test opinions before the official vote. New research from the University of Washington shows that one specific voting method proved more effective than others in identifying the best choice. In a study published Sept.
History / Archeology - Politics - 05.09.2022

Historian Lorena De Vita unravels impact of local and global security issues of 1952 In 1952, now 70 years ago, Wassenaar was the scene of a historic breakthrough.
Politics - 31.08.2022
Fairness is crucial for trust in government
With flags hanging upside down all over the country, trust in politics seems to have reached an all-time low. The nitrogen crisis, along with the housing crisis, problems around asylum housing, the settlement of the benefits affair, the Covid-19 crisis and the Groningen earthquake damage, are all major challenges for the government's reputation.
Politics - 12.08.2022
Study debunks rise of conspiracy theories
It seems like reports on followers of conspiracy theories are a constant feature in the news. The latest one: Alex Jones, a radio host and conspiracy theorist-who said that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting of 26 people, including 20 schoolchildren, was a hoax and carried out by actors-was ordered by a Texas jury to pay $45.2 million in punitive damages to the parents of a child who was killed in the massacre.
Politics - 04.08.2022

In disinformation campaigns, like the long-standing pro-Kremlin campaign targeted at Ukraine by the Russian government, who is most at risk of believing false information? A study led by McGill University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) found that Ukrainians who engaged in more analytic thinking were less likely to believe the pro-Kremlin disinformation, even if they were generally pro-Russia.
Politics - 20.07.2022
Zooming across the political divide
Liberals and conservatives can have positive experiences when they talk politics together over Zoom, a UCLA study shows Liberals and conservatives can have positive experiences when they talk politics together over Zoom, a UCLA study shows Conservatives and liberals who spoke one-on-one over Zoom enjoyed the experience and had greater respect for each other's views than they anticipated.
Politics - 19.07.2022
Beliefs about political equality prevent consensus for progressive taxes
The United States and other wealthy democracies during the past century have rarely responded to rising economic inequality by enacting more progressive tax policies, according to a new study co-authored by Yale political scientist Kenneth Scheve. The study, published in the journal Comparative Political Studies , provides evidence that a widespread belief among voters that government should treat all citizens equally regardless of economic advantage or disadvantage helps explain why countries often do not raise tax rates on the rich in response to rising inequality.
Health - Politics - 12.07.2022

Writing in The Conversation, Dr Vageesh Jain (UCL Institute for Global Health) looks at the connection between a country's democratic strength and the success of it's response to Covid-19. Through the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become clear that an effective response to an emergency of this nature goes beyond the health system.
Politics - 23.06.2022

Scott Morrison and Barnaby Joyce were the most unpopular leaders of any party since 1987, new analysis of the 2022 federal election from The Australian National University (ANU) shows. The findings come from the joint ANUpoll/Comparative Study of Electoral Systems survey of more than 3,500 voters, which examined Australians' political attitudes before and after the 21 May vote.
Politics - 23.06.2022
Far-right parties find favor where immigrants, citizens vie for same public housing in Europe
In Europe, far-right parties have emerged as the most vocal defenders of restricting welfare benefits to citizens only. Study: How Distributional Conflict over In-Kind Benefits Generates Support for Far-Right Parties Why do voters find such a policy platform attractive? A new study examines the role played by competition between natives and immigrants over access to social benefits.
Politics - 22.06.2022
In today’s political conflicts, a heart-to-heart talk goes only so far
With the nation bitterly divided over a range of issues, new research co-authored at UC Berkeley finds that easing polarization through brief, cross-partisan dialogue is enormously difficult. (AP photo by Jacquelyn Martin) The premise is simple, and it seems like common sense: If Republicans and Democrats could come together for good faith dialogue, the conversations would reduce tensions and ease the corrosive polarization that threatens U.S. democracy.
Politics - Social Sciences - 16.06.2022
When Parenting Style Predicts Political Leanings
A new study finds parenting styles are a strong indicator for how people think about a wide range of social issues, from education to elder care Parenting style - helicopter parenting (disciplinarian) versus free-range explorer (nurturing) - may be a key to the country's political future. A new study out of Carnegie Mellon University has found a person's parenting style tips their hand to the adoption of future government policies across a wide range of social issues, including education, elder care and medicine.
Politics - 08.06.2022

Regardless of race, ethnicity and even political party preference, two separate UCLA-led surveys reveal that majorities of people in each group support access to legal abortion in the United States. Recent large-scale surveys of voters and non-voters by UCLA political scientists Lorrie Frasure, Matt Barreto, Lynn Vavreck and Chris Tausanovitch took a pulse on a variety of policy issues, including abortion.
Politics - 02.06.2022
Closing gender voting gap in Pakistan requires reaching men
Canvassing campaigns aimed at increasing women's political participation in developing countries with patriarchal gender norms are more likely to succeed when they target men as well as women, according to a new study co-authored by Yale political scientist Sarah Khan.
Politics - Social Sciences - 13.05.2022
From political polarization to affective polarization. How did we get to the current situation?
Mariano Torcal and Josep Maria Comellas, researchers at the UPF Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM), are the authors of an introductory article for a special issue of the jou