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Results 201 - 250 of 499.

Philosophy - Religions - 20.07.2017
Prestigious British Academy award for Lancaster Professor

Life Sciences - Philosophy - 19.07.2017
Producing Human-animal hybrid eggs for research not unethical
Scientists should not be prevented from creating human-animal chimeras to produce human eggs for research, according to Dr César Palacios-González , Centre of Medical Law and Ethics in The Dickson Poon School of Law at King's. Writing in the journal Reproductive BioMedicine Online today he examines four of the ethical arguments used against the creation of these chimeras to produce human eggs for research and finds that none of these arguments are ethically strong enough for it to be immoral to use this technique.

Philosophy - Social Sciences - 18.07.2017
"Don’t rely on your holidays to make you happy"
Travel and happiness have a complicated relationship - even the Stoics were aware of this. An interview with philosopher Michael Hampe on the opportunities and risks that come with travelling.

Event - Philosophy - 07.07.2017
University lifts five higher education wards

Life Sciences - Philosophy - 05.07.2017
Penn Professors Lead Call for Ethical Framework for New ’Mind Control’ Technologies
As interventions for mental illnesses and neurological disorders are becoming increasingly powerful, an interdisciplinary group of researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, American University and Duke University are calling for new safeguards to guide treatments and protect patients.

Philosophy - Economics - 23.06.2017
'Programmers should not decide who lives and who dies'
‘Programmers should not decide who lives and who dies’
Research news What and how will tomorrow's self-driving cars be allowed to decide for themselves' Tasked by the German government, an ethics commission has now drawn up guidelines to regulate these questions.

Event - Philosophy - 23.06.2017
Joanna Bryson wins AI ethics award

Philosophy - Career - 12.06.2017
"The Center of the World Is Everywhere"

Philosophy - 07.06.2017
Opinion: Remainer or re-leaver? The philosophical conundrum posed by Brexit
Opinion: Remainer or re-leaver? The philosophical conundrum posed by Brexit
A recent YouGov survey suggests there is increasing agreement that 'Brexit means Brexit'. However, Alfred Moore from theâ?Conspiracy and Democracy Project suspects support is "broad but shallow", and forcing people to change their minds about Brexit poses a danger to democracy.

History / Archeology - Philosophy - 24.05.2017
31 May: Lecture -
31 May: Lecture - "The Inner Liar Paradox - As Logic meets Phenomenology"

Philosophy - Computer Science - 22.05.2017
Stanford professors discuss ethics involving driverless cars
Self-driving technology presents vast ethical challenges and questions. Several professors and interdisciplinary groups at Stanford who are tackling this issue  offer their perspectives on the topic.

Philosophy - 08.05.2017
Kids weigh payoff when choosing whether to deal with the good and the bad
Kids weigh payoff when choosing whether to deal with the good and the bad
Fiveand 6-year-olds won't pay a cost to deal with a do-gooder but - after thinking about it for a bit - are willing to turn down a better deal from a wrongdoer, according to a new Yale-led study published May 4 in the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. The new study, led by Yale graduate student Arber Tasimi in collaboration with Marcia K. Johnson and Karen Wynn, shows children struggle with some of the same moral dilemmas as adults: such as when to jettison self-interest in transactions with others of dubious moral character.

Social Sciences - Philosophy - 26.04.2017
Danks Wins 2017 Andrew Carnegie Fellowship To Explore Trust, Autonomous Technologies
Carnegie Corporation of New York has named Carnegie Mellon University's David Danks a 2017 Andrew Carnegie Fellow.

Environment - Philosophy - 21.04.2017
EU project launches '2.4m competition to create ethical and sustainable wearable technologies and smart textiles
EU project launches ’2.4m competition to create ethical and sustainable wearable technologies and smart textiles
A wearable technology project is offering up to '2.4 million in funding for teams of creatives and technologists to develop the next generation of sustainable wearables and e-textile ideas.

Philosophy - Life Sciences - 17.04.2017
Doris lecturer discusses recipe for moral improvement
On April 12, what would have been professor emeritus of human development John L. Doris? 94th birthday, his son, John M. Doris, delivered the 10th annual John L. Doris Memorial Lecture hosted by the College of Human Ecology's Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research.

