Last job offers
- Health - 6.11
Responsable de la filire 100%HES-SO Genve - Social Sciences - 6.11
Befragungsexperte / Survey Expert (m/w/d) fr unser ForschungszentrumDeutsche Bundesbank - Civil Engineering - 6.11
Professor for Civil Engineering PlanningTechnical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg - Innovation - 5.11
Faculty Position in Strategy and Technology ManagementEPFL - Forensic Science - 5.11
Assistant Professor - Forensic ScienceOntario Tech University - Electroengineering - 1.11
Professor / Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) of Intelligent Embedded Systems: Software-Hardware Co-designETH Zrich - Research Management - 1.11
Professor*in Digitales Bauen - Fokus Zusammenarbeit und Prozessgestaltung (80-100 %)Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW - Education - 1.11
Professor*in Geotechnik (60-100 %)Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW - Innovation - 31.10
Wissenschaftliche:r Assistent:in in Innovative & Digital Finance und/oder Impact Finance 50% (m/w/d)Universitt Liechtenstein - Civil Engineering - 25.10
Lehrbeauftragte*r im Bereich Wasserbau und Naturgefahren 15 - 40%Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur - Economics - 25.10
Wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in (Senior Researcher) 50-100%Kalaidos Fachhochschule AG - Economics - 25.10
Postdoktorand:in 65 % (m/w/d)Universitt Liechtenstein - Social Sciences - 21.10
Professeure assistante en PTC ou Professeure associe en tudes sociales des sciences (STS)UNIL - Facult des SSP - Social Sciences - 21.10
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Or Associate Professor In Science And Technology StudiesUNIL - Facult des SSP - Education - 21.10
Tenure track assistant professor or associate professorship in history of political thoughtUNIL - Facult des SSP - Education - 21.10
Professeure assistante en PTC ou Professeure associe en histoire de la pense politiqueUNIL - Facult des SSP - Education - 21.10
Professeure assistante en PTC ou Professeure associe en sociologie du genre et du sportUNIL - Facult des SSP - Education - 21.10
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor / Associate Professor in sociology of gender and SportUNIL - Facult des SSP - Education - 21.10
Professeure assistante en PTC au rang de Professeure associe en Formation professionnelleUNIL - Facult des SSP - Education - 21.10
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at Associate Professorship in Vocational trainingUNIL - Facult des SSP - Education - 21.10
Professeure assistante en PTC * en histoire de la pense conomiqueUNIL - Facult des SSP - Education - 21.10
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at Associate Professor * in History of Economic ThoughtUNIL - Facult des SSP - Health - 21.10
Assistant-e doctorant-e 80% - 100%HES-SO Genve - Life Sciences - 21.10
Faculty Position in NeuromodulationEPFL - Economics - 17.10
Wissenschaftliche:r Assistent:in 60% (m/w/d)Universitt Liechtenstein - Health - 17.10
3 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende Kompetenzzentrum VersorgungssicherheitBundesamt fr Gesundheit BAG - Research Management - 16.10
Chief Executive OfficerLuxembourg Institute of Science and Technology - Agronomy/Food Science - 16.10
Postdoctorand UE project "DeepHorizon"Agroscope - Health - 15.10
Postdoc Scientist in Clinical Bioinformatics (80-100 %)Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW - Pedagogy - 14.10
Associate Professor of Educational TestingUniversity of Luxembourg