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Media - Health - 23.01.2025
Three out of four Spaniards believe that there should be external monitoring to ensure the quality of journalism on health issues
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) has carried out a study which shows the desire among Spanish society to have mechanisms in place which ensure the veracity of the news they receive through the media on health issues.

Media - Agronomy / Food Science - 15.01.2025
Presentation of breastfeeding in the Austrian media
Presentation of breastfeeding in the Austrian media
A research team from the Medical University of Vienna, the University of Vienna and the Yale School of Public Health has analysed the way breastfeeding and commercial milk formula are presented in more than 2,500 articles in Austrian print and online media over a period of two decades (2002-2022).

Media - Innovation - 09.01.2025
AI finds biased Wikipedia content
Finding hidden biases in Wikipedia's multilingual content New tool analyzes and addresses cultural disparities across language versions, paving the way for more balanced information Cultural and social biases significantly influence Wikipedia's multilingual content, according to a team of researchers that includes a computer scientist from Johns Hopkins University.

Politics - Media - 17.12.2024
Can AI influence election outcomes?
Artificial intelligence (AI) may be a weapon of mass disinformation, but a recent report has demonstrated that its impact thus far has been limited Voters in nearly 100 countries - including Taiwan, the US and Senegal - went to the polls this year, and AI was often used during the election campaigns.

Economics - Media - 15.12.2024
Beemer to Tarjay: Ivey researcher explores brand nicknames
Beemer to Tarjay: Ivey researcher explores brand nicknames
When Bloomingdale's opened its first "Bloomie's- store in 2021, it seemed like a natural evolution. After all, loyal customers had affectionately used the nickname for years. But new research suggests this marketing strategy - known as nickname branding - might actually harm brand performance and customer perception.

Media - Social Sciences - 26.09.2024
Negative body image among teens is a global issue
Negative body image among teens is a global issue
Study: negative body image among teens is a global issue. A new study by University of Waterloo researchers found that the majority of young people on social media were dissatisfied with their bodies. Researchers say this is a global issue. Negative body image, or body dissatisfaction, occurs when a person has persistent negative thoughts and feelings about their body and is associated with poor psychological and physical health, especially in young people, according to similar studies.

Media - 10.09.2024
Social media negatively impacting teens' life satisfaction
Social media negatively impacting teens’ life satisfaction
Social media is negatively impacting the life satisfaction of Australian high school students, according to the latest findings from Australia's largest survey of young people. The study found non-binary students who regularly use social media reported the lowest levels of life satisfaction. Meantime, TikTok, Reddit and Twitch users who identified as male or female all'had lower life satisfaction than those who did not use these platforms.

Media - 09.09.2024
Influencers sway smoking and vaping attitudes in young people
Young people exposed to social media posts by celebrities and influencers who endorse nicotine products are more susceptible to smoking or vaping, University of Queensland research has found. Dr Carmen Lim from UQ's National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research led a study which assessed the survey responses of more than 5,600 young people who didn't smoke or vape, and who used social media in the previous month.

Media - Innovation - 28.08.2024
Large language models can help detect social media bots - but can also make the problem worse
An external study of Twitter in 2022 estimated that between a third and two thirds of accounts on the social media site were bots. And many of these automatons flooding social media are dispatched to sow political polarization, hate, misinformation, propaganda and scams. The ability to sift them out of the online crowds is vital for a safer, more humane (or at least more human) internet.

Computer Science - Media - 12.08.2024
From doom-scrolling to mindfulness
From doom-scrolling to mindfulness
Do you find yourself doom-scrolling, or spending more time than you should consuming negative news on the internet and social media and want to stop? Well, there's now an app for that. Researchers from the University of Waterloo have created Mindful Scroll , a mobile app that helps users transition from doom-scrolling to adding mindfulness into their daily routines.

Media - 01.08.2024
White Western women under greater pressure to look thin
New research by our Psychology department has found that White Western women are less positive about their bodies and feel greater media pressure to be thin than Black Nigerian and Chinese women. The study looked at how age and culture impacts on women's positivity and pride about their bodies and the sociocultural pressures they experience.

Media - Campus - 25.07.2024
Would you pay to quit TikTok and Instagram? You'd be surprised how many would
Would you pay to quit TikTok and Instagram? You’d be surprised how many would
Even though social media is free to use, research found many US university students would pay to quit it - if only they could beat their fear of missing out. Peter Martin Crawford School of Public Policy Social media is a problem for economists. They don't know how to value it. It has long been argued that it ought to be  in the national accounts  as part of gross domestic product.

Media - Career - 03.07.2024
Economist retweets boost visibility, outcomes for doctoral job seekers
Job candidates often seek any advantage to secure employment, and a new study investigates a less-than-typical source: retweets from researchers on social media. The University of Michigan study indicates that when prominent economists retweet job market papers-which are doctoral students' main academic work for job applications-with comments, it significantly boosts visibility and recognition for candidates.

Media - 07.06.2024
Alcohol ads flood young people’s social media
Young Australians are being exposed to an alcohol advertisement on social media every 2 minutes and 43 seconds on average, according to University of Queensland research. PhD candidate Brienna Rutherford from UQ's National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research examined the social media accounts of 125 university students aged 17 to 25, and found they had been exposed to almost 800 alcohol advertisements.

Media - 06.06.2024
How long will the African population continue to grow?
According to the United Nations (UN) population projections, the population of Africa will continue to grow strongly in the course of this century, while on other continents population growth will decline in the near future. New research by Jeroen Smits from Radboud University and Lamar Crombach from ETH Zurich suggests that population growth in Africa might slow down faster than predicted by these projections.

Media - Career - 28.05.2024
Motivating experts to contribute to open content
Study: Motivating Experts to Contribute to Digital Public Goods: A Personalized Field Experiment on Wikipedia ( Getting experts to contribute to open content, such as Wikipedia, is not an easy task as experts often have high demands on their time. But one way to increase expert contributions is to understand what motivates them to contribute, a University of Michigan study shows.

Career - Media - 22.05.2024
Nearly a third of Welsh journalists are considering leaving the sector
A higher proportion of Welsh journalists are considering leaving the profession compared to those from across the UK, new analysis from Cardiff University shows. The study by researchers at the Centre for the Creative Economy, reveals the scale of challenge ahead for the survival and integrity of public interest journalism in Wales.

Media - Linguistics / Literature - 17.05.2024
Orphan articles: the 'dark matter' of Wikipedia
Orphan articles: the ’dark matter’ of Wikipedia
Wikipedia is the largest platform for open and freely accessible knowledge online yet, in a new study, researchers have found that around 15% of the content is effectively invisible to readers browsing within Wikipedia. They have developed a new tool to help overcome this. With 60 million articles in more than 300 language versions, Wikipedia's available content grows continuously at a rate of around 200 thousand new articles each month.

Politics - Media - 07.05.2024
More feelings of misinformation, more news avoidance, U-M study shows
Study: Feeling misinformed' The role of perceived difficulty in evaluating information online in news avoidance and news fatigue As people have more difficulty distinguishing fact from fiction in the United States, they are more likely to feel news fatigue and avoid news altogether, according to a University of Michigan study.

Media - 01.05.2024
Good Move: what do twittering Brussels residents think?
Good Move: what do twittering Brussels residents think?
How big data and AI can help policymakers evaluate mobility projects Following the vehement protests against the Good Move plan, the much-discussed Brussels mobility plan that was implemented in several phases starting in 2019 and shortly thereafter was already discarded by a number of municipalities, scientists from the VUB Data Analytics Lab and the VUB Mobilise research group decided to find out to what extent that negative vibe matched reality.
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