Environment - Philosophy - 12.04.2017
Project on the ‘Age of Humans’ to explore human effect on environment
A Divinity School scholar at UChicago will partner with colleagues from three other universities to better understand the impact of climate change from a humanities perspective among other theological, philosophical and religious inquiries.

Philosophy - Health - 03.04.2017
Professor Barbara Prainsack appointed to European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies
The European Commission has appointed Professor Barbara Prainsack, Global Health & Social Medicine, to the European Group on Ethics and Science and New Technologies (EGE).

Social Sciences - Philosophy - 31.03.2017
Two Oxford academics honoured by Academy of Social Sciences

Religions - Philosophy - 28.03.2017
Laurie Zoloth appointed dean of University of Chicago Divinity School
Laurie Zoloth, a leader in the field of religious studies with particular scholarly interest in bioethics and Jewish studies, has been appointed dean of the University of Chicago Divinity School.

Computer Science - Philosophy - 25.03.2017
What morals do intelligent machines have and need?
What morals do intelligent machines have and need?
Sometimes it's the questions, rather than the answers, that show how the world is changing. For example, questions about the moral consequences of machines and computers becoming more intelligent.

Philosophy - 24.03.2017
'Predatory' journal sting operation uncovers seamier side of academic publishing
‘Predatory’ journal sting operation uncovers seamier side of academic publishing
'Predatory' journal sting operation uncovers seamier side of academic publishing An undercover operation by University of Sussex academic Dr Kasia Pisanski involving 360 scientific journals has found that 40 of 120 so-called 'predatory' journals offered a fake, unqualified applicant a position on their editorial board without checking the veracity of her CV, or even that she existed.

Mathematics - Philosophy - 21.03.2017
Predictive policing research gets a boost from £3m grant
Predictive policing research gets a boost from £3m grant
An Imperial mathematician is leading a new five-year program to test and improve predictive policing and tackle other challenges for future cities.

Philosophy - Career - 09.03.2017
'What we're doing when we try to live our lives well'
‘What we’re doing when we try to live our lives well’
Most of us have impulses we try not to indulge: We generally know we should not get too angry, drive too fast, or be unkind to others.

Computer Science - Philosophy - 06.03.2017
Artificial intelligence will change our world, Cornell expert says
When machines took over repetitive physical labor, many humans turned to knowledge-based work. But now machines can do that, too; a group of insurance workers was recently laid off in Japan, displaced by a computer system that can calculate payouts to policyholders.

Philosophy - Administration - 22.02.2017
Enabling children to stretch their thinking skills
Can you change the present to make the future better? This was the question generated, chosen, asked and discussed by years five and six pupils from Armathwaite Community School in the Eden Valley when they visited Lancaster University Politics, Philosophy and Religion Department.

Health - Philosophy - 13.02.2017
Book: Caring Matters Most
YaleNews features works recently or soon to be published by members of the University community. Descriptions are based on material provided by the publishers.

Health - Philosophy - 07.02.2017
AI Ethics Experts Propose Driverless Car Regulations Similar To Drug Approval Process
By Shilo Rea As autonomous systems, such as driverless cars, increasingly perform tasks that previously could only be performed by humans, two artificial intelligence ethics experts at Carnegie Mello

Philosophy - Economics - 09.12.2016
Ethics of Trump’s Self-Serving Bias is Concerning
President-elect Donald Trump has spent his adult life creating and operating a vast business empire.

Philosophy - 01.12.2016
What Is Art?

Philosophy - Event - 01.12.2016
Philosophy in Iran

Health - Philosophy - 01.12.2016
World AIDS Day – Liverpool leads on research to reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV
World AIDS Day – Liverpool leads on research to reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV
Researchers from the University's Institute of Translational Medicine have been awarded approximately £5.8m grant to lead a multinational research consortium that aims to reduce mother to child transmission of HIV.

Social Sciences - Philosophy - 22.11.2016
Lecture Series: 'The Body in the Postmoderne - Between Disembodiment and Body Awareness'
Lecture Series: ‘The Body in the Postmoderne - Between Disembodiment and Body Awareness’

Environment - Philosophy - 21.11.2016
At forum, MIT community tackles tough ethical questions of climate change
At forum, MIT community tackles tough ethical questions of climate change
The ethical challenges presented by climate change and the question of what individuals - and academic institutions like MIT - can do to affect change drew approximately 250 people to Morss Hall at MIT on Thursday, Nov.

