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Physics - Mathematics - 28.01.2025
Even Quantum Physics Obeys the Law of Entropy
Even Quantum Physics Obeys the Law of Entropy
Is there a contradiction between quantum theory and thermodynamics? On the surface, yes - but at TU Wien, researchers have now shown how the two fit together perfectly. It is one of the most important laws of nature that we know: The famous second law of thermodynamics says that the world gets more and more disordered, when random chance is at play.

Health - Mathematics - 23.01.2025
Better prediction of epidemics
Better prediction of epidemics
The reproduction number R is often used as an indicator to predict how quickly an infectious disease will spread. researchers have developed a mathematical model that is just as easy to use but enables more accurate predictions than R. Their model is based on a reproduction matrix that takes into account the heterogeneity of society.

Mathematics - Computer Science - 13.01.2025
Math to decipher how machine learning works
Math to decipher how machine learning works
Western researchers have developed a novel technique using math to understand exactly how neural networks make decisions - a widely recognized but poorly understood process in the field of machine learning. Many of today's technologies, from digital assistants like Siri and ChatGPT to medical imaging and self-driving cars, are powered by machine learning.

Mathematics - 09.01.2025
New mathematical model could ensure safer use of AI and help protect privacy
Scientists have developed a new mathematical model to help people understand the risks posed by AI and assist regulators in protecting privacy. AI tools are increasingly being used to track and monitor people both online and in person, posing challenges for anonymity and privacy. For example, AI tools are being trialled to automatically identify individuals from their voices in online banking, their eyes in humanitarian aid delivery, or their faces in law enforcement.

Mathematics - 08.01.2025
Pioneering new mathematical model could help protect privacy and ensure safer use of AI
AI tools are increasingly being used to track and monitor us both online and in-person, yet their effectiveness comes with big risks. Computer scientists at the University of Oxford have led a study to develop a new mathematical model which could help people better understand the risks posed by AI and assist regulators in protecting peoples' privacy.

Life Sciences - Mathematics - 06.12.2024
Love your Neighbor
Love your Neighbor
Helping out your neighbor or minding your own business? A challenging choice with different benefits for each decision. Game theory provides guidance in making such choices - from a theoretical perspective. Novel findings by Jakub Svoboda and Krishnendu Chatterjee at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) reveal new network structures that enhance cooperation throughout a system.

Astronomy / Space - Mathematics - 02.12.2024
New datasets will train AI models to think like scientists
New datasets will train AI models to think like scientists
What can exploding stars teach us about how blood flows through an artery' Or swimming bacteria about how the ocean's layers mix' A collaboration of researchers, including from the University of Cambridge, has reached a milestone toward training artificial intelligence models to find and use transferable knowledge between fields to drive scientific discovery.

Physics - Mathematics - 15.11.2024
A new puzzle piece for string theory research
A new puzzle piece for string theory research
Scientist from the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster proves conjecture from physics String theory aims to explain all fundamental forces and particles in the universe - essentially, how the world operates on the smallest scales. Though it has not yet been experimentally verified, work in string theory has already led to significant advancements in mathematics and theoretical physics.

Innovation - Mathematics - 12.11.2024
Graph-based AI model maps the future of innovation
An AI method developed by Professor Markus Buehler finds hidden links between science and art to suggest novel materials. Imagine using artificial intelligence to compare two seemingly unrelated creations - biological tissue and Beethoven's "Symphony No. 9." At first glance, a living system and a musical masterpiece might appear to have no connection.

Mathematics - Computer Science - 06.11.2024
Hard in Theory, Easy in Practice
Hard in Theory, Easy in Practice
ISTA researchers investigate why graph isomorphism algorithms seem to be so effective Graphs are everywhere. In discrete mathematics, they are structures that show the connections between points, much like a public transportation network. Mathematicians have long sought to develop algorithms that can compare any two graphs.

