science wire



Results 151 - 200 of 356.

Innovation - Microtechnics - 14.12.2022
Security robotics for Switzerland
Security robotics for Switzerland

Computer Science - Microtechnics - 07.12.2022
An automated way to assemble thousands of objects
A new algorithm for automatic assembly of products is accurate, efficient, and generalizable to a wide range of complex real-world assemblies.

Microtechnics - 07.12.2022
Anticipating a Partner’s Moves
Imagine an industrial robot strong enough to lift an engine block and perceptive enough to safely reposition and rotate that hunk of metal while a human attaches it to the vehicle or bolts on additional parts. Manufacturers such as Ford Motor Company have eyed this potential use of robotics as a way to add flexibility to assembly lines and reduce the need for expensive reconfigurations.

Career - Microtechnics - 30.11.2022
Early career award for pioneering research on soft robotics
Early career award for pioneering research on soft robotics

Microtechnics - Mechanical Engineering - 28.11.2022
Channeling creativity through art and engineering
Recent mechanical engineering alumna Emily Satterfield '22 pursues passions that might seem unrelated but "actually go hand-in-hand.

Microtechnics - Computer Science - 22.11.2022
Manchester AI summit aims to attract experts in advanced engineering and robotics
The University of Manchester is launching a new specialist multi-disciplinary centre to explore developments in smart robotics through the lens of artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous machinery.

Computer Science - Microtechnics - 22.11.2022
Flocks of assembler robots show potential for making larger structures
Flocks of assembler robots show potential for making larger structures
Researchers make progress toward groups of robots that could build almost anything, including buildings, vehicles, and even bigger robots. Researchers at MIT have made significant steps toward creating robots that could practically and economically assemble nearly anything, including things much larger than themselves, from vehicles to buildings to larger robots.

Computer Science - Microtechnics - 17.11.2022
Robots that Can Feel Cloth Layers May One Day Help with Laundry
New research from Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute (RI) can help robots feel layers of cloth rather than relying on computer vision tools to only see it. The work could allow robots to assist people with household tasks like folding laundry. Humans use their senses of sight and touch to grab a glass or pick up a piece of cloth.

Microtechnics - 10.11.2022
Soft joints for robots

Microtechnics - 07.11.2022
Million Prize at International Robot Competition
Million Prize at International Robot Competition

Computer Science - Microtechnics - 02.11.2022
Can robots and AI help address the world's food security issues?
Can robots and AI help address the world’s food security issues?

Microtechnics - 26.10.2022
Science in Motion: Nano-Materials to Make Better Light Sensors

Microtechnics - Environment - 12.10.2022
With morphing limbs, a robot that travels by land and water
Imagine being able to morph your legs into flippers before you jump in the water. Yale researchers have created a robot that accomplishes this feat through a process they dubbed -adaptive morphogenesis. The project is described in the Oct. 12 edition of Nature and is featured on the issue's cover. The robot, ART (Amphibious Robotic Turtle), takes inspiration from water and land turtles, a group whose fossil record spans over 110 million years.

Life Sciences - Microtechnics - 02.10.2022
Wiggling toward bio-inspired machine intelligence
Inspired by jellyfish and octopuses, PhD candidate Juncal Arbelaiz investigates the theoretical underpinnings that will enable systems to more efficiently adapt to their environments.

Microtechnics - 30.09.2022
Carnegie Mellon and Rochester Push Limits of Off-Road Autonomy in DARPA’s RACER Program
Without hands guiding its steering wheel or feet depressing its pedals, an autonomous all-terrain vehicle (ATV) ripped through the high grass across a field, bouncing over rocks and ruts, skirting trees and ditches, and avoiding lakes and steep hillsides.

Computer Science - Microtechnics - 22.09.2022
Soft robots that grip with the right amount of force
Researchers created a system that lets robots effectively use grasped tools with the correct amount of force. Tool use has long been a hallmark of human intelligence, as well as a practical problem to solve for a vast array of robotic applications. But machines are still wonky at exerting just the right amount of force to control tools that aren't rigidly attached to their hands.