Philosophy - Politics - 15.11.2016
Is empathy a luxury in the age of Trump?
The election of Barack Obama marked the emergence of the Tea Party, a radical right-wing movement that challenged the Republican establishment and ultimately fueled the rise of Donald Trump.

Philosophy - 31.10.2016
Sussex philosopher helps midwives communicate the wonder of childbirth
Sussex philosopher helps midwives communicate the wonder of childbirth
Sussex philosopher helps midwives communicate the wonder of childbirth A University of Sussex philosopher has created a training module to help midwives communicate with women and their partners during labour.

Life Sciences - Philosophy - 28.10.2016
The Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body
All animal research at the University is overseen by the Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body (AWERB), which consists of several committees.

Philosophy - Event - 19.10.2016
When philosophy is a way of life
When philosophy is a way of life

Economics - Philosophy - 18.10.2016
Nobel laureate speaks at TUM
Nobel laureate speaks at TUM
Termin American economist Vernon L. Smith will be speaking at TUM about "Adam Smith on Conduct and Rules: Trust Games; Emergence of Property ".

Philosophy - Economics - 14.10.2016
Robert J. Sternberg weighs in on ’What Universities Can Be’
Robert J. Sternberg, professor of human development - with a research program in intelligence, creativity, wisdom, thinking styles, leadership and ethics in Cornell's College of Human Ecology

Mathematics - Philosophy - 11.10.2016
It all adds up: Sundays + Math Mornings = a formula for fun
It all adds up: Sundays + Math Mornings = a formula for fun
The mathematical mind does not take weekends off. It is a way of looking at the world - its shapes, its patterns, its tendencies - that finds expression just as readily on a sleepy Sunday as any other day of the week.

Philosophy - 11.10.2016
’Why do older siblings do better on IQ tests than their younger counterparts?’ Oxford interview questions explained
The University of Oxford has released a set of sample questions from tutors who conduct Oxford s. Students applying for experimental psychology might be asked to speculate why research appears to show older siblings have higher IQs than their younger counterparts, while aspiring doctors might be asked to explain why the death rate from cancer is so much higher in the UK than in the Philippines.

Linguistics / Literature - Philosophy - 07.10.2016
BBC Reith Lecture hosted by the University of Glasgow

Administration - Philosophy - 06.10.2016
Why Psychology Suggests Trump Wont Be Transparent
Transparency has been a buzz word ever since President Barack Obama was criticized for running one of the most secretive administrations ever.

Economics - Philosophy - 03.10.2016
Put planet first, says founder of JoJo Maman Bébé

Computer Science - Philosophy - 28.09.2016
"There will always be a place for humans"
In line with the current Semester Question "How are we living in the digital future?", the philosopher Mark Coeckelbergh addresses with his research the cause and effects of digitisation entering our lives.

Religions - Philosophy - 23.09.2016
Illinois religion professor looks at Jewish theology of protest in new book
Illinois religion professor looks at Jewish theology of protest in new book
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — If God is seen as infallible and morally perfect, how can that view be reconciled with the portrayals of a wrathful God in the Old Testament? The rabbis of ancient Judaism expressed their uncertainty by arguing with God.

Philosophy - Religions - 05.09.2016
University of Glasgow To Host BBC R4 Reith Lecture

Philosophy - 05.09.2016
UCL Academy earns successful Ofsted report
The UCL Academy has achieved 'good' in all key areas in its latest Ofsted inspection and several aspects of the school's work have been identified as outstanding.

Economics - Philosophy - 02.09.2016
Wealth is Not a Reflection of Being "Smart"
Donald Trump's recent resistance to cut ties with his personal businesses suggests that he is unconcerned by the appearance that he may benefit financially from being president of the United States.

Sport - Philosophy - 12.08.2016
Aesthetics over athletics when it comes to women in sport
Men are two to three times more likely than women to be mentioned when it comes to discussing sport and sporting achievement, according to new research by language experts at Cambridge University Press. Women get far less airtime than men and their physical appearance and personal lives are frequently mentioned.