Graduate School in Affective Sciences

WorkplaceGeneva, rue des Battoirs 7, Lake Geneva region, Switzerland
Social Sciences
PositionPhD Program
Occupation rate100%

The National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) for the Affective Sciences is a research network financed by the Swiss government and administered through the Swiss National Science Foundation.

Members of the network are the project leaders of the ten individual research projects. In addition, a number of outstanding researchers in the area of affective sciences are Associates of the Centre. The Leading house is the University of Geneva, which accommodates the management team and a large number of the staff in its “Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives” (CISA).

The graduate school promote an interdisciplinary approach towards affective phenomena, ranging from the neural architecture of emotions to the historical underpinnings of their manifestations, without losing the disciplinary specialization required for a professional career.

The programme of scientific activities that makes up the Graduate School includes:

  • Swiss Affective Science Academy
  • Seminars of the “Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives”
  • Thematic meetings
  • Methodological meetings
  • Applied research seminars
  • Professional skills seminars
  • Meetings "on demand"
  • "Doctoral Students Day"
  • Grants for Other Summer Schools
  • Presentations at international conferences
  • Participation in other Affective Science seminars

Université de Genève
Swiss Center for Affective Sciences
7, rue des Battoirs
1205 Geneva

0041 (0)22 379 98 00