Innovation - Microtechnics - 14.09.2022
Global Energy Leaders View Innovation at Mill 19
Energy leaders from around the world attending the inaugural Global Clean Energy Action Forum will see firsthand our region's transformation into a hub of innovation and sustainability.

Microtechnics - Computer Science - 06.09.2022
How are everyday scientific practices influenced by automation and digitalization?
How are everyday scientific practices influenced by automation and digitalization?
Barbara Ribeiro, Robert Meckin, Andrew Balmer and Philip Shapira have published a new paper in Research Policy on the digitalisation paradox of everyday scientific labour.

Microtechnics - 10.08.2022
Spotlight on... Dimitrios Kanoulas
Spotlight on... Dimitrios Kanoulas

Microtechnics - 10.08.2022
Escaping Afghanistan, Judge Basira Qazizada finds an oasis in Berkeley
Listen to  Berkeley Talks episode #148: Learning from nature to design better robots. [Music:  "Silver Lanyard" by Blue Dot Sessions ] Intro:  This is  Berkeley Talks , a   podcast from the Office of Communications and Public Affairs that features lectures and conversations at UC Berkeley.

Computer Science - Microtechnics - 22.07.2022
Robots Learn Household Tasks by Watching Humans
Novel method developed by CMU researchers allows robots to learn in the wild The robot watched as Shikhar Bahl opened the refrigerator door. It recorded his movements, the swing of the door, the location of the refrigerator and more, analyzing this data and readying itself to mimic what Bahl had done.

Computer Science - Microtechnics - 07.07.2022
ROC Aventus and NIPV officially partner in the Centre for Security and Digitalisation

Microtechnics - 06.07.2022
UT drone finished infrastructure monitoring pilots in Spain and Greece

Computer Science - Microtechnics - 22.06.2022
Artificial intelligence and robotics: exchange of ideas between trailblazing actors from industry and research
Artificial intelligence and robotics: exchange of ideas between trailblazing actors from industry and research
From next-gen intelligent systems and smart networks to robot-human interactions: at the second Hightech Summit under the auspices of the munich_i trade fair, scientists and industry experts offered a glimpse at how a future based on robotics and AI could look. Along with researchers from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and such renowned institutions as Imperial College London and Delft University, participants included robotics trailblazers from Boston Dynamics and Berkshire Grey as well as representatives of SAP, Google and Roche.

Microtechnics - Innovation - 07.06.2022
Munich_i and the future of intelligent machines
Munich_i and the future of intelligent machines

Computer Science - Microtechnics - 07.06.2022
Algorithm To Divvy Up Tasks for Human-Robot Teams

Computer Science - Microtechnics - 06.06.2022
New U-M robotics undergraduate program to meet surging demand for roboticists

Environment - Microtechnics - 27.05.2022
Sensor network in the forest to improve forecasts of climate change impacts
The German Research Foundation approves the Collaborative Research Center "ECOSENSE" The German Research Foundation (DFG) will fund the Collaborative Research Center CRC 1537 "ECOSENSE" from July 1, 2022.

Computer Science - Microtechnics - 25.05.2022
Robots Can Learn To Safely Navigate Warehouses
Robots have been working in factories for many years. But given the related safety concerns to the tasks they perform, most operate inside cages or behind safety glass to limit or prevent interaction with humans. In warehouse operations, where goods are continuously sorted and moved, robots can be neither caged nor stationary.

Microtechnics - Innovation - 24.05.2022
A sensor allowing vehicles to detect road conditions is developed

Microtechnics - Computer Science - 23.05.2022
Manchester experts are designing AI-powered machines tough enough to work safely in hostile hotspots
Manchester experts are designing AI-powered machines tough enough to work safely in hostile hotspots
A new generation of smart robots is being developed at The University of Manchester that can be trusted to think and act for themselves in some of the most hazardous places on Earth - and beyond.

Environment - Microtechnics - 19.05.2022
Completing the arc

Astronomy / Space - Microtechnics - 13.05.2022
Building materials and the race to net zero
Building materials and the race to net zero
The robotic explorer GLIMPSE, created at ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich, has made it into the final round of a competition for prospecting resources in space.