Mathematics - Earth Sciences - 01.11.2024
Using Mathematics to Better Understand Cause and Effect
Cause and effect. We understand this concept from an early age. Tug on a pull toy's string, and the toy follows. Naturally, things get much more complicated as a system grows, as the number of variables increases, and as noise enters the picture. Eventually, it can become almost impossible to tell whether a variable is causing an effect or is simply correlated or associated with it.

Transport - Mathematics - 04.10.2024
New approach can reduce traffic congestion at no extra cost
New approach can reduce traffic congestion at no extra cost
Engineers at EPFL and ETH Zurich have come up with a new approach for reducing traffic congestion in large cities during rush hour. Their system is designed to be both fair and effective. Rush-hour traffic congestion is a major headache for commuters and a real problem for city planners. Worldwide, a huge amount of time is wasted stuck in traffic.

Mathematics - Computer Science - 02.10.2024
How AI is improving simulations with smarter sampling techniques
MIT CSAIL researchers created an AI-powered method for low-discrepancy sampling, which uniformly distributes data points to boost simulation accuracy. Imagine you're tasked with sending a team of football players onto a field to assess the condition of the grass (a likely task for them, of course). If you pick their positions randomly, they might cluster together in some areas while completely neglecting others.

Mathematics - Computer Science - 26.09.2024
New security protocol shields data from attackers during cloud-based computation
The technique leverages quantum properties of light to guarantee security while preserving the accuracy of a deep-learning model. Deep-learning models are being used in many fields, from health care diagnostics to financial forecasting. However, these models are so computationally intensive that they require the use of powerful cloud-based servers.

Mathematics - Physics - 12.09.2024
Big Algebras: Dictionary of Abstract Math
Big Algebras: Dictionary of Abstract Math
Abstract algebra and algebraic geometry to connect quantum physics with number theory Several fields of mathematics have developed in total isolation, using their own 'undecipherable' coded languages. In a new study published in PNAS , Tamás Hausel, professor of mathematics at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), presents "big algebras," a two-way mathematical 'dictionary' between symmetry, algebra, and geometry, that could strengthen the connection between the distant worlds of quantum physics and number theory.

Physics - Mathematics - 09.09.2024
The counter-intuitive statistics of thermodynamics on a microscopic scale
Publication of the Physics Laboratory in the Physical Review Letters on July 31, 2024. Communication by CNRS Physics on September 2, 2024. Experiments on a classical microscopic system show that, while the second principle of thermodynamics is still valid on average, it can be circumvented experimentally in 95% of cases! A study conducted at the Physics Laboratory of ENS de Lyon, published in Physical Review Letters .

Mathematics - Pedagogy - 30.08.2024
False memories revealing mathematical reasoning
False memories revealing mathematical reasoning
The way we memorise information - a mathematical problem statement, for example - reveals the way we process it. A team from the University of Geneva , in collaboration with CY Cergy Paris University (CYU) and Bourgogne University (uB), has shown how different solving methods can alter the way information is memorised and even create false memories.

Mathematics - Astronomy / Space - 28.08.2024
Mathematicians debunk GPS assumptions
Mathematicians debunk GPS assumptions
In new research, TU/e's Mireille Boutin has obtained major results that help improve GPS technologies using unconventional mathematical techniques. The summer holidays are ending, which for many concludes with a long drive home and reliance on GPS devices to get safely home. But every now and then, GPS devices can suggest strange directions or get briefly confused about your location.

Mechanical Engineering - Mathematics - 21.08.2024
Engineers' new theory could improve the design and operation of wind farms
Engineers’ new theory could improve the design and operation of wind farms
The first comprehensive model of rotor aerodynamics could improve the way turbine blades and wind farms are designed and how wind turbines are controlled. The blades of propellers and wind turbines are designed based on aerodynamics principles that were first described mathematically more than a century ago.

Mathematics - Physics - 06.08.2024
Engineers bring efficient optical neural networks into focus
Engineers bring efficient optical neural networks into focus
Researchers have published a programmable framework that overcomes a key computational bottleneck of optics-based artificial intelligence systems. In a series of image classification experiments, they used scattered light from a low-power laser to perform accurate, scalable computations using a fraction of the energy of electronics.
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