science wire
Basilicata University Potenza
Results 1 - 50 of 254.
Innovation - Psychology - 09.01.2025
Conversing with chatbots: what influences trust?
Whether on your bank's website or your telephone provider's help line, interactions between humans and chatbots have become part of our daily lives.
Religions - 19.12.2024

Environment - Innovation - 16.12.2024
It’s worth mixing it up: what combination of policies will lead to a clean energy future?
How can we ensure that as many Swiss households as possible adopt not only solar panels, but also their own battery to store solar energy, a heat pump, and an electric car? Researchers at the Universities of Basel and Geneva have looked into just this question. Climate protection and the energy revolution must continue to make progress, and Swiss households could make a significant contribution to this goal if they would use environmentally friendly technologies such as solar panels, electric vehicles, and heat pumps.
Health - Pharmacology - 10.12.2024
For better leukemia therapies: spin-off Cimeio partners with pharmaceutical company Kyowa Kirin
History / Archeology - 26.11.2024

History / Archeology - Linguistics / Literature - 31.10.2024
From Yiddish to English: How the bagel came to America
Over time, the English language has acquired quite a few Yiddish words, such as bagel. Some are now no longer even recognizable as such.
Health - Computer Science - 10.10.2024
AI-supported dermatology: now for darker skin tones too, thanks to a new data set
In many countries in Africa, up to nine out of ten children suffer from a skin problem, and there are far too few local dermatologists.
Innovation - Life Sciences - 30.09.2024

Linguistics / Literature - Health - 02.09.2024

History / Archeology - 26.08.2024

Switzerland and China have maintained economic relations and cultural contacts for centuries, sometimes during critical periods.
Media - History / Archeology - 22.08.2024

The cultural significance of radio is the subject of the research project "Radiophonic Cultures", the second volume of which was recently published.
History / Archeology - Environment - 10.06.2024

Dense settlement on one side, nature on the other. When space is short, we need to think hard about how to use it.
Health - Pharmacology - 15.05.2024
Personalized medicine with optimum data protection
Psychology - Social Sciences - 08.05.2024
A training program to support young people’s struggle with stress and burden
Whenever a child behaves aggressively at school, a lack of parenting is often assumed. This overlooks the possibility of underlying mental health problems.
Health - Psychology - 10.04.2024
Nursing staff in psychiatric care: satisfied, but overworked
The nursing crisis is on everyone's lips, and creates additional challenges for healthcare staff. A report by the University of Basel shows how satisfied psychiatric nursing staff are with their daily working lives. Irregular working hours, night shifts and overtime: it's not news that nursing is a challenging profession.
Health - Life Sciences - 02.04.2024

The Basel spin-off company Bottneuro is developing a personalized treatment helmet - the Miamind neurostimulator.
Social Sciences - Philosophy - 26.03.2024

History / Archeology - 11.03.2024

Stadt.Geschichte.Basel (City.History.Basel) provides the city of Basel with a new full representation of its own history in a total of ten volumes.
Linguistics / Literature - 29.02.2024
’Giving compliments is a matter of practice’
Health - Pharmacology - 29.02.2024

The diagnosis is followed by despair - then maybe a glimpse of hope. When parents of a child with the genetic disease LAMA2-related muscular dystrophy search around online, one of the things they will encounter is SEAL Therapeutics, a start-up company at the University of Basel.
Linguistics / Literature - Art and Design - 26.02.2024

The first comprehensive biography of Austrian writer Hugo von Hofmannsthal has been published to coincide with the 150th anniversary of his birth.
Health - Pharmacology - 22.02.2024
Collector of unexplained cases
Immunologist Mike Recher sees a wide variety of health problems when he consults on rare immune disorders. Finding the cause requires both technology and lateral thinking. The range of symptoms that can occur when one of the cogs (or, perhaps, cogwheels) in the immune system's machinery gets stuck is enormous - from severe psoriasis to frequent infections to chronic diarrhea.
Health - Pharmacology - 05.02.2024

On December 15, 2023, the World Health Organization officially added noma to the list of neglected tropical diseases, which will make it easier to combat and research this poverty-related disease. The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) and the University of Basel both played a key role in ensuring noma was recognized in this manner.
Life Sciences - 08.01.2024

The animal caretakers at the Department of Biomedicine at the Mattenstrasse site have succeeded in significantly reducing the number of surplus laboratory animals. After helping to devise breeding programs, raising awareness and improving the culture of communication between researchers and the animal facility, the team has now received the Swiss 3RCC Culture of Care Award in recognition of this successful work.
Innovation - Health - 22.11.2023

Economics - Innovation - 31.10.2023
Improving the world à la Silicon Valley
How strongly are the ideas of Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk influencing today's digital economy? An economic sociologist at the University of Basel has analyzed speeches, book contributions and articles from Silicon Valley, demonstrating the emergence of a new spirit of digital capitalism. What justification is there for earning a lot of money? Nineteenth-century Calvinists interpreted economic prosperity as a sign that one was counted among God's chosen.
Law - Transport - 31.10.2023
Improving mobility with data sharing
We provide transport companies with information about our mobility behavior when we use various modes of transportation. Researchers at the University of Basel and two technology and mobility consulting companies have jointly investigated what requirements could be put in place to ensure this mobility data is better utilized.
Politics - 18.10.2023

