Sussex showcases academic research online
Months of work culminated this week with the launch of Sussex Research Online (SRO), which showcases the University’s research to the external world and contains a record of all research ‘outputs’ by academics at Sussex.
SRO contains information about peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, reports, PhD theses and other publications – providing direct online access to the full text where possible.
Ian Carter, Director of Research and Enterprise, explains: “Making research publicly available in this way can greatly increase dissemination, because it allows anyone with internet access to read the research, rather than just people who work or study at institutions that subscribe to a journal.
“Because SRO makes research outputs easy to find, it can help us raise our profile by showing in one place the research produced at Sussex.”
Academics had previously been accessing an in-house system via Sussex Direct, but that has now reached the end of its useful life. All research that had been added to the Sussex Direct publication system has been transferred to the new service.
SRO is now the source of publication information on campus, and will feed information to other services such as web profiles for academics and reporting for the REF (Research Excellence Framework) 2014.
Sussex Research Online has been developed by IT Services, Research and Enterprise, the Governance Office, the Library and the Web Team.
To browse and search SRO, see
Posted on behalf of: Sussex Research Online
Last updated: Monday, 20 February 2012
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