Computer Science - Microtechnics - 19.04.2022
Tidying up with the robots
Tidying up with the robots

Computer Science - Microtechnics - 14.04.2022
How to compete with robots
How to compete with robots
Swiss roboticists and economists from EPFL and University of Lausanne developed a method for estimating the probability of jobs being automated by future intelligent robots and suggesting career transitions with lower risks and minimal retraining effort. When it comes to the future of intelligent robots, the first question people ask is often: how many jobs will they make disappear?

Innovation - Microtechnics - 14.04.2022
Waterloo RoboHub helps Avidbots advance robotics innovation

Microtechnics - 08.04.2022
Manchester launches centre to design AI-enhanced robots for real world applications
Manchester launches centre to design AI-enhanced robots for real world applications

Microtechnics - Innovation - 08.04.2022
Innovative applications pave way for golden age of drones
Innovative applications pave way for golden age of drones
A team of Western researchers are leveraging the capabilities of autonomous aerial vehicles, most commonly drones, to deliver innovative, safe and secure methods of data collection for an extensive list of commercial and non-commercial operations. As drone technology rapidly develops and advances, the global level of interest and viability has soared exponentially.

Microtechnics - Computer Science - 06.04.2022
A robot with a gentle touch
A robot with a gentle touch
In order to support people in therapy or in everyday life in the future, machines will have to be capable of feeling and gently touching their human counterparts.

Computer Science - Microtechnics - 29.03.2022
Developing a crowd-friendly robotic wheelchair
Developing a crowd-friendly robotic wheelchair
Robotic wheelchairs may soon be able to move through crowds smoothly and safely. As part of CrowdBot, an project, researchers are exploring the technical, ethical and safety issues related to this kind of technology. The aim of the project is to eventually help the disabled get around more easily. Shoppers at Lausanne's weekly outdoor market may have come across one of EPFL's inventions in the past few weeks - a newfangled device that's part wheelchair, part robot.

Environment - Microtechnics - 18.03.2022
ProteusDrone: A shape-shifting soft drone
ProteusDrone: A shape-shifting soft drone

Microtechnics - Social Sciences - 08.03.2022
Girls of Steel Showcase Projects for U.S. Rep. Mike Doyle

Health - Microtechnics - 18.02.2022
VUB professor receives FWO mandate for work on hearing loss

Microtechnics - Mechanical Engineering - 17.02.2022
Engineering Students to Compete in International Maritime Robot Competition
For the past three months, a team of engineering students at UC San Diego has been adding cameras, LiDAR systems, a hydrophone, and even a drone to a 16-foot seagoing vessel.

Microtechnics - Health - 31.01.2022
TUM healthcare robot GARMI successfully presents trophies
TUM healthcare robot GARMI successfully presents trophies

Computer Science - Microtechnics - 22.12.2021
Robots collect underwater litter
Robots collect underwater litter
Removing litter from oceans and seas is a costly and time-consuming process. As part of a European cooperative project, a team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is developing a robotic system that uses machine learning methods to locate and collect waste under water.

Computer Science - Microtechnics - 08.12.2021
NREC at 25: 25 Technologies That Changed the World
Experts at Carnegie Mellon's National Robotics Engineering Center have been pushing the field of robotics for more than 25 years. NREC partnered with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to develop "ARMOR 1 ," the largest yet of NREC's robots. The robot automates the assembly and placement of large mats along the Mississippi River to prevent erosion and stabilize the vital commercial waterway.

Computer Science - Microtechnics - 19.11.2021
Sense of Touch
Carnegie Mellon University Picking up a blueberry or grape without squishing it isn't hard, but try teaching it to a robot.

Microtechnics - 02.11.2021
Cybathlon 2024 to include the visually impaired and robot aides
Cybathlon 2024 to include the visually impaired and robot aides

Campus - Microtechnics - 27.10.2021
New salad robot serves up fresh meals at SFU's Burnaby campus
New salad robot serves up fresh meals at SFU’s Burnaby campus