Economics - 12.10.2023
Investment in the future: making influencers affordable
Influencers with a large following are expensive and usually not interested in promoting unknown brands.
Environment - Administration - 11.07.2023
’Federal systems are experimental spaces for a sustainable state.’
Steps toward sustainability are an important topic for many administrations. How does -sustainabilization- work in the Swiss cantons? Marius Christen and Basil Bornemann from the University of Basel examined this question.
Health - Life Sciences - 26.06.2023
Cell therapy meets the very latest in gene editing: start-up Cimeio joins forces with Prime Medicine
Gentler cell therapies for blood cancer and other serious blood diseases - this is the goal that Cimeio Therapeutics, a University of Basel spin-off, has set itself.
Pharmacology - Health - 30.05.2023

Nanomedicine involves packaging drugs in microscopic particles to make them more effective.
Computer Science - 15.05.2023
Type or swipe? Text input in virtual reality
To date, inputting text in virtual reality has been difficult. Now researchers from the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Basel have discovered a way to make the process easier - by adapting the principle of the swipe keyboard for the VR world. Until now, inputting text in virtual spaces - when searching for a digital exhibition or using a business application, for instance - meant typing in every single letter individually on a virtual keyboard.
Health - 09.05.2023
Resuscitation after a cardiac arrest: The chances for survival are overestimated
With cardiac arrest, the chance of surviving decreases with every minute that passes without blood circulation.
Health - Career - 27.04.2023
Home care organizations need more resources and better networking
The Institute of Nursing Science at the University of Basel has carried out a large-scale study to take the pulse of home care provision in Switzerland. The conclusion: the organizations are delivering good work - but policy decisions need to be made if they are to continue to provide their services in the future.
History / Archeology - 17.04.2023

Microtechnics - Health - 14.03.2023

Georg Rauter develops micro robots as tools for brain surgeons and dentists, and for operations on bones.
History / Archeology - Campus - 12.01.2023

Politics - 15.12.2022

Directors, trustees, Executive Board members: members of Switzerland's Federal Parliament often have other duties in addition to their political office and occupation. Researchers in political science at the University of Basel have investigated how these alliances affect political developments. The interest group ties of politicians are a popular topic for discussion.
Administration - 06.12.2022
Beyond marketing - Are aid organizations with quality seals more trustworthy?
Christmas is a time for donating. As the end of the year approaches, donation requests from various aid organizations tumble in almost daily.
Health - Life Sciences - 30.11.2022
Multiple sclerosis therapy improves gut flora
A medication used to treat MS also has a beneficial effect on the composition of the intestinal flora, according to researchers from the University of Basel and the University Hospital Basel. Conversely, the gut flora also plays a role in which side effects occur during treatment with the medication.
Health - Pharmacology - 09.11.2022

An interdisciplinary research team from the University of Basel and the University Hospital Basel has studied the effects of the Covid-19 booster vaccination on the heart muscle.
Mathematics - 18.10.2022
’GPS, e-banking and more - Euler’s mathematics is modern’
Pedagogy - 18.10.2022

The values that matter most to primary school children are safety and the well-being of others. Teachers, meanwhile, also want to cultivate self-direction - in the same way that the Swiss curriculum aims to do.
Life Sciences - Physics - 12.10.2022

Health - 06.10.2022

Nikon has selected the Department of Biomedicine's microscopy facility as its first -Center of Excellence- in Switzerland.
Pedagogy - Innovation - 06.10.2022
University teaching under Covid: the old hands and the evaders
How did teaching staff cope with the sudden switch to online teaching during the coronavirus pandemic? Researchers from the University of Basel investigated this in collaboration with Eucor - The European Campus.
Health - 04.10.2022

How is the outlook regarding Covid-19 for the coming weeks? Professor Richard Neher at the Biozentrum, University of Basel, who has been studying the evolution of the virus since the pandemic started, answers some pressing questions.
Life Sciences - 19.09.2022

Cilia are small hair-like organelles that extend from cells and perform many functions, including motility and signaling. Researchers have now revealed that cilia have a specialized transport hub at their base, where trains and cargos are assembled for transport throughout the cilia. Since defects in this cilia transport system can lead to e.g. cystic kidneys or blindness, the results published in Science also provide new insights into molecular basis for a variety of diseases.
Health - Life Sciences - 19.09.2022

It has long been proven that daylight has a positive influence on physical and mental health. Nevertheless, this knowledge is still little used in everyday life and in the clinic.
Event - Feb 10
Événement AMIDEX, AMPIRIC Les Actualités de la recherche : conférence de Alfredo BAUTISTA
Événement AMIDEX, AMPIRIC Les Actualités de la recherche : conférence de Alfredo BAUTISTA
Innovation - Feb 10
Focus on artificial intelligence: pioneering projects from the Department of Creative Technologies
Focus on artificial intelligence: pioneering projects from the Department of Creative Technologies
Life Sciences - Feb 10
Less, but more: a new evolutionary scenario marked by massive gene loss and expansion
Less, but more: a new evolutionary scenario marked by massive gene loss and expansion

Linguistics - Feb 10
How Natural Language Processing contributes to society: an interview with Professor Lonneke van der Plas
How Natural Language Processing contributes to society: an interview with Professor Lonneke van der Plas

Economics - Feb 10
Swiss parents prefer savings accounts to investment funds when saving for their children
Swiss parents prefer savings accounts to investment funds when saving for their children

Astronomy - Feb 7
Durham's strengths in space and quantum research focus of German Ambassador's visit
Durham's strengths in space and quantum research focus of German Ambassador's visit
Environment - Feb 7
New Research Highlights the Governance and Ecological Challenges of Mangroves in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
New Research Highlights the Governance and Ecological Challenges of Mangroves in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands